Will we get a syncretistic religion?

According to the Vicar I spoke to… great!

They are community churches that hold community events as well as your standard mass service, so the appeal is magnified to a wider audience of attendees. On Easter Sunday one of my local churches screened a film… complete with live music score, and there was a procession of the ‘bearing of the cross’ consisting of churches from all over London… I wish I’d made it to them, but family were round. :neutral_face:

No they won’t. Machines will never outweigh the flexible and limitless capabilities of human beings, for they are mere automatons made by us, and that there has never been a demonstration of a robot showing some true autonomy.

In consideration of the fact that humans control, want to control, and have to control humans because of the human will to recognition, appreciation, acceptance, acknowledgement, tribute, credit, thus to power, the probability of the realisation of that “limitless capabilities” you are talking about, is unfortunately reduced.

Perhaps you are also interested in the following thread.

A “Christianity without God and Jesus Christ” would not be a Christianity anymore. It would be a modern religion, thus an ideological exercise, an ideological training.

If spirituality is an exercise or a training, then it is something like a religion too (see above), thus “beyond religion” is a rhetorical term - used in order to get the global version of something like a syncretistic religion.

Will we ever get a non syncretic religion. ALL religions are syncretic.

You are wrong again. Try to read this thread or at least the following text:

If you are not interested in this thread, then search for another thread.

Or they think they need the lie. I tend to think unfaced fears on all sides are the root of the problem. Also I do not accept that what is take for self-interest or even will to power is actually self-interest or, hm, how to put this, an effective way of getting power. To come at it from the side…the powers that be seem very scared to me. Reactive and even sloppy, these days. Note: it is not the sloppiness that I think is the problem, it’s a sign of the fear. Its what they think they want and what a good life is that seems loopy to me. Note: I am not saying that what they promote for others as a good life is loopy - that is also true - but what they think a good base of self-interest is.

What planet are you from?
Why is there Father Christmas, Yule tide Logs, Robins, Mistletoe, Holly and Ivy, and the Trinity; in a Middle Eastern Religion when NONE of these appear in the Bible?
Answer all religions including Christianity are cobbled together from other ones.

What is it that you don’t understand about the syncretistic images that you have posted?

Yes, that was my assumption. The problem is that they do not always know what lie and what truth is. :wink:

Every human has a self-interest, a drive to be recognised, a will to live - you may also call it a “will to power”.

We think of religion of a political tool, just as any “belonging to” any group is a political tool.
These just so happen to be such effective tools because our impulse to belong is so strong.
Not only that , but religion combines this desire to be under a banner with another deep set impulse, the desire to marvel and be overwhelmed and take a glimpse at something of transcendent beauty and importance.
Religion, for that reason, will always exist. If the ones that we have now are not good enough, we’ll make up other ones to replace them. If our civilization is wiped out, and with it our gods, other gods will come to take its place.
However, on the question of wether we will have one religion composed of all others, I think probably not, as this desire to say “I am like these” is meaningless without the ability to say “I am unlike those”.

I agree. Humans want the difference - even if we call religions „misunderstood spiritual exercise systems“ (Peter Sloterdijk). So they will exist as long as human beings or other religious beings will exist.

Religions, 2010-2050:

I guess the USA’s national religion, “Human Secularism” is classified under “Other Religions” in those charts. I have to wonder why they speculate that it will grow so slowly.

The “Other Religions” of the United States will increase from 0.6% (2010) to 1.5% (2050):

The Jews (1.8% => 1.4%) and the Christians (78.3% => 66.4%) are the two religious communities that will decrease, whereas all other religious communities will increase. The Jews will decrease by 22.22% and the Christians by 15.20%, whereas the Buddhists will increase by 16.67%, the so-called “Unaffiliated” by 56.10%, the Hindus by 100%, the Muslims by 133.33%, the so-called “Folk Religions” by 150%, and the so-called “Other Religions” by 150%. So the so-called “Folk Religions” (0.2% => 0.5%) and the so-called “Other Religions” (0.6% => 1.5%) will relatively increase most (60%), whereas the so-called “Unaffiliated” (16.4% => 25.6%) will absolutely increase most (9.2%), the Buddhists (1.2% => 1.4%) will absolutely increase least (0.2%); and the Christians (78.3% => 66.4%) will absolutely decrease most (11.9%), whereas the Jews (1.8% => 1.4%) will absolutely decrease least (0.4%).

Christians and Jews: 80.1% (2010) => 67.8% (2050); decrease (in percent points: 12.3) by 15.36%
All other religious communities: 19.9% (2010) => 32,3% (2050); increase (in percent points: 12.4) by 62.31%.

In 2010 the numerical relationship was about 4:1.
In 2050 the numerical relationship will be about 2:1.

Those graphs depict “straight line”, uneventful futures. If for example, the USA economy crumbles as intended, those lines will be disturbed.

Economic aspects correlate with demographic aspects.

Do you know how trustworthy the people of the so-called “PEW Research Center” and their statements are? They predict that the fertility rates and the age distribution of the religious groups (incl. the global average) will develop as follows:

Mulims: 3.1 (2010) => 2.3 (2050), thus —0.8;
Christians: 2.7 (2010) => 2.3 (2050), thus —0.3;
Global average: 2.5 (2010) => 2.1 (2050), thus —0.4;
Hindus: 2.4 (2010) => 1.8 (2050), thus —0.6;
Jews: 2.3 (2010) => 2.1 (2050), thus —0.2;
Folk Religions: 1.8 (2010) => 2.0 (2050), thus +0.2;
Unaffiliated: 1,7 (2010) => 1.9 (2050), thus +0.2;
Other Religions: 1,7 (2010) => 1.8 (2050), thus +0.1;
Buddhists: 1,6 (2010) => 1.7 (2050), thus +0.1.

Source: pewforum.org/2015/04/02/main … on-growth/ .

Source: pewforum.org/2015/04/02/main … on-growth/ .

Of course there’s still that part about actually demonstrating the existence of whatever God does come out on top in 2050.

I know, I know: that’s not the point of this thread. Sorry. It just seems important to some to bring that up.

So, by all means, carry on. :wink: [-o< :wink:


Change in the 10 countries with the largest unaffiliated populations.

Age structure an religious switching.

Source: pewforum.org/2015/04/02/reli … ffiliated/ .

The people of the so-called “PEW Research Center” do not stop their projections at the year 2050:

Source: pewforum.org/2015/04/02/reli … -year-2050 .