Comedy in all forms.

Another video I made…

Hitler and his staff experience a tense moment when he is informed that JC Penny is looking for swimsuit models, then their conversation suddenly takes an awkward turn…


This was funny. These guys did a really good job with this video. I like the part when Todd’s (Nietzsche’s roommate) mother calls and asks for him. Nietzsche answers the phone and thinks she says God instead of Todd, and proceeds to tell her how God is dead, etc., etc. Poor Todd’s mom starts freaking out.


(good find, Erik)




That’s just wrong. And consider this, reverse the situation… if that cat was chained up like that, the dog would figure out a way to get him free because he’s smarter than the cat. Cats are stupid… so stupid a cat wouldn’t even realize he’s supposed to be miserable on a chain… much less a way to get off it.











If it hasn’t already been worked into a joke, it should be. The phrase ‘executed at gunpoint by a sexy woman’ and ‘sexecuted at bunpoint by a sexy woman’ need to be worked into a joke. Like a ‘what is the difference between’ joke or something. I don’t write jokes so I won’t do it.

Do it man. If you believe in yourself you can do anything.

Knock knock…
Who is there?
9/11 who?
You said you’d never forget! … r-11-33768