ILP rules and the permaban of Lys?

Man says an atmosphere in which ideas can’t have their day is bad.

Man bans user, and censors another user from sharing their ideas.

That’s irony.

Never was a fan of internet mods, period.

It feels like kindergarten.

Why should one be ruled by lesser men?

Satyr’s system is more fair, actually.

He doesnt censor ideas, he just relegates users to the dungeon.

The extreme opposite are the Christian boards, who bans anybody they dont like and erases their posts.

mouse problems

She’s a bit of a spammer.

I had mouse problems. It involved duct tape.

Lyssa, poopkins, not you.

It involved duct tape mostly on my boobs.

Admittedly, I’m not really all that familiar with the ILP/KT “war”.

Apparently it began before I became a member here.

But I have to endorse Arbiters argument above if in fact Lys has been permanently banned. It sets a dangerous precedent. After all, I often include Satyr’s arguments in my own posts. Now, I do this because I believe [here and now, moreno] that moral/political objectivism is both delusional and dangerous. And I do whatever I can to expose it in philosophy venues.

So I quote him only to thump him.

But if Lys is only including Satyr’s philosophical arguments [and not the huffing and the puffing Stooge bullshit], she should certainly not have been banned for it!

Bring her back please.

I see no issue with bringing them back (if they are indeed separate). I mean, if we can tolerate someone as messed up as Only Humean, we can tolerate them, right?

I’m obviously am no fan of the guy, but get a sick feeling whenever I hear someone being banned or threatened with a ban, it just doesn’t fit with the whole philosophy thing.

Perhaps, you are right.

With love,

ILP is at war with KT the way a building is at war with a dog that keeps coming around and peeing on it. And also one time the building’s head janitor went to the dog’s house to ask why it kept peeing on the building. And the dog pee’d all over the head janitor.

The janitors did their best to prevent the dog from peeing all over their humble building, and so they forbid the dog from visiting. But then the dog’s friend started coming around with jars full of dog piss. And the janitors are understanding, they let the dog’s friend carry the jars around and show them off. But when the friend started pouring jar after jar on the building, it was just too much: what good was forbidding the dog from coming around if he could just pee in a jar, pass it to his friend, and have the friend dump pee all over the building? And so the janitors forbid the friend from coming around.

I hope this allegory has been as satisfying for you as it has been for me.

Although the analogy was a bit apropos, what good comes from such a ban? What has ACTUALLY been improved/gained versus lost?

I say many things that are totally ignored. Why is it so unreasonable to ignore anyone else considered unworthy?

Carleas wrote:


Obviously Carleas is a man who engages in critical thought and reflection, as this shows in his solution for this ongoing problem.

I applaud you.

To the disgruntled, why not pay a visit to Know Thyself, just a click away.

The point of the OP though, was that lyssa wasn’t bring in here satyr’s insults, just his ideas, and carleas has stated that he has no issue with satyr’s ideas being presented.

So it’s more like the dog’s friend is bringing over a lot of dog fur and it’s geting stuck all over the furniture and people’s clothes and stuff. The head janitor said he has no issue with pet fur, though. Just piss.

Frankly, who gives a shit about those two.

As far as those who bow down to Satyr and Lyssa, let them go to Know thyself and bathe in the delights and appreciation that will be given them.

Kiss, kiss to both of you.

an afterthought with regard to Satyr….

Beyond a certain point, very insistent presentations of one’s opinions reflect badly on that person, they make that person look inflexible, self-congratulatory, and opinionated.

I am saddened and surprised that the administrator of this forum has responded to my OP with an allegory about dog piss.
I guess it goes to show the extent of his intellectual, and philosophical, sophistication.

The ILP/KT war is not what interests me. What interests me is the unjust banning of another forum member. Once again:

  • in your first quote in my OP, you mention that Satyr was not banned because of his ideas, but because of his way of engaging other members, and that Satyr, the human behind the mask is banned.
  • but then, in the second quote, you claim that posting the thoughts (ideas) of a banned member is a warnable offense. If it is not a person’s thoughts/ideas that gets them banned in the first place, then this second rule does not make sense coupled together with the first one.

Precisely. But let’s be honest, everybody in this building leaves their fur all over the place. In fact, this building (forum) is precisely a place for fur (ideas), is it not?
Carleas, I would appreciate if you at least had the intellectual honesty and integrity to admit that the reason you support the banning of Lys, is because of the ideas that are being promoted by her.
In other words, that you are not the all-inclusive forum that you pretend to be, and that not all fur (ideas) is welcome here, but only certain kinds of it.

ILP is scum to KT, why do they care to come over here?

There’s plenty of places they can preach racism to.


Lower your expectations of the people who inhabit these forums.

Little integrity to be found.

You’re giving them too much credit.

Firstly, they can’t address the ideas on any level that shows they understand them or that they can rationalize whatever they think they have that challenges them. So it’s more a defensive phenomenon than any sort of intelligent, thought-out maneuver. This is not a new thing either, years ago Satyr’s thread the Feminization of Man was locked on here and his account renamed to something retarded, mostly to prevent newcomers searching his posts. They won’t change and you can’t convince them to change. These people are not salvageable, so take what you can from them and move on.
Secondly, there isn’t an ILP-KT “war”, this would imply that there is something to fight about, or some sort of conflicting interest. ILP is about socializing, not philosophy, so there is nothing to bring conflict, other than the attempt of Lys to inject actual philosophy into the ruminating and fart-sniffing at the water hole… an effort which does promote conflict, of ideas and values and perceptions of reality, and so it must be removed to protect and conserve what has been maintained here.
The most KT members do, here, is try to attract the like-minded who are mislead by this forum’s name. This forum is a resource because it is indeed like a well-traveled public square, shitSmeared with piss and skidmarks, dotted with fetid puddles where the pavement is cracked and crumbling, but occasionally allowing the odd interesting encounter with a fellow traveler who, like yourself, takes advantage of the public space without making it his home nor wanting to become too comfortable.

Make friends with who you can and if they respond, invite them to a more suitable venue. But don’t invest yourself too much in what you can’t fix.

Moderator: Carleas, there is unrest among the people. They are saying you you have acted unjustly by banishing the Satyr from the kingdom. You must reconsider, my lord.

Carleas: You are advising that I should let it back in? You understand this would be very dangerous. [thinks] Okay, but under one condition. The people will be given what they want, but the creature must be contained. We will keep it in the arena and force it to defend itself in battle. This should appease the people. Do you have a fighter who can do this?

Moderator: Yes, my lord, there are rumors of a man… a shadowy, mysterious man who walks among us, though we know not where. The legend has it that he is a mercenary and assassin. He is called Zoot Allures. I will seek him out and give him your proposition.

Moderator: Zoot Allures, Carleas has asked me to contact you and make a proposal. There is a Satyr that has been bansished from the kingdom. The people are restless and feel his decision was unjust. To appease the people, Carleas had agreed to let the creature back in, on the condition that it be contained in the arena and forced to fight. We need a fighter to do battle with this creature. Please, Zoot Allures, you must help us.

Zoot Allures: I will help you. Inform the people of Carleas’s decision. I will need some time before I am ready…

Sandra: Zoot, my love, you must be careful! They say the creature will create 74,000 word posts of unintelligable nonsense, and then visciously attack you when you refute its arguments.

Zoot: Sandra my dear, what would I do without you? You must trust me, Sandra, and know that I can handle this. The beast is clumsy, obscure, inconsistent, and contradicting with its words. I know how and where to strike the beast. With surgical precision I will defeat it. Worry not, my love.

Zoot: Hear me Carleas! I am ready. The time is now! Open the gates!!