Dan should not continue as MODERATOR

Neanderthals had larger brains than Sapiens.

I know you didn’t ask me, but I’d say “Toughen up, buttercup”.

Should I stop being a moderator now?

Dan~ has been saying shit that doesn’t make a lick of sense for years. So now that he said something that doesn’t make a lick of sense about race suddenly it’s an issue? I think you all need to calm the fuck down and have a little perspective.

Amen, brother.

But Uccisore, I am toughening up. Can’t you see that? I am totally exhausting toughening-up lessons to myself.
But anyway, what does the racist remark which he made have to do with me toughening up? His remark wasn’t directed towards me.
I’m no buttercup. Are those the flowers that one would put under their neck and it reflects yellow? I am not that fragile, trust me.

I didn’t know that you were a moderator, Uccisore.

Only kidding. I know you are. :laughing:

I say stuff that sometimes doesn’t make sense - we all do - except maybe for you. :evilfun: But do you see a difference between that and making a racist remark, a callous racial slur?
But that’s just it - you know what my perspective is.
So, are you saying that we just sit back and ignore certain things entirely? That we are not to use our voices for a reason like this? That we are simply to ignore it? That would make like ostriches with our heads in the sand.

Um, you were asking what we’d say to some hypothetical black woman who was exposed to, and presumably offended by, Dan’s remarks. Go back and read what I wrote, and what you wrote that I was responding to.

I see a lot of people who, if they are honest, basically never know what the fuck Dan is talking about pretending to understand what he means just so they can be offended by it.

if the choice is between whining about every little percieved injustice and insentive remark, or sticking our heads in the sand and letting things go unchallenged, which of the two do YOU think we have a bit too much of in this present society? Are you experiencing a shortage of people complaining about insensitive remarks on the internet these days?

I can respond instead of Arc, let me just get my Arc on… khm, here we go:

Well Uccisore, I feel that’s a very racist thing to say. I don’t think we can ever be sensitive enough, lol. It is very important not to hurt other people’s emotions. And I do not think people should challenge each other, it’s almost like saying they should commit violence on each other, and we don’t want that, do we? Lol, I’m sure you would agree. I feel like the entirety of humanity should gather and grab their hands together, and sing and dance! Feel one with the trees and the birds, and smell a few colorful flowers, lol.

We need to be the voice of reason, and soon as somebody says something that might offend somebody else, we need to put a stop to it! Lol, well, that’s just my perspective anyways.

Wait, what is your name?

Just kidding, I know your name is Uccisore, I am so funny and witty, hahaha !!

Also i been a member for so many years that in that time line, i feel i have changed most of my beliefs and mannerisms.

I will tell you strait up that i am not truly a racist, and i do not practice racial hate.

Then a certain someone can say : “No, you are racist.”

It’s like they know better than me what my own beliefs are.

That’s annoying.

Have you ever played Rise of Nations?
Or Ages of Empires?

That is what race was.

It can be fun to be different.

On the internet, your beliefs are whatever the most easily-offended snowflake can interpret them to be.

Are you pretending not to know my name because it’s an Italian word, and Italians all look the same to you? Would you understand my name better if we were in person and you could see me moving my hands when I speak, like a dirty Italian? Is that what you think, that just because my name is Italian you don’t have to take the time to learn it? WE BUILT THE RAILROADS YOU ASSHOLE!!

Oh, he was certainly right there. I have watched that for years.

I didn’t say hypothetical black WOMAN what I said was

Arcturus Descending wrote:
What would you have said to a young teenage black girl who read this, or heard you speak those words, one who already had issues with her identify, who was ridiculed and made the butt of stupid SUPPOSEDLY FUNNY racial jokes and slurs all of her life?

I said teenage girl for a reason, Uccisore. Unfortunately a black woman would/might already be used to the idiocy and racial slurs…not accepting them but perhaps used to them. But of course, so would a black teenager but more vulnerable unfortunately.

You men are not even worth the time and energy in here that I put into it to show something. All this testosterone up against a little buttercup like myself. Actually Uccisore, I like the snowflake term better…unlike you guys who are simply sardines thrown together in a sardine can.
Grow up all of you, except for maybe phyllo… who was respectful and openminded.

So just continue with your silly beliefs being different than your racial slurs, Dan. Just continue not know what a stupid or silly racial slur is simply because you didn’t mean it.
A fire is still a fire no matter how it got started.


