Math Fun

The Italian Book.

Last week I bought a book in Italy. The cashier got hundred Euros and gave me twice as much and five cents more back than my entitlement was. Obviously the cashier had confused the amount in euros with the amount in cents.

How expensive was the book?

n/m – later.

As I said: the amount in cents (euro cents - of course).

The Italian Book


That is false.


I have to convert it to dollars in order to make cents of it… :-"
[tab]Actually, I must be misunderstanding you in some way.

You seem to be saying that you received twice the proper change, x, plus an extra 5 cents. That would be:
received = 2x + .05

But then you say that the cashier confused euros with cents. That would mean that what was received was 100 times what was proper:
2x + .o5 = 100x

And that yields some fraction of a cent as the proper change. So I don’t get what you meant to say.[/tab]

The cashier got hundred euros (for you: dollars :slight_smile: ) and gave me twice as much (back as my entitlement was) and five cents more back than my entitlement was. Obviously the cashier had confused the amount in euros (for you: dollars :slight_smile: ) with the amount in cents (of the change).

Is that supposed to be any different than I described?

Do you mean what you linguistically described, or what you lingusitically and mathematically described or what you mathematically described?

Shall I tell more?

Nah… I’ll just accept that I don’t get what you are saying.

I estimate that the probability that your problem with my task is no pure text comprehension problem is about 90%.

A linguistical hint:
tabAccording to the text the cashier did not confuse one thing with itself.[/tab]
A linguistical-mathematical hint:
tabIf the cashier confuses two things, then they have to be considered as two “things” in a mathematical sense too.[/tab]
A mathematical hint:
tabThere is merely one unknown in your equations.[/tab]
:blush: or :astonished: or :open_mouth: or all ?

entitlement means my change?

I think I got it. Pardon if your hits or james answers already say this is false. I haven’t opened any tabs.

[tab]If book dude cofused the cent amount with the euro amount, that means that the amount of euros he was supposed to get back was 5.
If he was supposed to get 5 and got twice as much, then he got 10euros.

He was supposed to get 5 euros, 10cents, but got 10euros, 5 cents.

Therefore the book cost 94 euros, 90 cents.

Also, no idea why I said 94.80 before. Bot enough coffee i think[/tab]

wait that’s wrong. Not twice as much plus .5
Hold on. He gave me back twice as much total, or twice as many euros?

It means not your change but my change. :laughing:

Entitlements means my change, thus the money I would have got back from her (it was a woman), if she had not miscounted it, and “miscounted” means in this case: confused euro with cent.

(1) The information in the first tab (with the linguistical hint) is not very much more than in the original text, because the main problem with the task in it is mostly not a language (text understanding, translation and so on) problem. So the problem James and you seem to have with my task is probably (I estimated a probability of 90%) no language problem. (2) The information in the second tab (with the linguistical-mathematical hint) is already a key, because the main problem with the said task is the conversion / transformation from a linguistic text into a mathematic “text” (equations and so on). (3) And the information in the third tab (with the mathematical hint) contains already a reference to the first mathematic step in order to attain the whole solution of the task.


No. Let me say: If you mean it as your own example, then you are right - of course -, but my story is more complicated than that example. So you are on the wrong way. Please read my text one more time.

No. Let me say: If you mean it as your own example, then you are right - of course -, but if you referred it to my story, then it would be false. Again: My example is more complicated than your example. So you are on the wrong way. Please read my text one more time.

No. Let me say: According to your example, but not according to my example. So you are on the wrong way. Please read my text one more time.

If that was right, then coffee would help, because in that example you have at least considered the 5 cents.

Yes. That is wrong.

Again: The “he” was a woman, and she gave me (not you :slight_smile: ) twice as much (back as my entitlement [for you: change] was) and five cents more back than my entitlement was. … Comprende?[/tab]
Good luck!

Carleas, listen to the first minute of this guy. He is explaining what my objection was as it applies to all theories (or in our case puzzle-resolutions). The rest is crap, but…


Arminius, I think we need examples of the kind of exchanges and mis-exchanges that you are trying to say are taking place in that puzzle. For example, if you were supposed to get 50.25 euros back but she made that mistake of confusing euros with cents, how much would you have gotten back?

As I said several times: she made that mistake of confusing euros (for you: dollars) with cents. So now I respond to your example you just made: If I was supposed to get 50.25 euros back but she made the mistake of confusing euros with cents, then I would have gotten back 25.50 euros. Of course! Duh! 25 euros instead of 25 cents and 50 cents instead of 50 euros. Duh!

So to clarify (remove the ambiguity):
The confusion has been that you meant to say that she got only the cents portion of the change confused with euros and the euros portion confused with cents.

And that you should consider euros to be a thing, and cents to be another thing, and not as cents being fractions of an euro.