a new understanding of today, time and space.

Life is a struggle. It is a series of ordering against the natural stream of entropy.

Humans were miserable in the old days with scarcity and no sheltering.

Humans are miserable in the new days with excessive sheltering.

The average modern man is miserable when he works, and miserable if he does not work.

At this time there is a possibility for a new development, to change the human DNA, creating a superspecies, which doesnt need to be miserable as a survival mechanism. In short, saving the world

As always, the solution is not to dismantle the system, or replace it with another broken system, or endlessly argue every day. You work bottom up, you rewrite the core nature of the organisms of the system, and the system will follow

my current project was conceived as a means, an attempt to move philosophy beyond
its current state which is static and basically dead in the water. Philosophy is no longer
relevant in people lives and I wanted to change that, by reinventing if you will, philosophy.
My investigations has discovered why philosophy is DOA and that is because of problem
I have discovered which is, no system is ever complete. All systems, ALL SYSTEMS are incomplete
and incorrect/inaccurate. No matter how much information you try to stuff into a system, it
will never complete it, never accurately describe it. this is the modern problem with philosophy,
no matter what, you cannot have a system that is complete and accurate. this dooms modern philosophy
and leaves us with a major problem. You can discuss aspects of philosophy ( and still be incomplete and
inaccurate) but you can never be able to discuss or encompass the whole of philosophy. Nietzsche realized
this and thus wrote what he did and HOW he did because of it. So how do you discuss philosophy when
you can only cover small portions of it? You can never really cover the whole of what is really needed
to discuss when talking about philosophy. So what aspect is the most important aspect? A system
of philosophy is impossible because it can never be complete or accurate. So now what?


I already told you. To increase the human potential by modifying their DNA.

So they can learn and understand philosophy on their own. Not by reading and parroting, but by discovering things, all on their own merit. True understanding must be from within. Words cannot convey the full depth

They will understand the universe, science, philosophy, by personal discovery. There will be no need for long courses about Neitzche, because they would have discovered the Neitzche inside of them on their own, becoming the Neitzche, becoming every philosopher, becoming the superphilosopher, surpassing all philosophers and adding more, truly understanding the universe itself

Trying to create a superphilosophy to modern humans…its like trying to run software on bad hardware…first you must upgrade the hardware, anode to cathode…father to son

Which DNA is being modified and what are you “programming” into said DNA?
Be very specific.


For starters Neanderthals had larger brain capacity than Sapiens so that’s a freebie code to boost start on the right track.

Provided there is fresh bone marrow with some DNA left in it. Well there are some dino bones with fresh marrow so it shouldnt be too hard to find a Neanderthal sample.

If not, well then just find Tesla’s corpse and start there.

Honestly, I think that the neandrathals had more capacity because their brains werent filled with all of our societal crap. If we were to prune that away within our own minds and speak to the cells and atoms we’re comprised of, pretend that they are sentient and aware and knowing, we might find that such genetic manipulation is unnecessary. All that we need to know is a mix of whats inside AND outside our own bodies and each body may hold different secrets so that the analysis of just one would never yield the full truth, thus forcing us to learn how to work together. Not to say we shouldnt genetically enhance our selves through science- Id like to be more fleshed out and have a slightly thicker dick, lol.

Brain and body. Body must be strong and healthy to feed the mind.

And yet here Ive been, consistently showing people up with my malnourished body by honing my mind to teach my self the basics of all life and there you sit using my work to bolster your own. Do you think you mind control me to make me do this to have opposition? I once wrote a poem in jest about drawing God with two titts and a dick because we were supposedly crafted in its image, but what of the rest of the animal kingdom? What of celestial entities? What of cell division? You think in banal terminology and forget the nature that spawned us all. Even what goes bump in the night, even the supernatural, must belong to such nature. I had a name known only to my self but even I didnt know it. I am Nothing. I am the void that laments not creation but finds beauty in it for having never been able to find my self in it until now and I will not lament returning to it. My names are worthless, something always takes credit for my work and those elusive ‘they’ are afraid of returning to me. Im happy.

God is not nothing, and structure is needed for regulation and intelligent design. Starving people have measurable empirically observable deteriment of intellectual capacity.

Then I defy statistics. The proof has been in our 'fight against each other and you refuse to accept the findings and the results of the test. Your hypothesis has already fallen flat before we ever got to this point in our discourse. But, please, tell me more about how you know enough to shape the future of our world with your half-formed, inchoate philosophies that I pushed you to develop further. Youd still be stuck where you were if not for me and don’t you ever forget it.

