Black People Mentally Lower

Yet it was you, or another American on here, maybe Kriswest, who argued that colonizing land in the States could not be considered stealing from the Native Americans because they had no concept of land ownership. A common argument put forward by academics on the left and right.
The argument actually works better in this case, since Africans would not consider cadmium or oil a resource, since they had no use for it (it’s also invisible to them).
If I come into your house, remove some element from the timbers, and pay you a token sum, it’s hardly fair if you claim centuries later to be a victim of resource theft.
I mean, you had no use for it, you never invented anything that needed it as fuel or as some component, and I’ve built a material empire on it which you’ve become deeply envious of.

Now that’s all down to my imagination and inventive genius.
Calling that exploitation is just sour grapes, something unfortunately encouraged by Western Marxism.

So it’s divide and conquer, and then blame them because they’re killing each other over the little bit that’s left there to have?

What? If anything colonists and imperialists united African tribes by developing infrastructure there. They didn’t divide anything. The tribal divisions already existed, and continue to exist to this day. And you say ‘the little bit that’s left there to have’. The majority of that continent is quite capable of being modernized if those savages would just get their shit together. They gotta do it on their own, though, because the rest of the world is getting tired of trying to help those idiots.

I think you’re a case of being brainwashed by the propaganda in rap music and the liberal media, MR. You betta reconize.

Ecc, that was kris.

Zoot, of course I"m brainwashed. I’m an american.

I agree, Zoot Allures, because it is not possible to help people who are not capable of helping themselves.

By the way: “reconize” is not a slang of “rap”, right?

So they should be modernized just like the decadent west - please note I am connecting positions that seem to be forgotten by proponents, read: irony. Summations like yours here are as if the West or Europe or large asian conglomerates have left AFrica to its own devices and look, they are messed up still. This is hardly the case: just a look at how corporations and say, the World Bank fuck with the countries over there gives the lie the self-fulfilling smugness of this position. And of course they had tribal divides and these were matched by geographical and economic divisions also. Now they have to work together in weird corporate subsidy ‘countries’ made up by the colonial powers Have no fear, however, they will soon enough, in historical terms, all be walking around with cellphones and tweeting and eating shit trasported from half way around the world and wishing they were Mylie Cyrus or Beyonce, I guess, just like everyone in ‘the west’. NOtice however how the West is now treating its own like colonies, take Greece, say. Once the feeding frenzy over life in the 3rd world became a little gauche, the powers that be are quite happy to have tent cities and a huge underclass in the west also. Cheaper labor, larger law enforcement and so on. And lo, what do we see, the banks are still the major players dictating the at least pretend democracies in the West how they should live and what products they can protect and how many people they can hire in their governments. The chickens have come home to roost. The exact callous mechanical eye that so thuggishly and ignorantly ‘interacted’ with other cultures is now, more and more obviously, going to be interacting with you with precisely the same empathyless technocrat eye. They will patent your fucking eyes and your genes and make you and your childredn work faster and faster until that day they can replace you with machines or stick an interface in your ‘I am so proud to be Euroamerican’ brain.

There will likely be no discreet moment for you to feel the slightest bit of empathy for other people’s who dealt with this ‘outlook’ in other countries and at other times because you will likely be so worried about your last tweet and whether you can afford to buy the correct outfit on the shit wages you have doing repetitive garbage as part of some corporation with more power than Belgium that makes shit that everybody needs to have.

YOu are confused about identities.

You’re riding on the coattails of something with pride and that something views you as just another nigger to clean its porch
until that day it can cheaply replace you with the robot porch cleaner.

What a fucking civilization.

I agree, Moreno, as you know from my machine thread. But how many and which options do 99% of the current people have? And how many and which options do the current black Africans have?

I am not completely sure the angle you are taking here. I mean, I understand the words and the sentences, but how they function as an argument. IOW let’s agree, most people have few options. Does this mean something I said was incorrect?