Don’t bother responding to this - or do if you so choose but I won’t be responding back.
Ostriches with your heads in the sand.

Oh noes! A precious, teeniee weenie black girl, such delicate little things that must be protected at all times from the cruel evils of men and language and everything else that might emotionally upset them



Now the little, helpless buttercup is a victim of our horrible tolerance of what she perceives as intolerance, and it is all because of testosterone! Us men are just not worth it…
When I think about it, if it was people saying that women are not worth it, and complaining about too much estrogen, then they would be labeled sexist misogynist chauvinist patriarchal Nazist pigs. Luckily, we have penises instead of vaginas, so PHEW!

A racial remark, a slur, making callous fun, racism? You mean, like calling humans ostriches? FUCKING OSTRICHES? OMFG!!! THAT’S EVEN WORSE THAN RACISM, THAT’S CALLING A HUMAN BEING A FUCKING BIRD.

Apparently, calling other ostriches, yes, fucking ostriches, is just fine, but saying that another race generally resembles great apes (much closer to us biologically than fucking ostriches) more than some other race, regardless of whether it is true or not, is not fine.


hey arc, are you black?

I think that was the Chinese. Haven’t you seen the movie “blazing saddles”?

Yeah, but who cares?
Racism was a big deal when it meant “You want to kill people of another race and hang them from trees for looking at your women”. But now that we call everything from noticing the shape of somebody’s nose to commenting about a race’s success at sports ‘racism’, I simply fail to see why anybody should give a shit.


This interested me as I don’t understand it - I don’t follow your line of thinking here.
In what way and how are you seeing this as being “tolerant”. Sure, you’re being tolerant of Dan here - but is that the only thing you’re seeing insofar as your “tolerance”. If you’re saying that racist remarks is somehow being tolerant, I don’t get it. I would really like to understand your perspective.

I used that analogy because some of you, not all, seem to have had your heads in the sand treating the whole situation as blase.
But what’s wrong with ostriches? lol
I seem to have touched a chord there. Also there is the idiom - birds of a feather.

The problem is that blacks are chimpy and that they don’t believe it, when they should believe it, since we are supposedto be truthy moreso than chimpy.

So, you would equate what Dan said here with your remark about the shape of somebody’s nose as being the same? You see no difference?
This is why you think it was a big deal then and not now. And AofC wonders why I called you guys ostriches?

blogs.sjsu.edu/today/2014/are-we … a-problem/

No, I’m not but why would this make any difference if I was except as a way for some in here to try to gain an advantage by using that as an excuse and for some to exercise some sleigh of hand.
I’m also straight but I believe in live and let live. We like to hate and ridicule gay people too because we cant see differences except where we need to feel superior to others.
Anti-racism isn’t about not seeing differences - that would be absurd - but it is about ridiculing those differences and seeing superiority where there may not be any, just for the fact of a race being different. That’s why racism is actually stupid.

So you admit you touched a chord there, aka, you think you found something that insults me on a personal level, and you continue mentioning it.
You then also imply that I have no opinion of my own, and I just flock together with the other birds
What’s wrong with ostriches? What’s wrong with apes? You might as well have called me a rat… oh wait, rats are more intelligent than Ostriches. Fuck, I’m dumber than a rat according to you. Talk about dehumanization?

See, when one wants to, it’s possible to interpret things which are not intended to be offensive, as offensive. Just like you took Dan’s statement, which was not intended to be offensive, as offensive, I took yours about ostriches.

What’s worse, the statement that ‘blacks are more chimpy than whites’ is a general truth, but yes, I agree that blacks are obviously human and overall embody much, MUCH more of the human traits than the chimpy (primitive) ones, but compared to whites, or Asians, yeah, I think they are more chimpy both in behavior (more inclined to crime and violence, which is backed by statistics) and looks (longer hands, portruding jaw) and intelligence (lower IQ on average than whites or Asians), but like I said, they are much, MUCH more similar to other human races of course, than chimps.

Say there is a scale, and the more similar two organisms generally are, the closer they are, it would look like this:


So yes, they are a little more similar to chimps. Whites and blacks are closer than whites and chimps, or blacks and chimps, but blacks are a little closer to chimps than whites, though I would agree the ‘distance’ is negligible.

Anyway, this will be my final word on this matter. I’m sorry if you still don’t understand what I’m trying to say.