That’s the beauty of it. I give everyone Tesla DNA, and they can build anything they want. The Tesla specimens build the DNA Machine 2.0, demigod DNA, I give that DNA upgrade to myself and I will know the solution once I get it. That’s the beauty, I don’t need to know the solution now, all I need to know is that in order to find a solution, we upgrade the DNA.

Your mind hasnt fallen because the body has primary mechanisms, such as fat conversion to make sure the brain gets optimal nutrients in time of need. How many times have you been in the hospital from starvation? How severe is your famine?

Have you considered that money may be a subset of free speech? Or that one could draw a venn diagram with money in one circle, free speech in the other, and that people could conceive of notions that belong in each part?

I remind everyone that money is not a requirement for life (it is just damn hard to live without it). The individual gives power to both speech and money, as does the collective.

i agree with the central theme(s), i just disagree with some of the supporting points

As I have been on vacation for the last week, I haven’t posted, but I am back and here
is the latest installment of thoughts I’ve had.

I have been gone and so I decided to catch up some on various threads.
I (however distastefully) read the thread about the banning of lys and I had
some ideas. In reading this thread I see where certain people, carleas for example
have drawn a line in the sand. They don’t even understand what their position actually means.
They say that the site must have rules to function properly and lys violated those rules.
On a first look, it sounds reasonable, but if you think about it further you get somewhere
else and that somewhere else is an understanding of who we are.

They, mods, have a shall we say, a mental idea of what this site looks like.
They believe that it contains X, Y, and Z. If the post don’t match X, Y and Z, it is banned.
But they are unable to rationally explain X, Y and Z because it don’t exist. It is a mental picture
of what something is supposed to look like and that is all this place is, a mental picture of what
a philosophy web site is suppose to look like. The important aspect of this is the mental picture.
The fact is we take this mental picture and then we either make reality look like the mental picture or
we change our mental reality to fit reality. The problem with the mods (and everyone else for that matter)
we often mistake the mental picture for reality. The web site must look like X, Y and Z, regardless of
any other fact on the ground. In other words, we must have our mental reality,
conforms to the mods mental picture of the web site if we are to stay here. We must conform
our mental picture of this web site to whatever the mods say it is, which is nothing more than their
mental picture of this web site. So to extend this idea, we have a mental picture of what our government
is suppose to look like and then we try to force reality to fit this mental picture. The government is supposed to
of the people, for the people, by the people. That is a mental thought and then we try to get government to
fit that mental image. Of the people, which people, for the people, to what end, by the people, does this mean
me? We have a mental picture and often the reality doesn’t match our mental picture. This disconnect is
is THE PROBLEM in the world today. How do we fix it?


A couple of days ago while still on vacation, I went to San Francisco to go see my niece
in a ballet program. After watching the show, my wife and I both agreed that while very pretty
and full of nice movement, the ballet lacked a story, a narrative.
A story, a narrative is something we all look for in just about everything.
We grow up with stories and we watch/read stories all our lives.
We also create stories. Now some stories are creation stories, In the beginning god created
the heavens and the earth. Other stories are how we live on a turtle’s shell. to each his own.
Now we have other stories we tell. We call them ideologies and ISM’S. Catholicism is one such story
and Capitalism is another. Each story has validity for the listener but the key is, do the stories match
the reality on the ground? One story we have comes from Machiavelli, like a leopard which
cannot change its spots, humans cannot change their spots or cannot change. so a human who was
born evil will always be evil and someone born good will always be good. So humans cannot change who
they are. But this story beloved by conservatives is wrong. We change all the time. From birth to death,
we change who we are. We are different at age 5 then at birth and different at age 10 then 5 and different
at 25 and 35 and 45 up until death. We change who we are all the time thus showing the lie of Machiavelli.
We know people who have changed from good to evil and from evil to good. We have seen it. we all know
people who have changed in some manner such as this. The reason I am a liberal is because the stories
we tell match the reality on the ground better than the conservatives stories. The point of these stories
is we often base policy on these stories. For example, conservative because they cannot see change
in people they see prison as a place for punishment and liberals who see change want prisons to be a
place of rehab. The view of the world decides the policy measures taken. so let us make sure
that the stories we tell ourselves fit reality better than before.


