Story of my Life.

What is this word ‘noumena’ I keep seeing everywhere?

Have you stood up?



Exactly! One can artificially induce emotions.

If you know the feelings your having are false in some way [drugs etc], then you are to one side of them - so to say. This way we know that the will/consciousness can bypass the emotions, and hence they are made flaccid. All information is secondary to the primary consciousness, and emotions are information acting upon ones drives which would otherwise continue without them. Emotions are surely of the matter?

females eh! :-"

Drug induced emotions are not fake emotions they are real emotions.

No, you are real and that makes your experience of the false emotions real.

What do you mean by “false” emotions, Amorphos?

For instance, when we feel emotional pain yet we laugh it off?

Amorphous has a point, it is knowing emotions from thoughts that make the difference.

So when it comes to noumena, how does one separate emotions/feelings from thought? How does one know what is real or go about deciding what experience has value?

Wouldn’t you say that something has to call it into being - how can that happen without the influence of the senses?
The human mind or psyche, along with how we are wired and the impressions/patterns made upon our minds early in life, have a lot to do with how we individually perceive things through our senses and how we experience things - not necessarily real as reality goes but nevertheless real to the individual. Noumena is created through the deepest core of our beings or perhaps it’s the other way around.


How can someone go about healing you with noumena?

Counselors who say “it will be better”

And tell me “to look at the bright side”

When there is no hope, nor bright side.

What does that have to do with noumena?

Any idiot can say those words to you. Platitudes. That’s what someone says when they don’t know what else to say.
You’d be better off just going outside and looking up at the stars. What you perceive you become and absorb.
Perhaps not much better than what they say to you but you might then be absorbing light, energy and beauty.

If you know what it is you really want to do what will make you happy, why obsess about it?

Noumenon - (in Kantian philosophy) a thing as it is in itself, as distinct from a thing as it is knowable by the senses through phenomenal attributes.

Now what is a noumenon? A thing, that has no connection to phenomenon, or reality.

Such as hollow words, like “life is good”. or “it will get better”, and “stay positive”

When the mathematics shows, that my life is steady decline.

I don’t know what will make me happy. I just wanted to be loved. I now realize I was deluded. There is no love to be found in this world.

I understood what a noumenon or noumena is. I see what you mean though.

But what do YOU need to do so that life CAN BE MADE BETTER - so that you can have a positive attitude - short of lying to yourself or denying your own reality?

I am immune to the effects of drugs. Only thing left I can do is change my DNA.
If I had more money I would live my life in one of those new age healing circles/massage parlors.

I agree with trixie, I would also say there weren’t any false emotions.

Drug induced emotion are real, in the sense that it is an existing emotion and it is being felt. Drugs increase the production of dopamine and endorphins which increases the sensitivity of emotions which is higher than the usual experience of the individual person.

People automatically think the default state is some how correct and perfect, or that you must just accept it. Which is ridiculous really given the fact that it is different for everybody, with that logic why bother with medicine at all, for anything.

Some people are just born into really unlucky emotional states that often increases the suffering and decay of the person.

Certain psychedelic drugs might create false perceptions, such as delusions but the emotions that come with it are real.

Personally, I would suggest psychoactive drugs, such as cannabis, where the thoughts and emotions are in tune.

With that said, no drug is perfect in the sense that it will make you feel how you want to feel. I think a lot of what we feel can be out of our hands, and you just have to ride it out… this too shall pass etc…

Alternatively, use art or self acceptance of such an emotionally persisting state in relation to social expression.

I also would like to add, perhaps it will be unwelcomed, but I went to a doctor when I was a late teen, he said to me he has the remedy for everything, I said what is it…he said just stop giving a fuck!

The “stop giving a fuck” remedy only works in short bursts.

Same with cannabis.

I have a remarkable ability to mimic mental states.

I only did a few times, and I gained it’s essence.

I was able to mimic its mental state, in my mind.

I was “high all the time”, as they say, without having to use the substance itself.

But when you are “high all the time”…how can you tell the difference between high or low? High becomes a low.

I crashed and burned.

The joker laughs from afar.

But that’s all emotion is; the interaction of neurotransmitters, dendritic spikes and action potentials, and hormones. Fundamentally, an emotion is generated by ionized particles crossing a membrane. Saw a video of a doctor who had stimulated a specific region in the brain of a woman, causing her to laugh at the push of a button.

Crashing and burning has always come with the territory