a new understanding of today, time and space.

After some thought, I seriously doubt there is a real defense of capitalism.
Now some might say, It created the greatest country on earth, but that is just
confusion on cause and effect and an understanding on what criteria one would
use to call America the greatest country on earth… capitalism allowed us to buy
stuff? Is that a defense of capitalism? I don’t see any advantage of capitalism over
any other economic system. Now one argument might be, well the soviet union fell
and that proves the superiority of capitalism. Now that assumes that the old soviet union
was a socialist society and that is not true. The soviet union was a dictatorship from Lenin
on through and had nothing to do with the socialism that Marx talked about.
The failure of capitalism is clear and obvious to any who look. We have millions
who live in poverty. We have a shrinking and soon to be dead middle class,
we have massive debt and no real way to pay that debt. The only ones for whom capitalism
works is the owners of the means of production as Marx noted. Less than 10% of the population
owns 90% of the wealth in this country. That is not a success by any standard that would make
sense. Capitalism has failed, pure and simple. the question to ask is can we save this mess from
becoming a real disaster?


If you are like me, you are busy. right now, I am doing laundry while I write all the while
thinking about what is for breakfast. In a bit, I have stuff to do that will take some time.
Like doing the dishes, cleaning out the cat water dish, cleaning kitty litter, then later on
I have to go to work for a few hours. I am kept busy, but do I ever actually stop what I am doing
and just think. What is the point of all this? Suddenly that abyss that lies hidden beneath our
feet becomes visible. do I have the courage to stare into that which frightens all people. is this it?
I am 56 years old. is this it? doing mindless chores while waiting for…
I have roughly 20 years to live (according to latest stats.) Are those 20 years just more of the same?
Even at this age, I have a marked reluctance to leave the house. I just want to stay home and
tend to my stuff. I really only leave the house when I have to. I am not complaining about the day to
day shit, but the long and winding road until death. IS this it? I have done all the things of youth
that seemed fun at the time but now…? What I am doing is finding meaning all the while looking into
the abyss. That emptiness that exposes our lives for the lie it is. Kierkegaard would suggest to take a leap
of faith into that abyss. However I lack the faith because I am a man of reason and we don’t take leaps of
faith. is this some sort of crisis of faith or of middle age? Not at all! just an understanding of the
shaky ground we build our lives upon. We build elaborate lies that suggest our lives, our social order
is built upon firm and solid ground all the while ignoring that which lies beneath our feet. Once I saw
a t-shirt that said “if you are on thin ice, you might as well be dancing” At my age, the only dancing I do,
is to avoid stepping on the cats and it ain’t pretty. And after all this, what conclusions have I reached?
I am a terrible dancer… and not much else, but that is the nature of reflections on the abyss.
(good title for a book, I hereby claim that title for my next book) so now the rest of the day is full of cleaning
and making the world safe for kitty cats in my household. And I am still left with the question, is this it?


Knowledge. Where would I find it?
I have thousands of books and in those books lie knowledge of all types. Philosophical knowledge and
historical knowledge and economic knowledge and knowledge of the human condition in books like
“War and Peace” and “St. Petersburg” (one of the 4 best fiction books written in the 20th century)
“The education of Henry Adams” voted the best non fiction book written in English in the 20th century.
And books on evolution and physics and chemistry and chess and travel books. 4000 plus books.

I have a computer that can lead me to even more books online and web sites (and some without an X or porn
in the title but even those sites can lead to knowledge) I have a TV set and Netflix and hula and all the
information available on the TV and I have a radio and all the knowledge there and yet with all these resources
available to me, I am sure I can find knowledge but I am not sure I can find wisdom. Is wisdom and
knowledge connected? Less and less I find people with knowledge. Quite often, I am the person
in the room with the most “knowledge” which we can equate with facts, but does that make me the wisest
person in the room? I have found with age comes a wisdom of sorts, but is it the “right” wisdom?
Well one has to ask, what is the goal of the wisdom? What is the purpose of having the wisdom?
Is wisdom for me or should I share my “wisdom” with the young ones. Knowledge and wisdom?
What is the relationship between the two?


