a new understanding of today, time and space.

K: perhaps the Neoplatonists do have a vision closer to the truth, but as I am still engaged in Aristotle,
I shall reserve my judgements about them to a later date.

And I believe you are correct as to science and metaphysics merging but the question becomes,
what does this mean? For us, for science, for the future?


Really, you cant claim to understand history. What someone wrote or didnt write, what is truth and what is lie, what people wished to be true and what was. If aristotle wrote of the war, what would he have written? Was he involved or removed? What walk of life did his writings stem from compared to others? A lot of variables. Its much easier to witness life around us and see how those philosophies may have came from similar origins. Place your rough knowledge of history onto todays problems and see if you can find a pattern. That would give you more of a look into those minds than a direct approach. Try to experience life as they did.

To call me a liar makes you the liar.

Many people have awoken to the prospect that certain things they always believed to be true, never really were and that at times, the good guys really were the bad guys. I was raised thinking that Science was far more genuine than it turned out to be. I never questioned whether the Judists or Christians were good guys. And now I have to very highly question reported “history”, especially since even Science can’t stay honest or accurate.

Discovering truth in history requires a high degree of analysis, far beyond superficial reading (much like scriptures). Some people learn to question properly, most do not.

K: very carefully reread what you wrote. “certain things they always believed to be true, never really were”
That is a long version story of a bias, prejudice. Each of us, all human beings, are raised with certain biases,
prejudices, we get these from family, school, church, society at large. I was raised in an upper class, liberal,
family that had political connections. My own personal journey has been philosophical in nature which meant
I went through a very long period of questioning my own biases, prejudices (I was influenced by Nietzsche in this)
I countered my biases by reading many, many other bias accounts of history, philosophy, economics, political theory, theological. For that is all we have biased accounts written by biased people. Is science bias, prejudiced?
Of course it is! But the way science questions it own bias is simple, it uses the scientific method to limit,
LIMIT, one’s bias. If you can use science to predict future events, you have a means of limiting bias.
If newton’s method was used for hundreds of years to predict event (and very successfully I might add)
then you have an bias to Newton’s method. Along came Einstein who created? devised? found? a method
which was more accurate means of predicting future event. The orbit of Mercury was the actual reason
for Einstein to revise Newton, because Newton method just didn’t get the prediction quite right, whereas
Einstein method did. This shift of bias is closer to the reality of the situation, (we have a better gauge of the
orbit of Mercury) This shift helps limit bias.

Your very statements are biased, prejudice as are mine. We seek to limit the bias in our thinking because
we are philosophers (this is in fact a philosophy site) We are never clear of the childhood clutter that
is the biases and prejudices that we were taught, but we can limit them.


Which guarantees that you have absolutely no hope of ever seeing clearly. And also guarantees that you will always believe that no one else can see any more clearly than you … unless they agree with you.

Why is it that wealthy liberals ALWAYS say that and yet ALWAYS display the opposite? Whimpy-self-delusion: “No one is smarter than Me … Me … MEEE!

There is a very strong tendency in nature to assume in some way that the self is better or smarter than another. At the root it is the comparison of self to another, judgmental bias tinged with a rebound of insecurity in one facet that cause other facets to highlight themselves to give you a sense of self worth, too often at anothers expense. To say that Kropotkin is limited by his lifestyle is to say the same of your self. Even in this, in a way, I view myself to be smarter because I feel that this advice is needed. I find that often, at the core of such interactions, that we view others to be better than us at the same time as seeing how they could be better. We try to help them avoid the weakness we feel and it just gets to the point of bias and prejudice and discontent since we arent really learning to work together. Two warriors that are bonded in struggle will move in tandem, each of them covering the others blindspots and dealing with what is in front of them. Why not collaborate?

K: feel free to show us how at any point in my over 4000 post, I have said I am smarter than people.
I am average in intelligence. I would guess out of the 7 billion people on earth, I rank somewhere in
the top billion or billion and a half. I am then saying that I believe that there are over 1 billion people
on planet earth smarter than me. I am old and no longer have any fantasy’s that I am special. I am not.
However I am honest and will take points for that. As you have made this personal, I shall return to the
point of biases. We each of us, have biases and we make judgements based on those biases. I hope to
temper my biases by having read many, many other people who are bias. I used their bias to balance
my bias. Nothing more is possible.

PS, my family lost all its wealth before I was 10. my mom was a single mom with 4 kids and needed
government programs to feed us. Much later in life, I was homeless for about 3 months. So save your nonsense
about wealth for someone who cares because that ain’t me.


