Dan should not continue as MODERATOR


Again, my question was is racism STILL malicious whether it is intended or not? YES IT IS.
I suppose that Hitler may have even said or thought that his intentions were good according to Hitler and some others, but do you think that the Jews would have thought that?
For you to say racism isn’t exactly malicious is one of the most stupid things you’v ever said. You’ve said some cute off-the-wall things but you’ve just exeeded yourself, Trixie, with that one.

I’m not even sure if that in itself would actually be racist but I’ll have to think about that one.
Let’s say for instance one of those different qualities of the one race might be a high aptitude for math and on the side of that the other race a high aptitute for let’s say being psychic (though i don’t necessarily believe in that). In that case, perhaps separating them (but only in school insofar as honing their skill is concerned) might be more beneficial for both races and for ALL but it’s not based on inequality or a sense of superiority or priviledge or hatred or fear in this case. That to me would be the same as putting children with a much higher i.q. and capacity to learn in a different school.

As I said, I’ll have to think of that one but I don’t intuit that as being racist. The dynamics are totally different.

Anyway, there would still be no reason to have different schools. But having them doesn’t amount to racism.
The focus on racism is the race itself for purely stupid and irrational reasons.

Segragation is racist. The crux of your argument must infer that segragation is not racist. This goes against your hypersensitive politically correct feminized peer’s dogma.

I have angered the woman, leader of the political correct police. My life is ruined. Well dressed news reporters will go on TV and say how evil I am, while they bite into their murdered hamburgers, unaware that of their own racism and disregard for the feelings of any other race besides humans.

Remove the log from thy own eye, human. Do you honestly believe I respect these hypocritical, politically correct peons?

Dan does not understand that comparing a black person to a dog is considered offensive and insulting. He is oblivious.

The question is not whether Dan is a racist or not. The question is … can Dan moderate the Religion and Spirituality section of the forum?
Can he be fair? Is he going to discriminate against black posters?

There is no indication that he has discriminated in the past. There is no way to identify the black posters. If someone identifies himself as black, is Dan going to treat him differently? If Dan does, then it would be reasonable to file a complaint against Dan.
Until that happens, keep calm and carry on.

lol arc you are such a troll

lol I’ve never ever completely understood what a troll is. Explain please.

Perhaps we might want to find another term rather than “segregation” to define what I’m saying or what you’re thinking.
I don’t call it segregation not as the term has been meant.
Segregation to me is the black person having to sit in the back of the bus before Rosa parks, having different drinking and bathroom facilities, different schools SIMPLY BECAUSE BLACKS ARE BLACKS AND WHITES ARE WHITES AND NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET. because whites think that simply because of the color of their skin, blacks are inferior in every way possible.
In the analogy which you gave on the other planet, the dynamics were different. There are differences and distinctions, Trixie. You don’t want to see them for whatever reason I don’t know.
I need another word - I’ll think of one.

Don’t worry sweetie, your life isn’t ruined.
Let’s not get into the other thing. That can keep for another thread. But i honor animals by eating them. I suppose that makes me a racist.

I don’t need you to respect me trixie - just listen to me ------------ or not. And I am quite aware that I have a beam in my eye.
I try to be aware of my own projections. But sometimes a thing is a thing.

Evidence of the sheer lunacy of the average modern.

Arc,I am illiterate and I find all these words you posted in this thread incredibly insulting to my sensitivities. I don’t understand how you can be so oblivious to the fact that you might be hurting someone, somewhere, simply by existing. Have some sense, will you? Please understand and respect the fact that not all are as privileged as to have been taught to read, and stop using words. It hurts.


I was at hospital for a while and doing other things earlier, so i am not very active on the forum lately because.


tk-designs.com/cgi-bin/SearchDet … tegCode=44
Also check out some of the congo guitar musics, i will maybe post some later today.

There is a difference between african culture and african american culture.
The african american has a lot of acquired issues.


now the dress, music, food, and person, is not all inferior or bad or tainted.

I can see now that this thread is all about african people.

It’s about people that believe race means skin pigment, not new or old DNA.

Now whether or not it is true, is not the issue.
It’s evil to consider one person better than another.

However, I live by moralism. So i must say, for this or that reason, one race is slightly better,
or one breed of dog is better than one breed of cat.

This is not evil, it is natural to show favor to one thing more than another.

But it does seem some people consider the human side of that as evil.

Most humans are speciesist, even though they are not all “racist”.
Speciesism is that all other life forms on earth are inferior and less valuable than humans.

It’s a form of hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is a problem in the fake morals compared to the real morals.

If I think all races of people usually deserve help and support when needed,
that appearantly isn’t enough. I have to believe we are all equal and the same?
That is like saying all breeds of dogs are the same.

What happens though, when there is inequality, it can be used as a catalyst for civil war.
That is why you find race-phobia, because they really don’t want the consequences.
Humans are not ready for “the truth” when it comes to things like these.

White people are albino poodles.

I guess if you like drums and shouting, over concerto symphonies. Each his own I guess

All I can say is if your looking to buy washing machines, technology or cars…I’d never buy it if it said “Made in Africa.” They are wise enough to know not to even try

Only according to your silly ideals. People are both superior/inferior in terms of their deeds, and their own inner potentials to accomplish deeds.

Noone said race wasn’t about DNA and only about skin pigments. Do you think Africans have the same DNA as Indians?

Now, are you serious?
I thought it was obvious where I was not serious.

Modern music isn’t all that great, either.
Classical musics existed before a lot of this moderns stuff.

I didn’t mean that i believe such an idea, but i am saying some people do have race phobia, because of how inequality relates to race wars.

Long ago when nations fought wars, they were one race against another.

No. As time passes more and more of us become more and more different.
If things are too similar there would be birth defects more often.

Different, and usually degraded. Are purebreed stallions inferior, because they have more chance of “birth defects”?



Noone likes moderns dude. The bar is set so low that compared to modern music, a negro can be genius compared to a white dude.

You think domesticated animals are somehow better? I was stating a generalization.