Two Socratic ideas exist that we still listen to, one is “Know thyself” and
the other is “The unexamined life is not worth living”. The two idea’s are connected
(as all ideas are connected) by the idea that we must examine ourselves. It is my contention
that people don’t do this. What people do is this, they find an ideology they like, say
capitalism and by approving of capitalism, they take this to mean they “Know themselves”.
I know I like capitalism so I “prove” I know myself. The ideology of capitalism has certain
tenants that are associated with capitalism. for example, capitalism is associated with
freedom of choice, so by agreeing with capitalism, people assume they agree with the
freedom of choice idea of capitalism. Do people actually agree with the idea of freedom of
choice is not really the point, it is about agreeing with capitalism, an ideology, and they
just follow along with the tenants of capitalism, not necessarily with the idea of freedom of choice.
In other words, the ideology they approve of gives the beliefs they approve of.
It is less about the idea of freedom of choice and more about the ideology.
does capitalism actually give one greater freedom of choice? Thinking about it,
it doesn’t. Capitalism only allows freedom to buy 27 different types of TV’s made by
about 3 companies and 12 types of automobiles which are made by only 4 companies and
56 types of cereals made by 3 companies. the freedom allowed in capitalism is to what products
you can buy and not in any other manner. If you work and I assume most of us work, you cannot
work in a company that doesn’t follow capitalism because they don’t exist. You must work in
a capitalist company that will pay you a fraction of the work you do and that difference between
what companies pay you and what you create is what fuels profits. So if you make 10 bucks an hour
and the company can sell your efforts for 15 bucks an hour, you don’t get that 5 bucks, the company
takes that extra and that is the profit they make. Your work creates profit for the company and
you cannot look for another job or another company that doesn’t follow that standard, so you are
not free at all in a capitalist society. Freedom of choice doesn’t exist for the worker in a capitalism society.
as a consumer, sort of, as a worker not at all. So the choice of capitalism as the choice for freedom fails
once it is properly understood. So you have examined your position in life and found it wanting.
so if we examine our situation closer, we can get closer to the reality of the situation.
The story we tell is closer to the reality on the ground. Marx’s story is closer to reality than
Adam Smith’s story and thus Marx’s is the story we should be telling.

We must examine ourselves by examining our idea’s, not just the ideologies we approve of,
which leads to concepts we happen to agree with that are associated with the ideology.
we must look at both our private idea’s and the ideologies that we approve of.

Know thyself in regards not to the ideologies we approve of but in terms of
who we actually are and what we really believe.


Those ism’s and ideologies we love so much, capitalism, communism, Catholicism,
conservatism, we live out our lives based on those ism’s. Our work is based on an ism
and our political system is based on an ism and we strive for goals that have no meaning like
happiness. What would happen if we lived life without those ism’s and ideologies?
We simply go about our lives with only a goal in mind, a goal that is achievable and
worth going after like the continuation and perpetuation of the species, not just our species
but all species. We actually take life seriously and at its word and recognize that life has
no other value other than the continuation and perpetuation of the species. For that is what nature
shows us, it is not about happiness or getting rich or popularity or being on TV or dating a Kardashian
but a simple goal. If we change what we are after than we change our entire society. it is no longer
about the gaining or increasing our wealth which is a false and dangerous goal because that only
leads to the decrease of resources that we and our children need to survive. Our long term goal becomes,
how do we increase the survival of the species by our actions today? Each and every action we take has
the survival of the species (all species) in mind. any goal that is different than this is artificial, created
in the mind of humans. We can by keeping in mind the real goal of humans, justify all those actions that
seem to be unnecessary like art, beauty, climbing mountains, running a 4 minute mile, (my best in track was
4:50). We can understand and appreciate those activities that don’t seem to fit into the essential goal which
is the survival of the species by keeping in mind of the two track system. This is put simply is this,
humans have one key, main responsibility which is the survival of the species but we have a second
track which is achieving a goal/goals that we wish to achieve be it travel or learning things. This can be
achieve by removing/ eliminating our current drive to our happiness which is now defined as the
pursuit and acquisition of wealth and goods. We no longer define ourselves by our wealth or amount
of goods we can purchase. We define ourselves in far different terms. We will define ourselves by
what did I do to improve the species chances of survival and what do I do to meet my second track
goals which can be anything I so decide. But this new paradigm requires we forgo our need to list
our achievements in terms of GDP and wealth and how many cars we can buy. We require a new system
to achieve our goals of both species survival and personal growth. This new system is not capitalism because
capitalism is nihilism incarnate, a system which lives by and promotes nihilism. No, the new system
must about the future and is about eliminating income inequality, the lowing the standard of living for
the billionaire’s and multi-millionaire’s and increasing it for everyone else. The new system says the
pursuit of wealth is detrimental to the goal of the survival of the species and is no longer
wanted. We take this first step by understanding that if the species, our species becomes extinct
we have failed. Our lives, your life, my life, everyone who has ever lived, that life becomes
meaningless. It is only by the survival of the species that our lives have any value because that is all
we are, the bridge between past and future. Once our children are born and become adults, capable
of surviving without us, we become expendable. We have no value except to continue on the species.
That is the lesson of nature. We have value in only continuing and perpetuating the species.


