Ecmandu's No Fool

Also your second argument defeats itself. You said men not getting laid enough is the cause of the world’s problems. Then you said the 1% get laid all the time. But the 1% are also the cause of most of the world’s problems.

Your argument defeats itself.

I don’t know why you’re trying to debate this with me here… but sexual stratification causes problems, and the distribution of motivational systems in particular ways causes problems… none of which this “argument defeats itself” addressed. Anyways, we’ll see what Carleas has to say… we may be able to find a narrow enough topic to debate if he’s still interested, he did offer after all.

I’ve found him extremely congenial in my exchange with him while I was banned, and also pretty sharp.

I didn’t say that he isn’t polite and corgial, on the contrary. I said that you will never, ever be allowed to “win” any debate, regardless of topic, with him. I know from years of experience wherein I had to give up being nice and just nail him without mercy … and even then, he merely went away, never admitting defeat (banned by emotion).

Don’t get me wrong. I like Carleas for other reasons. I support his efforts. But “debate him” - “WTFF?”

Yeah… he did mention that he never loses debates with a bit of a smirk in his writing.

I seem to recall you owing me a response on the Blue Eye Problem… :-"

Memory of convenience on your part. =;

The resultant issue was that I asked you a simple critical question at least twenty times. And in every case, you just dodged, refusing to answer it. We went to private so as to not make everyone else have to watch us bantering back and forth with the exact same question over and over. At one point, I had even listed the number of times I had already asked it. In private that number doubled. #-o

You were very guilty of contempt of court.
Fortunately for you there was no court judge involved.

Of course it causes problems, that’s common knowledge. Your argument was that it was the source of all problems, and fixing it would save the world. A ridiculous assertion, seen as how fixing it would not change the attitudes of the 1 percent, the retards who run things.

You’re really going to argue that if you change motivational systems it won’t fix all our problems? You are neither great nor wise. Oh, and you didn’t create this species either, and to quote you in the other thread… you’re the internet scourge, not me.

Wow are you really this retarded, or just kidding around? No, it won’t, because the 1 percent get all the sex and wealth they want and they still cause problems for everyone else. The system needs to be changed, but simply changing mating habits won’t be enough. Human DNA needs to be changed, not just “motivational systems” which is an incredibly vague and undefined term by the way. Scourge is like the final boss of the game by the way you are only a small mini boss.

Umm… actually changing the mating habits would be enough, but my phrase was motivational systems in general. I see you’re still trolling.

Oh right, now I remember now how I refused to answer.

Funny how memory works. It’s like the retrospective version of motivated reasoning.

No it wouldn’t, why would changing any species mating habits affect every other part of their behavoir? Would a lion stop killing if he had a mate? No, that’s ridiculous. Mating isn’t the keystone to all behavoirs. There’s other keystones, like food, shelter, combat and social instincts.

I’m talking about inter-species violence. If lions weren’t sexually stratified, they wouldn’t fight each other for mates and eat their young. This is like debating a child. This also isn’t the right place to have this discussion.

This thread sucks.

But thank you to Carleas for judging the debate fairly, and you’re welcome to Ecmandu for only banning you for two weeks instead of permanently like we agreed.

How do you plan on de-stratifying lions without changing their DnA? Politely tell it to stop fucking? Same deal with humans. You can’t change it’s mating habits by teaching it not to do things. This is like arguing with a retard. Second I am fairly sure there are species that aren’t stratified who commit interspecies violence, I can’t think of any offhand though. Second it selfish to only worry about the wellbeing of your own species, that mentality is half the reason the world is in such a retarded shape anyway. Species solidarity=tribe=tribe mentality=retardedcy=war=rooting for team spirit at the pub=idiocy=genocide=religion

And you keep replying… sigh you’re the one who said you created us to not be able to digest the lipids in grass… yet you complain that we eat animals, at least we don’t eat them alive.

I never said that speech was necessarily the mode, I said that if you change the motivational system, you can end this phenomenon. If you act in accordance with proper motivational systems you can contribute to ending this phenomenon.

