Story of my Life.

The “stop giving a fuck” remedy only works in short bursts.

Same with cannabis.

I have a remarkable ability to mimic mental states.

I only did a few times, and I gained it’s essence.

I was able to mimic its mental state, in my mind.

I was “high all the time”, as they say, without having to use the substance itself.

But when you are “high all the time”…how can you tell the difference between high or low? High becomes a low.

I crashed and burned.

The joker laughs from afar.

But that’s all emotion is; the interaction of neurotransmitters, dendritic spikes and action potentials, and hormones. Fundamentally, an emotion is generated by ionized particles crossing a membrane. Saw a video of a doctor who had stimulated a specific region in the brain of a woman, causing her to laugh at the push of a button.

Crashing and burning has always come with the territory


Lies are like that.

Is that the same as the above, in a way?

I’ve never gotten high a day in my life except maybe on coffee, books, nature, et cetera, and a beautiful male face. lol
But it seems to me that there comes a point, call it a tipping point, emotionally speaking, when you come to realize that your so-called high was only a lie, your brain’s way of tricking you. The most natural wonderful high in the world is stillness, being, and having done nothing to actually get there.

So how do you know it exists if you can’t experience it? You and Amorphos are killing me with this stuff man.

Have a look at how Sartre addressed the Kantian concept of noumena.

Yea or nay?

What is this working that you speak of?

Staying high all the time would render you dysfunctional, during the high and after it, depending upon how high you are that is.

Extreme lows do follow extreme highs, and that’s the very reason why I choose not to get THAT high anymore. Finding your balance is needed I think.

Personally, I’m enjoying the ‘high’ of meditation at the moment, a special place I can venture into, I’m getting better and better at entering it without long delays. I like this place better than gods place, it just seems more real and beneficial.

Now even you I did not know was so boring.

i suspect it has more to do with water.

Something about a doctor poking around in a woman’s brain making her laugh on command, creeps me out and arouses me at the same time.

Define “experience” as you mean it?

Could one say that “consciousness” is a noumenon?

No consciousness is a phenomenon.


Other people’s consciousness is noumenon, with a little bit of phenomenon evidence.

Your own consciousness is phenomenon.

I can at times be quite boring but then again…at times…well you might be surprised. lol

But we all come from different perspectives. Yours may be based in the part of my life which you have not lived.
I for one would like to live within your brain for about 10 minutes - it might help me to understand you better. It might take longer than that though.

A prime example of a language game; you all are talking about consciousness as if it were a thing, and confusion results.

Think of the ways in which you use the word ‘consciousness’ that make it noticably meaningful.

He is conscious, doctor.

He’s lost consciousness.

Be conscious of what you are doing.

In each of these examples you know precisely what is meant with the word. But when you put this otherwise ordinary term into a metaphysical environment, all the ‘signs’, as Wittgenstein put it, are lost.

Now you are all talking about consciousness in a way that doesn’t make it meaningful, and calling it something (noumena) that doesn’t exist.

That’s a double philosophically nonsensical whammy, you know.

If one were to say ‘consciousness is a phenomena’, this would meaningfully translate into ‘the person who is conscious is a phenomena’, because a person can be experienced.

Moreover, the statement ‘I can’t experience your consciousness’ isn’t true or false, because consciousness is not something that can or can’t be experienced.

Hate to cut in but I dissent with the above. consciousness or reversible a Möbius strip kind of lining underplays it, a lot can be inferred, a whole lot can be known from another’s experoence, usually beyond the intended communication of the author.
And that creates a grey area between literal and figurative, fact and fiction, trust and distrust. you simply never know, just have to trust your instincts.
If you do, and have done so, to your benefit then go on. if not be resigned to the futility to ever really trust anyone.

Through an analogy of behavior, yes. He smiles, he must be happy. He bites his nails, he must be nervous. Etc. But there is no communication going on here outside of behavior and language. You cannot make ‘contact’ with another consciousness. I could be a p-zombie and you couldn’t tell the difference.

You’d be irreversibly damaged, I think.

If one bites one nails, one can become nervous. If one rubs ones chin, one can force ones self to think more deeply.

Emotions can be forced by physical actions. It is hard for someone to bite ones nails and not become nervous from the act of doing so.

They could still be a p-zombie though.

But there is little else then behavior and language. if there is, it can only be sensed through other means,
such as?

Extra ordinary means of communication

Extra-ordinary means of. Omani action. But of that later.