K: I don’t view anyone smarter or better than me as I don’t view myself smarter or better than anyone else.
We each have strengths and weaknesses that make us different than other people. I am very weak in math as
is my whole family (except my brother who is a math genius) I recognize that we each have strengths. However
I am at the point in my life where I am just working on me. I just do my thing making me better and this
whole ILP thing is simple another way to do that. That is why I don’t give a shit if anyone reads me or not,
because my writing is for me and no one else.


PK, many of those billion who are smarter than you understand that almost nothing applies to everyone. So when you say “everyone is biased and prejudiced (just like me)”, speak only for yourself, because even that you don’t really know very well, and others, even less so. Implying and accepting that everyone is as bad as you is rather revolting and insulting.

“It’s okay to be excessively bias, prejudice, and hateful of others because everyone is.”
“It’s okay to cheat on my taxes because everyone does.”

K: and you have spun this with your bias and prejudiced and I might mention hate. I am sorry you really
hate people but it has nothing to do with me. You are bias and prejudice as is every human being on earth.
Deal with or don’t deal with it. It doesn’t matter to me. Because I deal with my issues, not yours.


Only you, PK (from your demonstrations on this forum for years … not prejudiced, not biased).

K:as I have already stated, I have biases and prejudices. Try reading this thread again to see this.
What I am saying is, everyone and everyone by definition includes me has biases and prejudices.
the goal seems to be to limit the amount of bias one has and to do so requires some method.
I suggest reading others who have a different bias and prejudices and use that to limit one’s own
biases. Other methods exist.


That (bolded) is your prejudice, accusation, and condemnation of people whom you have never met.
I am not arguing that YOU are not prejudice. I am pointing out that you are demonstrating your prejudice … again.

Let me call you on your shit. If this was just for you, why post it here, why not type it up in MS Word or scribe it out in a journal. You reach for others to intrude into your thoughts. I think that you are just looking for some sort of validation or verification of what you want to believe. Perhaps Aristotle didnt write of those wars because he thought that by preventing knowledge of it that there would be no more wars. Maybe he was afraid or maybe they didnt want philosophy mixing with war in those times. You might be looking to him as great inspiration when he was probably just another man. It is rather vain to post this here and then say that it’s just for you.

After some ugly days of work, I’M BACK.

I see doubters hard at work here and that is ok. I don’t mind.
Because I don’t get worked up about those who doubt anymore than
those who approve. I treat each the same. I write for me. This format
is simply for convenience sake because I have tried other methods and this one
fits best into what I am trying to do, so I use this. If you don’t understand, I really
can’t help you.

Because of work and its detrimental effects on me, I have been thinking about it in terms
of economics and not just work. We have today anyway, a mixed economic system.
The mix is of capitalism and socialism. (is this a complete and faithful representation of
our economic system, nope, but I am not interested in a complete and faithful representation
of our economic system because that is very involved and it doesn’t change anything I say)
We sacrifice millions of humans to continue this economic system. To give you an example whereas
any number of examples exists, I am a checker in a large supermarket chain. As far as the managers and
company goes, I am completely expendable. Once my value decreases, I am gone like yesterday’s garbage.
And yet I have given years (8 as of August 9) and I have damaged my health in numerous ways helping this
company and yet I am still expendable. It is completely irrelevant to the company as to what I want or would
like to achieve, the only thing that matters is my making the company money. Once I don’t do that, poof, gone.
I believe I have value beyond just creating profit for the company but you wouldn’t know it. I am a cog in
the machine. Is my value or even the company’s value just in making a profit? I don’t believe so. And this
is the reason I stand with Marx because I have greater value as a human being than just a profit making machine.
this dehumanization of our modern workers damages not only the worker but damages society. Human value
is linked to economic value and humans have a greater value than just economic. The company and societies
emphasis on the creation of profit is really nothing more than Nihilism, Nihilism carried out society wide.
Let us explore this notion further. Look into the dictionary and see nihilism as: The general rejection of
customary beliefs in morality, religion. But look deeper and see. Is not the exclusion/rejection of
human values such as love, honor, piety, hope, also Nihilism. We see this in our economic system which
excludes/rejects such human values as love and hope as economical unnecessary, unwanted.
To reject such human values is Nihilism. The current economic system in its pursuit of profit has
excluded and rejected human values and thus promotes nihilism. this dark and underlying feeling we
have of impending disaster is really our unconscious understanding that our economic system is
nihilism incarnate. We totter on the brink because we recognize on some level that human values that
we need are excluded and rejected as being unnecessary in the modern pursuit of profit.
Love and honor and hope and dreams have no value in the modern economic system.
Human values have no value in the modern economic system. The only thing that counts
is profits and the creation of enough profits so a small few can increase their value from millions to
billions to multi-billions. We are modern day slaves. Yes, slaves because we cannot escape our system.
we cannot go to some company that doesn’t follow the current economic system because it would go out
of business. We must go to a company that practices and preaches and obeys profit as the final, only goal
desired by business. We have two choices, one work in the modern economic system and be exploited
as cogs in the machines and having no other value or we opt out of the system and thus die.
(to those who claim to have opt out and have no economic footprint, you are simply fooling yourself.
you have an economic footprint which contributes to modern day society, you just don’t know it or pretend
it not to be true. It is there.) The option is to work or die. simple as that. You have no other choice because
for society to exist it must have as many people as possible working in its economic dungeons. creating profits
for our economic overlords, those who benefit from all our work and soak up that profit.
the modern economic system is simply an exercise in nihilism. The modern day denial of human values such
as love, hope, honor, forgiveness, and so many more human values that are denied as unwanted in
our modern economic system.