the other day, I wrote about wisdom and knowledge and what is the connection
between the two. We have hundreds of books that go into knowledge and what
knowledge is and how we can be certain about our knowledge. But few if any books on
wisdom. How does one become wise? Socrates felt he had wisdom because he at least
knew he wasn’t wise whereas the others in Athens thought they were wise and they were not.
but if you think about that, it is a very particular wisdom. You are wise because you know
you are not wise. Facts/knowledge doesn’t have this problem. You either have facts or you don’t.
The earth is 93 million miles from the sun. but this “fact” is really not a fact because the 93 million
miles is more of a mean rather than an actual set in stone fact. we circle the sun not in a perfect
circle but an imperfect circle where sometime we are 92 million miles from the sun and sometimes
we are 94 or more million miles from the sun. this so called fact is really more of a approximation
than an actual number. Facts are like that, more of an approximation rather then a true or real figure.
Is wisdom like facts? Not really a set in stone figure but rather an approximation?
How am I too know if I am wise? I guess that is the question for the day. I work with a bunch of kids,
mostly baggers, and I know I have greater information than they do, but that is a function of age.
I am older then several of the baggers parents. I have the wisdom of age, but a lot of people have that
and yet, with that said, I see people who are older than me hold dubious idea’s. for example,
a lot of older people 60’s and 70’s love Donald trump stand on immigration. A rather stupid and
a very damaging idea to America if it was ever enacted. So I cannot fully attribute wisdom to
older people because they clearly favor an idea that will seriously damage America. Goethe once
said, he thought he was wiser at age 20 than he was at age 70. I am not actually sure if he meant it or
if he was joking. Was I wiser at age 20 than now at age 56? that is a no and hell no. So how would I know
if I was wise or not? It would depend on what you mean by wise I guess.

I doubt. I have no real certainty about anything. that doubt, that uncertainty is a wisdom of sorts.
So I have the wisdom of doubts. A rather strange wisdom, but maybe wisdom is strange. If you
feel you have it, you don’t and if you don’t feel you have it, you have it.


My wife has a common problem which is when faced with a problem, she panics.
Like in cleaning the kitchen, she see’s the mess and she get overwhelmed and doesn’t
know how to get started. When she freaks like this, she just get’s overwhelmed and she
just stops. Just stops. Instead of breaking the problem down into smaller pieces, like
instead of looking at the whole thing, look at one aspect of the problem which might just
doing the dishes. than without looking at any other part, clean the floor, then maybe clean the
counters. Break the problem down into smaller more doable pieces.

We, America is like my wife. We see a whole lot of problems and because they seem so big,
we panic. We need to break down the problem into smaller pieces. If we did that, we wouldn’t be so
overwhelmed. We have several problems but if we break them down into smaller pieces, something
interesting becomes noticeable. Take immigration for example. We have people in our country, illegally,
I will grant you but how do we deal with it? the Donald, in a remarkably stupid response, says let us
deport everyone who isn’t an American. this answer belongs in the hall of fame for answers that
will set a country back in more ways than you can imagine. Deporting everyone who isn’t an American
will destroy the American economy, cause food prices to absolutely rocket upwards, decimate entire
industries. It is a solution that would create far more problems than it would solve. the point of a solution
is to have less problems than more problems.

But to look at the bigger picture, we can categorize our problems into environment, economy,
defense/safety and resources. Environment can be climate and pollution for example.
Economy can be jobs, economic growth, standard of living, that sort of thing. Defense/safety
can be, how do we protect ourselves. Resources can be such things as water, oil, land.
Is that list, THE LIST? Hardly, the list can be made and remade in a dozen of different ways.
But that is a list of issues and will give us some idea of what we are facing. Now the big
brick in the wall is simple, how do we find solutions to all these problems?

I must admit it is hard to find solutions that seem to cover all the area’s that need to be solved.
Until, I broke down the list of issues and reduced the issue’s to a couple of points. then the
answer became obvious. It has two aspects and involves EVERY single human on earth as every
single problem I listed affects every single human on earth. Finding the answers to our problems
is really every person on earth problem. Take pollution for example, it affects every single person on earth.
It is not isolated to just California or America or north America, or even the western hemisphere, no,
every single country on earth and everyone on earth faces this problem. so what is the solution?

The answer becomes obvious if you break down the problem. think about it. I shall give
my answer in a few days.