But now I will go ahead as if I understand you. I don’t see most people as having many options. In my own life I have to fight to breathe, though this is at a level many would not understand, given their situations - most Africans for example. The difference, me guessing here, is that when I say I am a pagan, I mean this in perhaps a more literal sense than you do. I actually believe in stuff that does not fit with scientific consensus - though it doesn’t actually contradict any well confirmed research either, whatever my metaphysical differences with scientism. I do think that there is an approach here and as I have said in your AI thread do not assume that AI will take over. But that’s because I see possibilities available because of those same paradigmatic differences I just mentioned. Likewise in relation to the kinds of global societal changes that are now more openly (again) appearing in the West now that they do not need us - the people in the West - anymore as a base of operations.

Just to jump to the side: if you think that AI is going to take over and that the current global processes are inevitably leading to a dystopic future, why haven’t you become a decadent hedonist? That option is problematic where there is something more valuable to be doing, more interesting, challenging, creative, etc, but if there is no hope…?

If you do see a way out - which seems implicit in the Pagan thread - how do you see this playing out?

Moreno, the ‘decadence’ of western consumerism is a natural side effect of the industrial revolution, and yet without the industrial revolution and the cultural waste it has created, there could be no human greatness. Remember your Nietzsche; a strong base of mediocrity is required for greatness to flourish. Don’t look at the world at large because it is ugly. Look at the instances of exception. Look at the advances in science, technology and medicine that could not have been made without first establishing the industrial machine.

What matters is the handful of people who expand the powers and capabilities of the human species, not the six billion people who scurry around like idiots doing what they are told.

Reverse the cause and effect; the fact that six billion idiots take selfies all day with their cell phones does not detract from the ingenuity and importance of the technology which made this possible. Let them take their selfies, they don’t matter. They never did matter. The technology was not designed for the purposes of making six billion idiots… it was designed as a consequence of human intelligence and creativity. A side effect of that is the marketing of the technology, because that makes money, and money makes power. The means to more power, in this world at this point in history, must be this and cannot be anything else. Money is the means through which techne can be expressed and mastered at this point in history.

I wish I had the patience to show you the future, but I don’t at the moment.



Uh-oh! Big Cynth in the house… I mean on the house.

You know, MR, You don’t actually like this song or this video. Rather you are captivated by the audacity that something so sub-human and disgusting could have, at a subconscious level. It’s like a kind of reverse-catharsis. The confidence of these people is incongruent with what one would expect of them, so there’s an irony there that fascinates in the same way that it disgusts. You wanna say ‘go Cynthia, do yo thang, girl’ because you take pleasure in being able to so casually pardon the joke that these people are. At the same time, you push into the back of your mind how appaling this really is. It demonstrates an feigned abundance of power to be able to not take this so seriously. A philanthropy that temporarily lets those worst examples of the human species sit at the top for just a moment and do their thang. You don’t take pleasure in these people. You take pleasure in yourself for allowing these people to pretend to forget how dispicable they truly are.

I don’t think you have any idea how decadent this is in so many ways. The garbage music, the low intelligence of the people, the glorification of permiscuity and riches (bling), the gross obesity, that ‘I’m the shit attitude’ that only a society that fosters this disgust allows.

You know what comes to my mind when I hear the phrase ‘she workin’ that nookie thang’? I picture in my head a females negro’s three-toned ass of brown, black and purple the size of a spare tire, dotted with pimples of assorted sizes, with stretch marks all over it. Then she lets one go… a long, deep bellow that sounds like a tuba. The fat in her ass cheeks ripple like jello pudding as the stench of a three week old Kentucky Fried Chicken grease pit floods over me like smog. She looks at me with those beaty eyes, winks with those three inch fake eyelashes and goes “ewwwwww, that one musta got away from me, shugga,” smiling at me with those gapped teeth.

No, MR, I do NOT want that nookie thang, nor would I wish that nookie thang on my worst enemy.

I wish I could plug you into my brain so you could see this. What’s that movie where the dude touches the hand of the other dude and all those visions suddenly pass through his head in fastforward and he almost falls over he’s so shocked?

You know what I hate? When a negro says something mundane and the other negro acts as if he’s surprised. Go to :16 when Cynth says “we got a contest going on here, something something” and Tyree says “come on now!”… like he just can’t believe it!

