The War Within

Me, too. Whatever happens will happen. I cope with toxic crutches, which can be seen as not coping at all.

creator is joker ,
you are his joke.
agreed… again agreed ,
again , who did he meant to make happy.
was it laugh or smile he expects.
Again , creator capable of creating joke.
why can’t he have that laugh and smile without a reason ?

I love this. Could be a Pink Floyd song.

Good question. We seem to need a reason to laugh. I can only answer it with an insane chuckle.

Thanks, F. C. It was written during my throes of major depression. I do believe in God, but question my sanity. I only hope my negativity is not contagious. Sometimes, in pain, one has to fight back.

some how,
you became creators necessity.
congrats !!!

what about your necessity?
listen to and forward to creators necessity!?

Love and grief–
Both start as some belief.
So does some maker know
We were created so?


just kidding.

made to like ,
made to feel proud,
did like i say,
did felt proud I say.

What if did not ?
am i revolting.
if did ,
revolting against whom ?

If whom did be ,
why whom be right .
why I be convincing the aspiration of that whom.

do whom to whom exist,
if so,whom to whom might be doing that.
if not ,
why not.
if whom did not,
why can’t I not whom’s ?

Revolting against what or whom?
Constant gloom?
Too early tomb?
Too little room?
Some heavenly womb?
Too little love?
All the above.
I’m reminded of Wm. Blake’s “Book of Thel” in which a spirit about to be born looks down on Earth and sees nothing but suffering and mutual devouring. She chooses not to be born. I see the same, but had no such choice.

that was nice info.

i don’t read books.
i read people,
at least i try.

Each time in front of mirror,
Can i get this fellow right this time?
may be not .
may be next time for sure.

If you had the choice not to be born, would you have taken it?

i am born,
no matter what, creator should grant good comfort for my loved ones.

creator should prove its worth of existence by serving me.

Who are we to assume what some creator should do?

very funny

I look into the mirror.
My reflection claims it
Is not reflection, but is
Objective in my subjectivity.
This is not a poem;
It is a reflection.
I was created to think
In conundrums.

you were created to think of that
and you did.

you you were created to think of that in that way
and you did.

how can that be called as thought of thinking.
how come subject be termed as thought.

container was stuffed to contain that.
and it did.

there don’t seem to exist a talent nor thought.
talent of container !!
purpose of container !!!

and enough ,
if you went and said : LIFE OF A CONTAINER!!
it lives it’s existence and moves on !!!

If–“life’s a bitch;
And then you die”–
If no one knows
The reason why–
Give me a hit
Of that good feel good.
Perhaps you could.
I do not understand
If all is planned
How I would–
How I should–
Give me a hint
Of that good feel good.
Perhaps you could.

very funny.
i adopt this style lot of times.
again, nice way.
this way that way.

can you provide me vacancy.
just 500 $ per month

Not meant to be funny. Serious business expressed in doggerel. As for provision-- I live in virtual poverty, as Blake did.

Me too. I try to make sense of it all as if it were a machine generating greater wisdom via conflict/duality. I think fate is involved because things go wrong beyond my own causes and the strings of occurrences do not display pure randomness.