Was it any better as a hunter gatherer (I bet if most hunter gatherers experienced modern life, they’d switch places with you in a heartbeat)? Also, what’s wrong with nihilism … or are you confusing nihilism with apathy?

I dunno, I read Kropotkin, and yeah, under conditions of abundance animals can be very egalitarian, but I’m not sure how that’s a newsflash or why anyone would think it says very much about human nature. Maybe it was a newsflash in Kropotkin’s time, and I do credit him for giving us evolutionary psychology. But I’m far more interested in how we behave under pressure. That’s when it’s every man for himself, when we panic like a cornered animal, when we devolve towards superstition, when xenophobia begins to rear its ugly head, etc. etc. And isn’t that our real nature? After all, if you gave a criminal millions of dollars and he decided to quit his life of crime and retire to a tropical island, does that mean he’s a changed man? Did his narcissistic/sociopathic nature magically disappear? No of course not, its just that his greed has been satiated for the moment. Likewise, saying animals behave themselves when they have easy access to everything they need is to say nothing about our true nature. So I don’t find much value in the Kropotkin’s or Rousseau’s of the world (even though they were right in many things they said, it’s just that IMO they didn’t say anything very interesting), although maybe Hobbes exaggerated (and I’m quite sure that we could do better than social contract theory)?

So okay, western civilization sucks, we’re nothing more than slavish sheep, cogs in the capitalist wheel, etc. etc. Yup … you’re probably right. But then, to paraphrase Machiavelli, changing an ingrained system is maybe with hardest thing on earth to try and accomplish, and your chances of success are so tiny, you have to ask yourself … are prepared to accept lifelong misery in exchange for staying true to your values (since that is the likely outcome)?

And is it capitalism or is it something deeper? Was ancient Egypt under the Pharaoh’s better than modernity (I would say probably not, and ancient Egypt long predates modern capitalism)? Or maybe Nietzsche had it right, its really a “will to power” that drives our impulse to subjugate. Or maybe its something even deeper (or something much more simplistic)? Maybe our need for social acceptance, love, sex, etc. (something like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) is the driving force behind our will to power. If that’s true, then it would stand to reason that maybe we could design a more egalitarian socioeconomic system (although, I’m not sure if Marx’s communism is it). Honestly, Marx made plenty of predictions that were flat out wrong (even modern communist philosophers, like Zizek, concede as much), and I’m not a big fan of historicism (unless we’re talking about the sometimes interesting sometimes absurd ways Sartre looked at history, and I do admit that Popper may be gone too far in the other direction). So what is it (that elusive “perfect system”)? I wish I had the answer my friend.

But I do have one thing in common with Kropotkin, I became a biologist (so maybe I subconsciously admire his work) :slight_smile:

I like the way people concede they are cogs in the machine and capitalism sucks
and then almost always go blah, blah, blah… I mean they use those very words, blah, blah,
anyway, the point is to look anew at this. The real problem with the modern age is we cannot
agree that there is a problem little less look to an answer. How do we find the future if we cannot even
agree that there is a problem? We are cogs in a machine, everyone agree and yet few even
see that as a problem. My point of bringing up other economic systems like hunter/gatherer is
to show that capitalism is just a phase, a short term and failed solution to certain questions.
Now what are those questions? How are we to spend our days? Should we spend our days
like the men of old and work all day putting food on the table with no other point to life?
the problem with that is if you look at the numbers, we have less leisure time today than
the vast majority of societies that have existed. In other words, we work harder than societies
like the Greek, Roman, and even the medieval societies that we so look down on. Come think about
it, if we were able to create an objective method of comparing societies based on certain criteria,
such as leisure time, the quality of life, life expectancy, happiness, stress factors that our modern
day world would rank well behind many other societies. (the only one I think we really beat the others
societies on is life expectancy and really, is 70 years of misery really better than 30 years of misery?)

