Petition to unban lys

A band typo. They meant to spell it like I did. A Saucer Full of Secrets. I read this in a rock journal.

[ crosses fingers ]

That geezer was cruising for a bruising…

I don’t like incense and I don’t have a red bulb… I am also not a teenager… The Wall and Dark side of the Moon are awesome albums.

Matter of fact it’s all dark…

Sounds to me like you’re just a hater bro… seem like a fucking leftsider.

No way I’m going to go music dork on these particular forums. I am apparently lust waiting for an opportunity to say something smart.
That’s just my reply to favorite pf album question.

Artimas: Well it depends on how many times you’ve listened to these albums. After the 362nd time you have to move on. There is only one musician you can listen to forever without becoming a retard, and that is the Maestro; Mr. Frank Vincent Zappa. You’re not ready for him yet, though.

A true story: in 1987 my father parachuted into the Floyd show in Raleigh, N.C. as part of the opening act. He had colored smoke canisters on his feet and swirled around over the crowd as he came down. Pretty fuckin’ cool, right? Well let me tell you what wasn’t pretty fuckin’ cool. At that time I was locked up in a private mental hospital called Holly Hill. The sonofabitch called me from the concert to tell me what a wonderful time he was having. I’m sitting in the day room with a bunch of teenage nut jobs watching reruns on TV and playing foos ball. The staff calls me out and says my dad’s on the phone. He tells me the marijuana smoke was so thick he caught a contact buzz on the way down. Tells me the laser light show was fantastic. In the background I can hear them jamming.

Can you believe that? What an asshole, right?

No, I’m a darksider… of the moon.

I listen to a lot of different music. Not just Pink Floyd. Also, yes that does sound like a dick move. Rofl a darksider.

division bell ftw


autocorrect, I swear

Yo lyssa I thought this was going to be a slam dunk. Gotta work on your PR babeh.

And it is not gilmore, it’s gilmour.

Granted, her edge is dwindling, but the gal still has a very good chance of beating the odds.

Equality of opportunity: everyone who obbeys the rules and tos can post.
Equality of outcome: “I want to push the limits and do things that I have been warned against, but I don’t want to be denied the right to post.” In other words, that the rules should conform to me.

So what do you call it when the rules are claimed to be equal for all, but then people are treated unequally, the rules are suddenly all grey, and some get warned and banned for doing X while others do X and don’t get banned because of ideological reasons, which are then attempted to be concealed under the ‘grey area’ excuse?

I call it “not a democracy”.

It has nothing to do with democracy. It could be that the banned ones are a minority, and that the majority agree that they should be banned, thus the decision was made in spirit of democracy.

You call it the real world and then you tell people to grow up and deal with it.

Last week I read one of Lyssa’s KT posts and wanted to respond to it by an ILP private message, but I think she can’t open private messages coming from ILP. So I respond by this post.


Yes. Thank you very much, Lyssa.

I hope you will come back to ILP, and I also hope you get to read this.

The distinction is well noted, as between de-jure and de-facto applications of law. The trend is shifting toward de-facto.

Which case do you mean?

I was away while the vote was going on. So call it 13 to 10.

I’d just like to say that this was hardly a capricious decision. See rule 3.3 -
That rule’s been written down and stuck on the top of the Philosophy forum for over 4 years.

It was also not unannounced - Lyssa was explicitly given a warning by PM on the nature and gravity of the matter a couple of months ago, after her first breaches.

Well, if you are going to count votes after the deadline, you can make it 14:9. :sunglasses:

Oh? You have the power to remove mine, then? :wink: