Word Association III (Part 1)

Irate male

Crazy misogynist MRA

Stella Artois

Thirteen views





Los Alamos

[size=50]How do you pronounce your name, phonetically?[/size]

Remember the Alamo :-$

battle cry!

War wound

Hi MagsJy, :mrgreen:

Why don 't you and I get out of this crazy place. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee or tea? Some place air-conditioned. It’s going to feel like over 100 degrees today, as did yesterday.

C’mon let’s go …whew


You do put a smile on my face (sometimes) Arc :smiley:

Make mine a cocktail, and I’m in :wink:

Nail bomb

I always delete off-topic posts in here and in other similar threads, whether they are about me or others, to keep the thread clean, baby :wink:

You do know that I think that the ‘brown cow’ moniker I have over there is kinda cute, don’t’cha… so keep wasting your time with your childish assumptions, and there’s nothing quite like a wrong assumption for me to laugh at :evilfun:

Do you feel all grown up/wise being able to insult others on an online philosophy forum? I felt grown up for other reasons, and insulting others has never been one of them.

Merci beaucoup
:laughing: What about the other times, MagsJy :stuck_out_tongue:

If i were a bee, this would be my nectar …

a perfect marriage of cabernet and chocolate - if only all relationships were as such.

nail bomb



Reminds me of a cocktail I once had in a trendy bar in Nottinghill… a Black Forest ghetto… deeee-lish