You look at philosophy and you see with each society/people the philosophical question is different.
for example, for the greeks the question was about Arete (excellence) and how was Arete possible and
how was it taught or learned? With each age the question changed. So, for us, what is the question?
We can ask this a couple of different ways, what is the philosophical question or what is the question of
our age? Now to return to us being cogs in the machines, is that the answer our age has given to the
question, how do we live our lives? Every aspect of our lives is an answer to some question.
Philosophy is the answer to the question, what is the meaning of life? Capitalism is the answer to
the question, how do we organize ourselves economically to best make sense? Democracy is the answer
to the question, how do we organize ourselves to best politically? How do we best relate to religion/
spiritual matters, is it by Catholicism, Protestantism, being born again or being atheist? Each answer
we have in the modern age is an answer to a question. so being a cog in the machine is the answer to
what question?


… (delete)

Yes we’re cogs, but not all in the same way, and I used the term “machine” metaphorically. I think we overrate the system. If it thought itself so impervious to attack, why would it try so hard to suppress dissent? So I think change is possible, but is it probable? I spent years as an activist, and I think all the left wing activism that I played a small part in … has had some effect. But will it matter? We’ll see (incidentally, I think the best activists can do is compel people to think a little deeper, and its effects are usually only felt years after the fact). But ultimately, I’m not much of a Marxist. Not necessarily because I dislike the way he described the problem, it’s more that he viewed capitalism in a special way, something different and far beyond what it really is, just another manifestation of power (in a very long list). I don’t mind calling myself a socialist, which I view as a very broad concept. But I feel like Marx is (at very minimum) less relevant today than he was during the period he was writing. I like Kropotkin, and credit him for giving us evolutionary psychology (sometimes referred to as sociobiology, which I think is a field that although it’s in its infancy right now, has great promise). But I don’t look at these issues in the polarizing way that many of others do. I think, for example, Hobbes made some good points. He probably exaggerated the problem, but I think it’s more a matter of degree (not either/or), and I do think there’s a system out there waiting to be discovered that can play to the best aspects of our nature (much better than any system devised to date), but at the end of the day, I think power relationships are more important than any particular system (be it capitalism or whatever) in terms of understanding the challenges we face in achieving a more egalitarian world.

I think you missed my point which is nihilism is the creation of the system.
Because the system only value profits and ignores, crushes, punishes, all other
values, human values like love, honor, sadness, and this is the real creation of
nihilism in our world. Human being no matter how much they proclaim they
are nihilist and anti-whatever, they still cling to human values even if the value
is negative. Hate is a negative value and yet the system still treats hate like all the other
human values, ignores, crushes and punishes that value and hate is a human value, no different
than love or sadness or honor. To remove the nihilism of our lives doesn’t take a revaluation of
values that Nietzsche wrote of, no, it is simply the removal of the system which is the creator
of Nihilism. The placing of humans into cogs in the machine is just another example of the systems
nihilism. A cog has no function other than being a cog and no need of human values which makes
human life possible. A cog just does it, cog thing. As a cog myself, I just do my thing which is
scan items across a bar code and remember produce codes. I don’t need any human values
to do my cog thing and I will be punished if I exhibit any human values like love, hate, shame,
despair, while doing my cog thing. At one point in time, checkers were required under penalty of
a written notice to smile at all times, no matter what was happening. If you failed to smile, you were
written up. The company dumped this when it was discovered that all that fake smiling freaked customers
out. It was like the stepford workers and it was just that scary. As a cog, I am to demonstrate whatever
the company demands of me, so if it be smiling that is what I do. If it is anger or hate or whatever,
that is my job as a checker to do. Exhibit any other human value other than what is mandated by the company
is punishable up and including loss of job. That is nihilism. the punishment of human values because
they interfered with the prime directive which is profits. Everything is done in the name of profits and
all values that don’t increase profits are eliminated, human values. this is not new by the way.
the middle ages with its emphasis on god also created a system of nihilism because human values
had no value in regards to the ultimate goal which is entering heaven. Denial of human values such
as sex, anger, beauty were at the center of the church during the middle ages. So which ages didn’t have
nihilism at their core? I would say we have had just two and only two ages that was positive and not
nihilists. One was the Greek age of Athens from 490 BC to 400 BC and the second age was the Renaissance.
by the way, both ages loved by the one major critic of nihilism, Nietzsche. Coincidink? I think not.