As I am waiting for the wife, I shall go over the first answer to my question.
What is the solution for our myriad of problems like pollution, resources, environment/climate,
to name just a few. The first thing to recognize is that if we fail to solve these problems,
we will have a major, major problem on our hands in a few short years. We cannot engage in
what I call magical thinking which is we believe that somehow a person, idea, science or god,
will somehow magically solve our problems. We don’t have to address the climate issue, for example,
because someone, god or science will solve the problem before it gets too severe. That is magical
thinking at its best. this magical thinking is a real danger because people actually believe that
some magic will somehow save us. this is nothing more than putting our heads in the sand and
hope somehow it all turns out ok. That is the path to failure and species extinction. We cannot succumb
to this magical feeling. We must act as if no one is coming to save us and we only have ourselves
to depend on to find a solution.

Now if you look at problems like resources, environment/climate, pollution. They have a common
theme which is they are driven by population. The greater the population, the greater the problem.
So the first aspect must be, we need to reduce the population. This means in terms of practical
actions, we must not only allow abortions but we need to encourage them. We need to push birth
control to everyone on earth. We cannot allow outdated religious concepts to raise the population
to dangerous levels. With each mouth to feed, we put pressure on resources like food and water,
to name a few and with every person, we increase the pollution on earth. We need to understand
we live on a finite planet with finite resources. We cannot and must not have ideologies that
encourage infinite use of resources like capitalism. The concept that he who dies with the most toys
wins, can no longer be accepted. So along with population control, we must have ideologies that
put a limit on our resources use. No more magical thinking. To survive, we must engage in
a realistic approach to what our future needs to look like. That can only happen when we
take seriously the need to address our future. So, we have three steps we can take, population
control, changing ideologies and taking our future seriously. But this is only half the battle,
we have a far harder task needed to ensure our future and that will be addressed tomorrow.


Now the first part of my answer is what I referenced in my latest piece which is magical thinking.
People engage in magical thinking with regards to such things as god and how we are going to
solve our problems. A belief in god is no different then a child’s belief in Santa Claus or the
Easter bunny. To believe that there is a personal god who love you and want’s you to go to heaven
is magical thinking. It has no basis in facts and hurts you and society in several different ways.
First of all, it allows one to escape responsibility from one’s actions. It’s ok if I kill someone because
all I have to do is accept belief in god and I am going to heaven regardless of any past actions I
have taken. You are escaping responsibility for your actions. Secondly, if god has a plan for you
as many believe, than you are not responsible for your actions as god has already decreed what
you will do and so you once again escape responsibility for your actions. this magical thinking
extends into people thought as in god will provide for us and god will protect me. this is no different
than children believing in Santa Claus or children believing in such magical things. It is time
for children to grow up and it is time for us to grow up. this magical thinking is a sign that
you are engaging in childish thinking. It is time for us to act like adults and discard this
magical thinking. I liken it to being a parent. I am a parent. As a parent, you cannot have
magical thinking whereas you believe if you trust god, you and your child will get fed, house,
clothing. It doesn’t work that way. If you want to fed your children, you have to work for it.
Magical thinking isn’t going to take care of your child, hard work and adult thinking and behavior
will take care of your child. So we must act not only like adults but we must begin to act
like parents. My mom made many sacrifices for her children and acted with her children best
interest in mind even if it collided with her best interests. There was no magical thinking involved,
only hard work and putting her children first. That adult/parent thinking is what we need now.
We must put our own personal interest aside and act for the betterment of future generations
and of the earth. We are the adults/parents and we need to act like it. We don’t have the
luxury of magical thinking. Is it hard and thankless work, yes. No one notices if you
behave and act like an adult because that is what is expected of adults. An adult puts
their own interest aside if it collides with the betterment of the children and the betterment
of society and the betterment of the earth, because that is what adults do.
My wife and I are going to Europe next May, but we haven’t abandon our responsibilities to
our daughter or our responsibilities to our jobs or our responsibilities to society. We
take care of our stuff and then we get to go to Europe. Responsibilities come first when
you are an adult/parent. It is part of what we signed up for as adults/parents. It is not fun,
it is not glamorous, you don’t get any glory or recognition and it is hard work. But that is
what being an adult/parent is and always will be. We no longer can afford to hold
magical beliefs and thinking. It is time to grow up. Adulthood beckons and we must answer.
No more magical thinking.


As if you had the slightest idea of what was either true, good for society, or mature.

K: it is easy to take shots from the dark, so tell us what is true, good for society or mature?


Clarify, Verify, Instill, and Reinforce the Perception of Hopes and Threats unto Anentropic Harmony

K: I am just going to wait for the English translation.


As I still haven’t heard from James about an English translation for what he wrote, I shall continue on.

