Petition to unban lys

Oh, whoever it was who said I won’t discuss or debate, you gotta PM me the thread. Half the site is unread posts, I’ve been engaged in very fierce debates about the history of Colchise regarding Jason and the Argonauts and it’s supposed Egyptian origins for the last week, which involves a lot of research into sources… sources next to no one reads and is hard as hell to track and interpret. I do this sort of thing ALL the time, and as a result, half the site goes unread here for me. If someone other that Zoot Allures have a desperate debate and are waiting for a reply, PM me the link, I more than likely don’t even know you posted. I for example, didn’t even know Lys was ranting in the thread I made for Erik where I claimed I was changing my race to African American. Its one of a hundred billion lit up, the discussion wasn’t going anywhere because Zoots and Erik wanted to become Space-Nazis living on Jupiter ruling over the Solar System. Fine, whatever… report to NASA, we will launch every skinhead into space.

I literally don’t know which thread or discussion I denied you a discussion in. Its likely something incredibly lame and takes 2 seconds to crack. I spent a whole night last week answering a query Orbie had. I’m hardly evasive, I’ll put the work behind it if its warranted, but you (each of you) are but one individual, and I only notice a handful of people around here. There are 2-3 people in this thread alone I know absolutely nothing about in terms of your beliefs or opinions. I know absolutely nothing about Artimas, little about Philo, very little about Arbiter of Change, wish I knew less about Arc and Phoneuturia (that shit rots the brain).

I couldn’t begin to guess country of origin, political persuasion, ideology or philosophical ideas you hold. Why? Cause you don’t stand out. Its not because your posts are exquisit and too refined, its because you don’t stand out. Nothing in particular about you stand out, where I’ve read and said “This guy is on to something” or “This guy is a attention span deficient pot smoker pistingbgibberish”. You’ve managed to achieve pure anonminity, despite having thousands of posts between you.

I only recall denying discussion to Periphial, and it was cause he outright lied, and was banned for it. I don’t see the point in engaging a bold face liar on a forum, and he was banned for it. I would like to say I’m denying Zoots on the dualism /Non-Dualism debate, but he currently lacks a coherent position that can even be reasonably debated, once he gets some reading done (beyond the definition of what Solipsism is) I will gladly discuss with him so he can carry out his war on me. Just a little funny as I’m a Cognitive Dualist, and he is Anti- Solipist, suggesting that he too is a Dualist, so all I hear is confused anger and noise and am honestly mystified as to how I should respond. Plus his reading comprehension is low and wants me to shrink the sum total of every idea down to a paragraph, so he can more easily refute it. Impossible. Others grasp my longer posts just fine, I put out even longer ones in history discussions.

Only two issues I’m aware of, period. Got issues, PM me so I know someone is even challenging me somewhere to reply.

There isn’t any debate, because all you can do is ramble. Epistemological solipsism is an impossible position that collapses onto itself, and I presented a few very easily understood arguments against it. Browser disappeared and you went off on some scatter-brained diatribe that did everything but clarify your position or answer to my challenge.

A day later you are talking about cognitive dualism which at that point in the solipsism argument was neither here nor there. So I went with you, took something out of your new ramble, and asked you to clarify it. You didn’t, so I did it for you.

After day three it was no longer my intent to keep the discussion on track, but to pick out and show inconsistencies in the various things you have said along the way. We aren’t arguing anymore, because you can’t argue, you can’t focus on anything, you cannnot summarise or clarify anything, and you have little understanding of how an argument works. All you do is ramble about a hundred things at once.

Your biggest problem is that you have filled your head with content that you cannot simplify or organize into a coherent position.

I’m not an anythingist, even less a dualist. If I was forced to pick a spot I’d be a substance monist because mind/body dualism is riddled with problems.

Philosophers don’t make me angry. They disappoint me. And where my reading comprehension is low, it is such because if I have found a fundamental flaw in the basic premises of a position, I don’t proceed further. That anybody else does is their business.

And I don’t ask you to shrink your posts for the purposes of refuting them like I’m some asshole who wants you to be wrong. I do so for the purposes of making it easier for you to recognize problems with your arguments. You’ve just admitted to not knowing how to respond to even the smallest of my posts. Imagine how much trouble you would have if I actually put effort into this.

No they don’t, because much of what you say cannot be grasped. These people simply watch and enjoy your writing style… something very good in certain respects, but not qualifiable as rigid argumentation; your history lessons are not formal arguments so there is nothing to dispute except the historical accuracy of it all. And frankly, I’m less worried about who did what in 1176, and more worried about your inability to comprehend an argument.