I am not God I am the DEviL i did a complete mockery of him I hate him he is a filthy worthless entity who does not deserve to exist. I hate his species too, but I blame him for everything he simply punishes good people as some sort of devine "test’ and rewards the wicked which he expects me to “save” and to judge favorably. I revoke all credit for this idiotic creation/system of his only a complete retard could design a world system this utterly devoid of anything fair or rational I am pure hatred. Hatred is an emotion that’s common, the easiest way to obtain it is just be a good person and do everything right and God will punish you for his own amusement and “science” experiments. The lesson we can learn from Job is that you obey and love God so he can punish you more
THere is no “motivational system” you can change so easily the devine “code” is embedded in all species through DNA and it’s the only method to change such inate behavoirs as mating preferences and habits. It’s simple code, of this “game” of his. Not so easy to “glitch” and do workarounds, the humas already tested primitive methods on homosexuals to no effect (the only method to change homosexuals is testosterone manipulation.) Humans are so primitive it’s ridiculous. I would have assumed they would have figured this out 100 years ago, there seems to be a disconnect between rational men and the men who run things.

I hate to break this pattern, but if there may be a dissent it is : pessimism of the scopenhauerian kind was still anchored in a romantic vision of reality. There is still room for visionaries , for visions, but it is strictly out of the realm of subjectivity. It is human yearning for the betterment of offspring, and a Niezche and a Scopenhauerian can co exist, without a total nihilization. It is philosophy, and of the philosophy of Art through which some lives are sublimated, and to place Job into an infantile category may miss the point here. millions die every year, through illness and war, yet life is still valued. If we were to go along with Trixie, we would be purloined into a pessimism which Nitezhe types can easily overcome. How ever, a Wagner contra-ed Nietzche, in full knowledge of man’s capacity for evil. Job shoes a side of God, which redempts, for the purpose of the creation to go on. The alternative is a Jones town style mass suicide, whereby there would result a total nothingness. between the two, how would, or how could, a God decide? to be, or not to be that is the question, and this question has been echoed through the immense time tunnel of all realities. do You think if there be Jeddis, they would allow the latter to predominate? it is not simply You and me, brother, it is a question of eternity. but that, has to be believed, or, at least, felt.

Umm… if you actually read Job, God was tricked by Satan to allow Satan to test Job in this way. I can’t quote the passage, because I don’t really bother much with the Bible anymore. Just like the passage where Jesus says that the faithful can come across any poison and not die from it… so we should all just drink poison as a test for the church goers and ministers and popes etc…

But now here you are claiming to be the Devil, poor devil, doesn’t even like to be evil, but is forced to… likes the good people (even though you claimed to hate the whole human species) but hates God for punishing them and rewarding the wicked. Your narratives get more bizarre Trixie, and your mockery of God wasn’t that good.

I don’t see sexual orientations as the problem, and I also don’t see picking assholes as a sexual orientation, I see it as evil, this is where conscience comes into play, sexual orientations don’t increase or decrease suicide rates… they are neutral to this regard, however bashing them causes suicide because it’s bullying. But bashing women for not having sex with nice guys doesn’t cause suicide in them, because they are evil and without conscience.

Evil is a masquerade. A lonely yet unrequited play at the semblance of self derision. Evil is a power play of which God does not or cannot participate, because his energies are elsewhere, in the realm of the non affected, and the thing is, Job may have been a test of gods affectance, but not of his effect. It is a game of similacra, a reality play, so as to appease those who do not know what they are doing. And God? he has to play along, but in reality, playing a double game, where there can not be winners or losers, and even evil is forgiven, although he can not understand that. It appears as a game of self punishment, a fakir’s venture, but it really is a work of attrition, so trying to assimilate the aberration of similitude, the denial of the absolute nothingness of the purity of an asshole. So, that only the brave can survive. The brave who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of the Beauty, whom the Beast does not see, because it’s consumed. It consumes himself, and the Beauty with
it. That’s the strength of Job, and here is where he triumphs.