Black People Mentally Lower

Hah :laughing:
Just to make it clear, I don’t consider myself intellectually even near those people I listed, nor do I think I or other white people deserve praise and worship because of accomplishments of specific individuals.
I am just pointing out the general truth - that it is white men who have done the most important things in history.

Yes they have. Yes they have, arbie. You go, white male, and don’t let anyone say otherwise. I believe in you.


What’s your ideal?

What are you aiming for? (other than preaching negative shit that’s all been said before)

Nothing to see here.
A liberal coward deploying the usual cod psychoanalysis and reverse psychology in an effort to personalize the debate and shut it down.
What’s ironic is that this turd has been taught this drivel by others.
That is a measure of this ‘free thinker’.

Liking yourself is about fitting in, accepting the status quo.
By complying with common values you’re more likely to get laid.
Surely that’s the ultimate goal of every modern thinker?

Worst of all the simpleton actually thinks ILP is a philosophy forum.

The dynamic is one where feminization has won over a weak masculine nature in the white liberal male.
He finds safety in hiding behind institutions who act as proxy alphas.
Hence he condemns loudly and uses emotive, feminine tactics to undermine his opponent.
But he is only a surrogate male, not a real one, getting his authority from the establishment.

The give away of a typical beta is using the possibility of sex to placate rebellious, more masculine males.
It’s something that can be observed extensively in primate groups.

Meanwhile in the U.S.A.


Of course there are.

When I was in the county jail there was a black dude from Nigeria in the same dorm as me. He was so black he was purple, and he had that thick, imperial Nigerian accent; when this dude got angry you knew he was about to pull a machete on your ass and cut you in half. Well this dude was waiting for trial on some dumb motor vehicle charge he had gotten while visiting some family here in the the U.S. He was extremely educated and well mannered, and he COULD NOT STAND the black people in that jail. He referred to them as American monkeys. That guy made a lasting impression on me and my views about race and culture.

Yeah Zoot, I know a similar black guy, not personally, but from elsewhere on internet, who despises the modern American gangster culture and the way of behaving and speaking like in Ecclesiastes’ video above, and yes, sounded well educated and well mannered.

Good. Then as a rule of thumb, never say anything about black people in general that you would not be willing to say to him. Would you want to offend this black person who is not part of the ‘american gangsta culture’? Of course not. And he would join you in a minute in a critique about particular black people, and have much to say. The Nigerian and I talked all the time about stuff like this. He was a great exception to the rule and deserving of my respect.

Yee haaa!

Hey, if whitey is so mighty, why are there so many stupid white people in America? Why is always our, shall we say, intellectually unendowed, who hate non-whites so much (oh wait, I just explained why in my last post)? I guess the irony of it all still never ceases to amaze me.

Oh yeah, the irony of being called a simpleton by someone who names himself after a book in the buy-bull is pretty rich … fun times :mrgreen:

Latitude is the issue. People from warm climates near the equator tend to be more excitable. When was the last time you heard of Eskimo riots?

The dimwit hasn’t realized that intelligence is a bell curve, with HALF below average.
Because it automatically imagines it is in the upper half.
Then it makes the false correlation between low intelligence and socially unacceptable opinions.
It’s the forbidden nature of the opinions that causes anxiety in those who want to belong.
The chance to condemn an out group for peer approval.
The argument itself is not considered.

All of the greatest minds in Western history are considered racist by modern standards.
And yet dimwit tells us that it is the result of low intelligence.
When all such debate is off limits with career ending penalities to those that try.

Their reasoning is as valid today as it was centuries ago.
Nature has not changed in the space of a few hundred years.

It took naiv8y 2 days to come back with that, he should be happy it was dignified with a response at all.

Latitude is the issue. People from warm climates near the equator tend to be more excitable. When was the last time you heard of Eskimo riots?[/IMG]

2008, when I left Alaska

They don’t hold their liqour too well, never had it prior to contact with Russia, so they have little biological capacity to hold it with dignity.

Any race, INCLUDING WHITES, has some embrarrassing cultural stereotypes, but nothing as embarrassing as when a drunk as shit homeless group of Eskimos blowing through their time off from the Oil Industry makes a scene dancing and singing for no apparent reason, and throwing whisky bottles at tourists fresh off the boat can be.

Everyone who visits Alaska wants to see a real live Eskimo. Guess who is the first one scene? The inebriated dancing fools hanging out on 5th avenue, starting fights at the drop of a hat (sometimes a tophat, a homeless black guy in Anchorage is apparently the last guy to give up on hearing such hats).

Black children show markedly less self-awareness than whites or Asians. The liberal response is that this caused by cultural factors such as their societies being less individualistic, despite the fact that elephants, dolphins, chimps, and orangutans all pass the mirror test. Also, Asians more individualistic than blacks?

have test
blacks don’t pass
test must be wrong

Liberal logic 101.

I’ve never met a black person that was mentally lower than Ecclesiastes.
Then, again, i don’t think I’ve met anyone mentally lower that Ecclesiastes.

Good response, keep it up.

Did I hear someone mention Big Cynthia in this thread?

I did. Twice. She got that nookie thang, and you know this, man!

I think history will remember her for being a much greater artist than we may see in her now. Dude what whole genre is awesome. Do you know about Pokey? There’s a song called, “they call me pokey” that’s pretty bad ass.

Damn, I didn’t think you were taking me seriously here, MR. No offense, but Big Cynthia is a disgusting, untalented blob of trash that represents everything that is decadent in modern music. She should be locked in a cell and fed three times a day with pinto beans an water, until she lost that disgusting fat. Then she should be sterilized and given a third shift janitorial job somewhere, not a microphone. I can’t stand any of that rap shit. Any music that glorifies over weight black women and makes them happy with themselves for even a millisecond makes me want to vomit. Is there a correlation between rap music and irresponsible black people with chips on their shoulders who think they’re too good to work? You betcha, and I’m a tax payer, so it pisses me off. Turn the TV off, get off the couch, put the doritos and nail polish away, and get a fucking job you hideous, subhuman piece of useless shit. (not you, Shaniqua)

Now the little rap music I do have some affinity for is of nostalgic value only. If I thought then what I thought now, I’da never listened to it…but I didn’t, so I did, and now I like it because I liked it. You feel me? I cannot deny that Scarface goes hard, my nigga. That’s something I’ve come to terms with.