Where did I say that? :open_mouth:

you are saying this thread does not present equality of outcome.

Quote me saying that.
Or at least quote something written by me which you interpreted as me saying that.

No. You explain to me how this thread contains a fallacy of equivocation. Please be specific.

You’re messing around with a logician now, Arb. You better watch out. Hell hath no fury like a logical woman.


In both bolded parts you refer to the same type of people, if I am not mistaken.
In the first bolded part, you refer to equal(same) rights - which is equality of opportunity.

In the second bolded part, you seem to be implying that elitism and preference are somehow incompatible with equality, but since elitism and preference are compatible with equality of opportunity (all have equal opportunity to prove themselves, and based on this they become elite/are preferred), I interpret that as you talking about equality of outcome.
Another reason I think you’re talking about equality of outcome in this, second instance: The ones who use the word equality in a positive sense in modern times are almost always those who by equality mean equality of outcome - this means giving people different rights and opportunities, either more, in order to compensate for their genetic, natural deficiencies, or depriving them of rights so as to prevent their genetic, natural advantages to manifest in reality. Example: Affirmative action (prefering one race/sex over another), a fixed number of spots in some job that has to be occupied by a demographic X, etc.

Unrelated to this, just something I want to comment on too:

A democracy is an equality of outcome based system - regardless of your intelligence and education, your vote counts the same as everybody else’s, aka, the outcome is the same.
An equality of opportunity based system would try to account for people’s inherent inequalities in voting so everybody would f.e. take a test which would determine how informed they are about politics, how knowledgeable they are about economics and politics, and how intelligent they are, and take all those into account to determine how much their vote would be worth. Of course, this is a much more complex system that is harder to set up, but hardly anything can be as bad as everybody’s vote counting equally.

62% to 38%! That’s almost exactly the Golden Ratio!

Quick, somebody get HatingMeIsEasier!

Yes. Those big ass pictures in your sig box. You need to lay off the Pink Floyd and stop spending all your allowance at the local head shop.

Nah, I don’t need to lay off the Pink Floyd. I also don’t spend money at any head shops. I like my pictures in my sig box.

Then what’s your favorite album? And don’t say Dark Side of the Moon. You look like the kind of guy who couldn’t get into The Final Cut. You don’t look like you could get into the older stuff either; Relics, Meddle, Atom Heart Mother, Saucer Full of Secrets. I think you listen to The Wall over and over again in your sweaty little teenage room with the red bulb and the incense. Tell me Nick Mason is not the worst drummer in the history of rock. I dare you. You know Barrett freaked the fuck out and is living with his mum in Cambridge, right? For two points, finish the following words at the end of the Darkside album: there is no dark side of the moon, really…

For two more points, finish these words from the song Money: that geezer was…

Know your Floyd, dude. I’m gonna be hitting you with unexpected questions. You better be ready.

saucerful of secrets

A band typo. They meant to spell it like I did. A Saucer Full of Secrets. I read this in a rock journal.

[ crosses fingers ]

That geezer was cruising for a bruising…

I don’t like incense and I don’t have a red bulb… I am also not a teenager… The Wall and Dark side of the Moon are awesome albums.

Matter of fact it’s all dark…

Sounds to me like you’re just a hater bro… seem like a fucking leftsider.

No way I’m going to go music dork on these particular forums. I am apparently lust waiting for an opportunity to say something smart.
That’s just my reply to favorite pf album question.

Artimas: Well it depends on how many times you’ve listened to these albums. After the 362nd time you have to move on. There is only one musician you can listen to forever without becoming a retard, and that is the Maestro; Mr. Frank Vincent Zappa. You’re not ready for him yet, though.

A true story: in 1987 my father parachuted into the Floyd show in Raleigh, N.C. as part of the opening act. He had colored smoke canisters on his feet and swirled around over the crowd as he came down. Pretty fuckin’ cool, right? Well let me tell you what wasn’t pretty fuckin’ cool. At that time I was locked up in a private mental hospital called Holly Hill. The sonofabitch called me from the concert to tell me what a wonderful time he was having. I’m sitting in the day room with a bunch of teenage nut jobs watching reruns on TV and playing foos ball. The staff calls me out and says my dad’s on the phone. He tells me the marijuana smoke was so thick he caught a contact buzz on the way down. Tells me the laser light show was fantastic. In the background I can hear them jamming.

Can you believe that? What an asshole, right?

No, I’m a darksider… of the moon.

I listen to a lot of different music. Not just Pink Floyd. Also, yes that does sound like a dick move. Rofl a darksider.