Nietzsche understood what I said about nature which is a shorthand for
evolution. Look at evolution and see what lessons we can learn from it.
What is the goal of evolution? Progress? Efficiency? Neither one of these seems
to be the lesson or lessons of evolution. No, the only thing one can learn or surmise
by studying evolution is that it has only one goal and that is the preservation and
continuation of the species. So what did Nietzsche say about this? His response was
to say that the meaning of life was in the Ubermensh, the so called superman.
He was the creator of new values and that was important for N. It was in the highest of
the species that N. found his purpose or meaning in life. He was wrong.


The next topic I have waited to do for obvious reasons, but now I must enter the fray.

Take away all preconceived idea’s you have. Look at this fresh without any of our baggage from
childhood or social messages or what you think is even right or proper. Look at this idea like
you are hearing it for the very first time.

Spiritual, religion, god. You, me, virtually everyone reacts when they hear those words
emotionally, not rationally. Hear those words and think.
this is philosophy we are doing today, not emotionalism.

Take what we know as facts. First we are material beings. We are made of atoms into
forms dictated by our genes/DNA which is the software. the software decides the form of the
physical matter, which is why we don’t become dogs or cats or winged creatures.
Our internal organs function like all other organs, dogs and cats and bats and lions.
We are connected to the animal kingdom in very direct ways. our genome/DNA has
connections with other animals. This genome, the software, has connections with other
animals by sometimes as much as 96% the same as other animals. We are connected to
other animals for example chimps and us have a 96% to 98% similarity. Cats have 90% homologous genes
with humans, 82% with dogs, 80% with cows, 69% with rats and 67% with mice. Fruit fly shares about
60% of its DNA with humans and chickens are about 60%. We are from the same family as animals given
our software shares connections with other animals. These are facts. From a DNA standpoint, there
is no such thing as higher or lower. It is all the same, nothing special about any given animal.

We physically must operate as animals which means we eat and we sleep and we shit and
we fuck and we procreate just like every other animal on earth. We cannot do anything different,
outside the parameters of our DNA. We cannot fly, we cannot breath underwater naturally,
we can only run so fast and no faster. Our eyesight and hearing and smelling ability is actually
from an animal’s standpoint, very limited. there seems to be only two reasons we have reached
the top of the food chain, one is our thinking ability and two, the opposable thumb. I see no other
reason for us to come this far with our otherwise very limited physical abilities.

Now notice at no point have I needed to bring in an outside agency to explain our place in
the universe. Material existence needs only material explanations. We do not need to go beyond
material explanations to understand how we got here. We have no need for the spiritual or the religious
or god to explain our journey to this point. To those who demand we add those aspects, are actually
adding unneeded complexity to our answers for our answers are complete enough to explain the known
facts. Now are they the whole explanation to our rise to the top, no. Because as I have pointed out, in
any system and we are a system existing in a system, no explanations can cover all aspects of a system.
All explanations are incomplete and necessarily so. No matter how matter facts you try to cover,
it cannot completely explain a system. We are a insecure and frail system and so to cover that
incompleteness we try to hide that incompleteness with such unnecessary explanations like spirit,
religions, god, instead of just accepting the fact that no system can be explained because of the
incompleteness idea. There will always be gaps in any explanations of a system, always. We are
frighten by those gaps and try to fill it with explanations that aren’t needed.
The gaps are like car’s engines. The engine of a car can never be 100% efficient. There will always
be inefficiency in a car’s engine and a jet engine and the human body, any system actually. No system
ever created can be 100% efficient, it is just not possible. And no system ever created can be 100%
explained. Now we might be able to approach 100% explanation of a system, but gaps will always exist.
For ancient people, the gaps were huge, large and it was easy for them to put god, spirit into that gaps
because the gap was so huge. But today, it is not so easy to force god into a small gap. Thus the
difficulty for people to keep god in any explanation offered today.
