The Great Musician Frank Zappa and His Philosophy.

Punk rock is part of the tinsel town rebellion, Magnus, a period that began in the early eighties… when music died (in general).

Not only that, but you are ignoring the fact that jazz musicians, including the so-called “progressive” rock musicians, are musicians and not composers. The difference between the two is the same as the difference between soldiers and leaders. Musicians are skilled at playing musical instruments, they are not skilled at creating music. As such, they lack organizational/compositional skills, which is why their music tends to be rubbish despite the skill they display. They are vain little fucks, animals without a leader, selecting musical combinations not by what satiates a real, human, biological need, but by what is difficult to play. That’s the definition of social decadence, where the absence of a leader results in everyone becoming a “leader”.

Music died long before that.

The name is Hiromi Uehara.


Bullshit. That was some of the best polyrhythmic metal I have heard since Meshuggah. Everybit of that was written and arranged, the musicians very skilled, and the time signatures are ridiculous. Highly technical, Magnus. That’s a long shot from something Bob Dylan could pull off.

How fucking ironic. You link me to some excellent music I’ve never heard before, and I’ve got to tell you how good it is. You don’t understand the definition of composition. You don’t have to be an old dude in a wig writing figures for twenty instruments to be played in a palace chamber to be a composer, dude. Composition involves arranging instruments and writing script for those instruments. Those dudes weren’t sitting around in a garage one night taking bong hits and fucking with their instruments until they accidentally came up with something. That song developed as an idea… it was put together, organized, carefully planned. Composed.

That shit was badass, man. You are retarded.

Yes, that’s her. Me love her long time.

I can’t shit without you eating it and liking it.

You are banalizing what I am saying, which is what allows you to conclude that I don’t know what composition is. But it is not me who is unfamiliar with the concept, but you. You are not because you do not understanding the subtle details which separate a genuine composer (and in general, artist) from a pretentious one. Composition isn’t just about carefully planning, organizing, arranging, putting everything together in a cohesive whole. This is part of it, but it isn’t all of it. And of course, everyone does this. I am not aware of anyone who does not plan/arrange/organize. But what few people do is tune into their own needs – few have the necessary patience and self-consciousness to know what they really need. Your jazz friends are selective, but their criteria of selection is artificial, it is ridiculous, it is almost completely about what is difficult to play. Of course, there is also this “coolness” criteria, but that’s it. None of your jazz and prog friends understand music beyond “it’s something that sounds cool”. The needs they target, in plain terms, are the artificial ones, the confused ones.

It’s pearls before swine, Magnus. Jazz musicians don’t try to play what is most difficult… they play what they are able to play, which happens to be difficult, and then simpletons like you come along and, because they personally dislike the style, call it pretentious garbage.

But there is also a pride and joy in the virtuoso. Sometimes he wants to attempt the most difficult things on his instrument for the purposes of expanding his power over it. Take a bassist like Jaco Pastorius. Total showboat… one arrogant sonofabitch. In fact, he got beat to death by a bouncer at a club after jumping up on the stage and taking the bass from the bassist in the band that was playing there (so the story goes). But was Jaco pretentious if he was that good? Nobody during that time could play like Jaco, and this was known throughout the entire jazz fusion community. Should he not be that good so people like you don’t mistake him for trying to play what is extremely difficult to play on a bass guitar? But he could play that way, it came naturally to him. He’s not trying to be difficult; he’s being himself, somebody who’s style of playing happens to be extremely difficult.

How the fuck do you know what a musician needs? So anybody who plays an instrument needs to check with you first to make sure they are in tune with themselves?

You know what all this is? All this is rooted in this hedonism fetish you’ve been engrossed in for the past several months. Anytime you find something you don’t like about somebody, they’re a hedonist in some form or fashion. A guitarist who plays machine gun leads on his guitar is a hedonist, because you don’t like it (jealous?).