Negroid pleasantries always involve inflective devices like this in language. Thay try to build up and make more profound what is simple and mundane. They over-extend a pretension to be surprised or impressed with what the other says. Why? Because nothing they say or do is impressive. They compensate for this by enriching the dialogue with these false devices. Over excitability, histrionic behavior. Have you ever seen a negro run a circle around the room holding his stomach and laughing at a joke that isn’t even kinda funny?

The other day I heard a female negro at a store say something about getting a new car, and the other black dude goes ‘I know that’s right!’ He is trying to empower her with the feeling of achieving something significant, as if buying a car is an earth shattering event or occasion that the struggling negro (on welfare no doubt… you shoulda seen her) has risen up to.

I should write a book on this shit dude. It would be a best seller… then I’d be shot by a militant, black nationalist gang-member at my book signing, for sure.

Based on the replacement of humans by machines I am speaking of a probability of 80% (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here). 80% is a high probability, but not 100%, so 20% are left.

Notice how every female in that video is fat, while every male… except the fat guy that approaches her at the bar… is not. Subliminal message to female negro consumers: it’s okay to be fat. Look at all the hot young thugs watching the dance floor. Squeeze your fat ass in that dress and get out there, girl!

Do you see the trend in this country regarding the negro culture? Every deterioration of the racial characteristics eventually becomes glorified and encouraged through consumerist mediums. Two come to mind immediately. First it wasn’t acceptable to be a thug. Now it’s the popular thing to be. First it wasn’t acceptable to be overweight. Now it’s quite okay.

This happens because the consumerist market identifies then follows the natural patterns in the cultural degradation of the negro race. The market then makes money off of selling to the negro race its own devolution in a memetic form.

Dude I would totally hang out at that barbeque with pokey and all those dudes. And, if I found out that big cynthia was playing at a club in my city, I would go there and shake my nookie thang…if I even had one. If I shake my penis does that count?

I like the ugly white girl in that video… the one who isn’t accepted by white men so now she hangs out on the rapper set because rappers have lower standards and tend to accept white girls of any kind.

There is nothing wrong with shaking the nookie thang, per se. I don’t want to be misunderstood here. One should want to shake their nookie thang, provided there is some modicum of beauty in the nookie thang itself. But the nookie thangs in that video are not beautiful, they are disgusting.

Would you hit any of those nookie thangs in that video, MR? No. Why then would you take pleasure in watching those nookie thangs shake?

I wouldn’t because they are not my peeps. I might roll up on the set to score a dub sack, then I’m out.

Zoot, I can see you and AoC chilling at a barbie like that, with a fat black chick sitting in your lap :wink: now don’t deny that the thought isn’t making you all hot under the collar :eusa-naughty:

False. I have a sexually selective filtering program running in my brain that prevents me from becoming sexually aroused by an ugly female. This filtering system is flawless. No amount of socio-psychological programming or subliminal suggestion from any media can change this. I don’t care how sexy the dress is. You put a fat girl of any color in it and all bets are off.

In shorter words, I know how to pick em, and I know who to match up. I see men and women all the time that should be making babies. In my world, men and women would be forced to reproduce through executive order or thrown into prison if they refused.

What is the ultimate art? The human being, and I am the ultimate artist for this task. I can take a set of ugly people and make them beautiful through only three generations of breeding. You think Mendel’s peas are impressive? You ain’t seen nothin’.

Black people may be mentally lower, but this should be reason to hate them even less. For Whites hold full responsibility for the state of the world. Whites are deserving of your contempt. With great power comes great responsibility. Thus, power should fall into the hands of the Blues.

I would rather have an financially poor idiot good human as a dear friend then a wealthy arrogant intellect. Also, Looking at skin color, culture or religion can deny you the greatest friend of your life.

Zoot, I would totally smash one of those broads from the video. Not because I think they’re attractive, but just to say I did it. Hell, I might bang a pregnant girl this week. She’s an old friend and she’s gonna have a baby, and I was like…“yo I’ve never banged a pregnant girl before you should let me hit that like 5 minutes just the tip so I can scratch it off my bucket list”. She said it was all good because apparently pregnant girls get really horny and all, plus she doesn’t really like her man so she withholds sex from him as some kind of manipulation tactic, which in turn leaves her even hornier but who knows man who really knows?

I’ll let you know if and when it goes down.