So I touched on magical thinking as being part of the problem, I shall go on to the next aspect
which is the solution will come from each and every single one of us. by that I mean, each
and every one is part of the solution. by being the adult, taking responsibility for our own actions,
we set the stage for our solutions. If I clean up after myself and you clean up after yourself,
we will have a cleaner world and if everyone cleans up after themselves, the world will be cleaner
It is this individual aspect of doing the right thing that will help us get to solutions. I hear several
objections. Well, what about those other people (implying you are not part of the problem when in
fact, if you are not being an adult, you are part of the problem) If you are worried about other people,
then you are not focusing on what you need to do. You cannot control other people, you can only control
yourself, so do so.

I have been reading a lot of history lately as part of my investigations of philosophy
and I have really begun to notice the role of ego in our actions and lives. The age of Hellenism
from the death of Alexander to the triumph of Christianity is an age of ego and ego driven
attempts to increase a man’s power or a cities power or a empire’s power, status, wealth.
So many of our actions are ego driven. The history of the wars of mankind is driven by ego
and the pursuit of something that isn’t mine. The history of mankind is the history of ego driven
events and this pursuit driven by ego isn’t limited to just events of history. you can see it
everyday in everyway by the Donald’s presidential run to the wars of George bush jr, to the
cops killing innocent people because of ego. We are in an age of ego driven people who drive
events because they see nothing beyond their own ego. I work in a supermarket and I see
managers driven by ego to actions that make no sense outside of being ego driven.

Our very world is driven by ego driven maniacs who cannot see past their own ego’s.
So this is the second brick in the wall, how ego’s drive our behaviors and beliefs. So you
people engaged in magical thinking with out of control ego’s. This is the recipe for disaster
that we see right now. Ego’s and magical thinking combine to create many of our problems of
today. to find solutions we need less ego and less magical thinking.

tomorrow will have more.


Onwards and upwards.

The steps to start helping the world and yourself begins simply enough, recognizing
that there is a problem. Climate change is a problem regardless how you personally feel
about it. Income inequality is a problem whether or not you see it. the sheer number of
humans is a problem. Too many put their head in the sand and deny, deny and deny some more.
Denial is not and cannot be solution to anything. If the doctor told you, you had cancer.
Would the proper response be denial? Naw, the doctor doesn’t know what he is talking about or
saying, it isn’t possible because I feel great. Who would be so irresponsible as to ignore
a well trained doctor because it is inconvenient or doesn’t fit into our own personal narrative.
I can’t have cancer because I have a party to go to or my family needs me. We have not only
personal problem but we have larger scale problems and those larger scale problem needs solutions.
And those problems must first be recognized before they can be solved. So the first step is to
recognize we have problems and then we can begin the process of solving those problems.

The second step is to take responsibility for those problems even if you had nothing to do with
their creation. I think this is why people find denial a better solution than solving a problem.
They don’t want to be responsible for problems. Which leads us to

the third step which is growing up. Be an adult. Growing up means no more magical thinking,
no more hoping the problems will go away on their own, no more wishful thinking.
The issues of our day won’t go away or vanish because we wish them to. Our problems
for better or worse, are our problems. We didn’t ask for them and we don’t want them, but
as a responsible adult, it is our lot to take a stand and be responsible for what has happened.

This is helped by an recognition of the reality of our existence. We live in a finite universe
with finite resources. That is the bottom line and no amount of wishing or denial is going to
change that. we must deal with the reality of our situation as adults. NO MAGICAL THINKING.
The next step is ego. We make so many decisions based on ego and not on the reality of the
situation. Donald Trump is ego incarnate. You can see ego driven decisions watching him or
seeing the disasters left by bush Jr. which was all about ego. Invading Iraq was not about anything
more than ego let free and we are going to be paying for that ego driven mess for decades.
So many blunders are about ego. World war one and two are both ego driven wars. The ego’s
of Hitler and Stalin in WW2. Vietnam was also an ego driven war. We must be aware and
cognizant of our ego and our decisions.

And the next step? the next post.