Really? Does this sound cool? This piece was composed by a jazz fusion band to be played with an orchestra. Is this music genuine, heartfelt and sincere… even beautiful? Nah… these guys just like to pose with their instruments, look cool, and play difficult things.

Yes, they choose to play what is interesting for them to play, which tends to be what is difficult because they are virtuosi. In fact, it does not even matter whether they choose to play what is difficult or what is easy or what is simply on their level. The main point I am making is that they choose their musical combinations in a way which is radically different from the way natural artists do. Nietzsche spoke against Wagner for the same reason.

Jaco is a bassist who played his bass like it was a lead instrument. That can be helpful in honing one’s skills, but can that help one make good music? No, it leads to bad music, because noone wants to listen to bass music. And he was musically illiterate.

I’ve been engrossed in this “hedonism fetish” for years. I am not saying anything I haven’t already said several years ago. Even the music I post here is exactly the same music I used to cite as an example of decadence in the past (Hiromi, Animals as Leaders, H2O, Aphex Twin, etc.) Not jealousy, my friend, but reality. I am simply being real and you are simply being Zoot Allures.

You are too attached to Zappa, too much in love with him to be able to see him for what he really is. Step back, open your eyes and PREPARE TO DIE.

Take your Mahavishnu Orchestra and compare it to Sir Johan Strauss II:


Then repeat what you said above about M.O.

Everything that is mind numbing, boring and dull about bourgeois culture is perfectly captured in that song. The only thing I could think about while listening to it was which is worse; those pork chops on the sides of his face, or that corset you’re wearing.

You need something with some balls man.



Odd, of all the Classical Music you could have chosen you pick one of the most simple overplayed and easy-on-the-ear bit of popularist fluff.

I like something challenging. Easy listening get boring and dull.

You are just showing your ignorance. It’s shocking. What planet do you live on?

Check out how the rhythms and refrains play against each other. Try to listen with an open mind,

All the best composers were players too. But all Progresive Rock musicians of any stamp were all player/composers. WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK the music came from???

It’s not the music Magnus has a problem with, it’s the modern instruments. If you took [insert prog rock song] and arranged it to be played by woodwinds, brass, violins, cellos, nylon string classical guitar and some kettle drums, he’d feel sophisticated and anti-hedonistic while listening to it and eating his fish 'n chips.

Now take that gay ass waltz and arrange it for electric instruments and a trap set and he’d hate it. Why? Because Magnus is a hedonist. He exhibits no self control over his infatuation with classical music. The fact is, he’s just jealous because he can’t shred.

You make several mistakes.

First, just because something is popular does not mean it is bad. Similarly, just because something is rare (e.g. a bunch of black dudes jamming in a bar) does not mean it is good. You are confused on this one. When attacking music you should always attack it based on its constitutive elements, on what is within it, not based on what is outside of it and certainly not based on a symptom.

Second, just because something is simple does not mean it is bad. Similarly, just because something is complex does not mean it is good. You need to forget about linearity. Ordered simplicity is superior to disordered complexity.

Third, though “Blue Danube” is one of the most popular and one of the simplest classical pieces, it is certainly not a pop song, in a sense that there is a great distinction between it and 20th century pop music, including contemporary classical music, neoclassical, minimal and the similar (e.g. Ludovico Einaudi and Philip Glass.)

Fourth, the best way to demonstrate the superiority of a genre over another one is to pick one of its weaker representatives. “Blue Danube”, whether you like to admit it or not, is above anything Mahavishnu Orchestra ever did (even Jan Hammer’s casualesque ambient music, call it elevator music if you will, is more engrossing.)

You are an imbecile, Lev. You should just stick to your jammers and forget about discussions.

There is very little challenge ( = unpredictability) in jazz music. It’s mostly an initial, temporary, phenomenon. There is more unpredictability in IDM than there is in jazz.

Take this for example:


Is there anything good inside of you, Andy?