Ok, the next step is a vision. We need a vision of where we are and where we
are going. Having a vision/plan of where we need to be is not just about “world peace”
or “having enough money to live on” or “ending world hunger” that is not a plan or a vision,
those are really just greeting cards. No, a vision/plan of where we need to be, must
be aware of past, present and future. We must become aware of our place in evolution and
in the universe. It takes an understanding and acceptance of the fact we have problems and
an awareness of where we want to be. The step that is needed is to create a plan that takes
us from the present (the problem) to the future (a solution). We can achieve this
by changing our viewpoint from an ant to an eagle. By that I mean, we tend to look at problems
like an ant. We are the ant and the issues look like immense issues because we are looking
at the ground, at close distance. To gain some distance, some perspective, we must look
at our selves and our problems from a bird’s eye view. Look at things not just from a limited
time period, but at a longer time frame. We must think in terms of not just days or weeks or months
but in terms of years and decades and centuries. What is our place in not only space but in terms of
time. What is required is a shift in how we look at ourselves and our world. Having a vision which
takes into account this new viewpoint is important. So many plans and idea’s are rooted into
a short time frame or a short vision of space. We must expand our vision to include past, present
and future and to include space and material and humanity. A bird’s eye view of where we are and
where we need to be.


I believe what people fail to understand is we have two tracks for which we
are responsible for. The first track is the evolution species track and the second track
is the personal one. Our first and main function is the first track which is the survival
and perpetuation of the species. That comes first because a look at nature of which we
are part of, says that the only goal of nature is the continuation of the species.
There is no other goal of nature. It is not to be happy or to avoid pain or to find money
or to be wise or witty or smart. The only goal of nature is the survival of the species.
That’s it and our focus must be on that first goal of nature for we are of, lock, stock and
barrel, of nature. All analysis of humans and life and philosophy must begin there. that
we are nature, born and bred. the second track of our lives is the personal one. The one that
says we find our personal goals and fulfill them. We may decide that the pursuit of money
is our own personal goal but that personal goal cannot and must not supersede the primary
function of humans which is the perpetuation and continuation of the our species.
In our drive for money, we have forgotten the primary goal of humans. In our quest to
fulfill ego, we have forsaken the only aspect of nature we must fulfill which is the survival
of the species. We are dependent on earth and its creatures to survive which is why we
must aid in earth survival and continuation. We cannot put our needs ahead of the survival
of the earth because that path leads to the failure of continuation of the species.
so we have several tracks we must follow if we are to go on as a species.

One: understand we are of earth and for us to survive, we must take care of the earth like
our species, our lives depend on it because our species and lives do depend on a working and
functioning earth.

Two: We must take responsibility for actions taken, regardless of who took those actions.
We are responsible for the earth regardless of how the earth was polluted or messed up.
We must do something because past generations failed to understand the importance of
maintaining the earth. Remember this because if we fuck up, the next generations get not
only the mess we inherited, but the mess we create. So each generation mess passes on
to the next generation and as a father, I say, we must clean up our mess for the next generation
because that is what parents do. We don’t leave our kids a mess for them to clean up.
We don’t leave them a big bill which is due in their lifetime, but we, we pay the bill that is due.
As parents we must put our children in the best position to succeed and leaving them not only our
mess but past generations mess is unfair to our children.

Three: we must have a vision for what we want to do. Not a personal vision of
losing weight or making money or visiting France but a vision of where we want
to lead our species to, what is our plan of action for our species going forward?
We must see the end and then create the plan which will allow us to reach that end.

Four: We each must become personally responsible. We each must become the adult in the
room. We must act like parents and responsible adults with every decision we make.
That decision might not be best for us personally but that is being an adult. Sometime
we must sacrifice our interests to help the next generation. My parents sacrificed to help
the kids succeed and we sacrificed to help my daughter to succeed and when she has children,
she will sacrifice to help her children to succeed. That is what parents do. We sacrifice to
help our children succeed. And being an adult and a parent means we sacrifice to help our
children, the next generation to succeed. This is true of us individually and true of us as
a species. We collectively must sacrifice to help the next generation succeed. That is what
successful parents do and what successful species do. There is no difference between being
parents and having the species go on. the same actions are required, being an adult and
a parent and having the species going on.

Five: the function of being human is not to finding pleasure or avoidance of pain but in
the continuation of the species. We need to rewrite what it means to be human. We need
to rewrite what it means to be an American. We need to rewrite what it means to be responsible.
For our responsibility is greater than ourselves and greater than our families.
Our responsibility is to something beyond ourselves. We no longer need god or religion because
we are adults and we and we alone are responsible for our actions and our behavior. We cannot
look to blame or to hold accountable any other beings such as god for who we are. We are
accountable for who we are and there is no possibility for us to hold god accountable. he
doesn’t exist but we do. And we and no one else can be responsible for us.


LOL nice speech you have there

Sounds like it would be at place in one of those comedy movies

Man, this post is pure genius. My eyes have been opened.

We have used many different ways “god” “ideologies” “religion” to avoid
responsibility for our actions or our inactions. It is always someone else’s
problem. Society or future generations or the past. We avoid taking an responsibility
for the world we live in and this can only go on so long before the bill needs to be paid.
To those who say, its not my problem or even worse refusing to acknowledge that there
is a problem or just going through live trying to be happy and ignoring everything going
on. The main role or function of human being is not to be happy, it is to continue the
species. Happiness has nothing to do with who we are or who we need to become or
the survival of the human race. This need to be happy is a false and dangerous idea because
it takes us away from what we need to do. It is a false idea because happiness becomes
a false goal, an unimportant goal, an unnecessary goal. We need to rethink what it means to
be human. What is the human condition?


What is the human condition?

We are beings who exists in a blind and chaotic universe and we were given
no choice in existing. You have many choices once you exist but in the most
fundamental choice we have, that of existence, we had no choice.
Here you are, you can do no other. Camus thought the most fundamental choice
we had was suicide. That is a legitimate thought. If we were not given a choice to exist,
we, at least have a choice, not to exist. But that is just a another way to avoid responsibility
and accountability.

our universe is random, chaotic, govern by chance. We try to overcome this by establishing
order in our world. Fly over the world and you see cities and farms and dams and levees,
all of which are attempts to establish order in our world. We also have religion and god and
ideologies that are also attempts to establish order in the universe. like any other system,
if we fail to put energy into the various systems, those systems will begin to suffer from disorder
which is another word for entropy. We see this today in which the GOP been attacking
the government as too big and by trying to shrink the government to a small enough size
to drown in a bathtub. This is actually bringing disorder and entropy into the country because
every system needs energy to maintain itself. The government is a system which needs energy
to go on and the GOP is starving the government which leads to growing chaos and disorder
which we see every day on the news. The actions of the GOP is leading to entropy and the death
of not just the government but the death of our American system. We have to rethink how
we see not just ourselves but our various systems such as government and institutions.
We must see systems in terms of entropy and energy and disorder and chaos.
this is why I oppose the GOP because their beliefs bring disorder, chaos, entropy.

We need systems. That is the basic entity of the universe, an system in which basic
functions are performed, be it the function of government or of bringing food to our table
or sports or playing games. Every thing is a system and subject to the basic laws of systems.
this is just another means of connection that the universe has because the universe is
connected and this particular connection is by systems. There are many, many other ways
to be connected.

So what is the human condition? We are connected, we have no choice
in our existence and we exist within systems, many different types of systems.
We must gear our thinking to being within systems and what is necessary to maintain
that system. It is no longer about being happy, but about keeping the system going, regardless
of the system in question.


Now some systems are “bad”. Slavery would be one system that most
people would agree is “bad”. But how would we “know” if the system
that we exist in is bad or not? Slavery is bad and yet it still exists in
wide parts of the world. What criteria would we use to determine that
a system is not useful or evil or bad? It is my contention that capitalism
is not useful and evil and bad, but what criteria would I use to justify
that belief? By showing how many billions of people that are not helped by
capitalism? Now one may show that those countries with capitalism have
the highest standard of living, but is that the criteria we should use?
Is an high GDP really the best evidence that a system is working? or useful?
do we judge our lives by a measure that by its very nature is flawed?
Do we judge our lives by money or GDP? is that really the standard we should be
using? I say, no and no again. Should we decide to use the number of people
who are happy? We have decided against using happiness as a standard and rightfully
so. So what is left? the only real standard left, which is does this system allow the
preservation and continuation of the species? And on that score, we can clearly answer
a big no. The system of capitalism is detrimental to humans and the planet we live on because
it uses up a vast number of resources and depends on using humans as a means to a goal which
is wealth, vast wealth which only a small number of people get. In capitalism, human beings
are cannon fodder for the wealthy, so they can maintain and get greater wealth. The capitalist
system has only value for the wealthy and has no value for anyone who is not in the 1%.
So we need to rethink how we look at the world and rethink it in terms of systems. Is
this system useful in the continuation of the species? If not, dump it. We can
find a means to determine if a system is good or bad by understanding if it is
useful for the continuation of the species. That is the criteria that matters, not
in terms of happiness or money made or GDP but does that system increase our
chance of continuation of the species. That is the new understanding.
