In Sight of SAM, I Am

From the Media thread:

Well as I said the entire way it works is detailed and complicated to explain, but how this relates to the Media is that a part of the SAM structure requires what amounts to a insider’s newspaper for the group. The newspaper (or LAN Network) basically spreads the gossip that would be typical of a church or small town anyway, except its business is to know everyone’s situation and needs. So it takes a little different mindset, a far more open, intimate, and honest mindset, because everything is “above board”. Unlike society, 2/3 of the activities are NOT under see-level. Deception becomes very difficult to get away with or be rewarded by.

And then imagine that the “owner” (although SAM has no owners) runs the corporation strictly in accord to the needs of the employees/members. Such is the way of a not-for-profit organization, or a church (501C, I believe they call it). Everything done; assigning work, schedules, pay rates, everything involved, is organized around the needs of everyone. Of course how to assess those needs gets into some complication and is actually based upon the “Integral of Joy Over Time”, IJOT. It takes a bit of a wizard to learn how to do that, but after some practice, isn’t really all that hard.

And when I say “everyone knows the needs of everyone else”, I don’t mean that they know the general situation and a few presumed abstract survivalist concerns. I mean that they know the details concerning all physical, medical, mental, and emotional needs/issues as well as the individuals situations. And that is why there is a natural limit to the size of the corp… Imagine trying to know all of that information in precise detail and having to verify it all for 10,000 people in real time. If the only thing that John knows about Bill is that he is a good guy, has a family of four, and works in the “Awareness Department”, then the corp. has grown far too large already.

This is one of the scariest parts of the SAM corp… People today are very accustomed, trained in fact, to be very leery of each other and releasing private information. And they are right in feeling that way (although simultaneously trusting an unseen judgmental government with anything and everything). But that is only due to the manner in which people have been governed, taught, and judged (especially by that unseen government).

So a new SAM corp. can only be formed with people who can trust each other with extremely detailed, the normally private information. And that would constitute very few people.

Informationally at this point, the corporation is a communistic group in that they all share the same information. But as can be seen a little later, it is physically impossible to form a truly communist nation or even large city with so much information having to be shared in real time. In most cases, the maximum size of the corp. would be around 10-15 people or so, else the information becomes too much to handle. And the need for all of that information comes due to two concerns.

The first concern involving the need for accurate, detailed, and verified information concerning every member involves the need to make good decisions for sake of the members. This is the same reasoning that larger governments make to excuse extreme spying liberties. But of course, it can never actually work for any very large group. Even super-intelligent androids could not handle a group as large as merely a city, much less a nation. Communication has a natural immutable limit. And if that limit is over-reached, errors will occur. And those decisions are being based, not on simple estimated need for monetary distribution, but on the gauged IJOT (“Integral of Joy Over Time”) for each and every member. Gauging that for even one member is not trivial, but a human mind can do wonderful things, once it gets the general idea and a little shared practice.

The other primary concern for the need of such information sharing, normally strongly unfavorable, is that it stifles deceit. When everyone knows far more information about everyone else, the web of truth becomes too great a maze for the serpent of deceit to wriggle through. Susan says to Sally,

“Did you hear what I heard about John and Joan’s rendezvous?”
Susan replies, “Yeah, I read about it in the paper.”
“Don’t you think they did more than just talk?”
“Well, Joan’s husband said that he was helping her with that broken watch band and little Johnny verified that. Why, do you think they were doing something naughty?”
“Well, you know how John is. I can’t believe they just played with a silly watchband.”
“Yes, I know John really well. He helped me with my kitchen stove a few weeks ago. Pauline verified that one, I think. He does that sort of thing all the time. He enjoys helping out. Do you have any verification that he did any more than that with Joan?”

The next day’s paper reads in part, “…and Susan suggested to Sally that John might be playing around with Joan…”

Serpents really hate being exposed to daylight.

But as I said, it takes first a few people who can trust intimate knowledge of each other to an extraordinary extreme. But such information is not passed to the world, merely within their “family corporation”. As far as the corp.'s neighboring corp. is concerned, “Who is John”?

Ten people living for sake of helping the other nine, with each intimately aware of each other’s true situation, needs, and desires, makes accomplishing a small spot of heaven, a haven, much easier against the malignant world of manipulators. The larger idea involves each corp. doing that same thing for themselves also, a much larger spot of heaven made of smaller ones. And guess what you get when eventually Man is doing nothing else.

“…And for what shall we pray?”

Do you intend to form a SAM corporation? Or have you already formed any?

I think that currently the SAM corporations can “survive” only in the shadow of globalism, of the Glozis because they are to powerful. As long as Sam corporations do not cause problems to Glozis they are tolerated, otherwise destroyed.

Currently I only “intend” to explain it, if I can ever get that far.

Yep. But the real conversion doesn’t come until the lust is lost out of the eyes of the Godwannabes. Then quite suddenly, almost overnight, everyone knows of SAM (although most probably by a different name). And I still don’t really know if any homosapians will be around by then. If people don’t do, the machines will. It isn’t a matter of what anyone likes to do, but what the universe does.

Of course the sooner the better for anyone involved. Ten people in an intimate SAM Corp. can withstand a hell of a lot more hell and high-water than anyone alone or attached to a large government… and enjoy themselves the whole time (the whole point of it).

What is tried again and again, is to be powerful, to be the most powerful. They need all people in order to rule, to control them, and therefor they have to split, to divide them. That seems to be a paradox, but it happens due is to an old effective method of ruling: “DIVIDE ET IMPERA”.

True and thus it is imperative to form that which cannot be divided, the true “Philosopher’s Stone”. What I am proposing is that SAM is the closest thing to that stone that homosapian can form, even more so than the original family and “bloodline”.

For “SAM” the challenge or problem are its enemies, especially the Glozis because they don’t want any enemy, rival, competitor. They would not tolerate it, If a “communal particle” like “SAM” had a successful monetary currency or even other successful currencies.

“Never” is a strong word. And enemies are always everyone’s “problem”, as are the Globzis. Everyone is to be exterminated by more efficient mechanical replacements.

But what can not be divided, cannot be divided. As they have loved to profess and will one day hear for themselves, “Resistance is futile”.

And from another thread, the 4 groups in a community:

  1. Seers
  2. Strategists
  3. Doers
  4. Overseers

Compared with your signature, where it says:

  1. Clarify
  2. Verify
  3. Instill
  4. Reinforce

I can see the relation between the categories
on the first level: … Clarify/ Awareness/ Research/ Seers
on the second: … Varify/ Understanding/ Analysis / Strategists
and on the fourth: … Reinforce/ Stitching/ Coordination/ Overseers

but not on the third level:… Instill/ Influence/ Production/ Doers

I understand 'instill’ as ‘taking in’, ‘internalize’, ‘memorizing’. How does this relate to the Production-department and the Doers. So my question is about the word ‘instill’. How do you define it?

Another question is about ‘stitching’ as a means of reinforcement. What exactly do you mean by that?

The history clearly shows that all previous socialisms, because they were modern, were either national or - in the worst case - imperial totalitarianisms. The current globalism is also such an modern imperial totalitarianism, namely the worst case of the worst cases because it is the greatest of history.

The two ways to get out of the imperial madness are the alternatives as city states or as nation states; but because both are about to be destroyed (and even are going to destroy themselves), only one possibility remains: the very small social units, for example something like the "communal particles". But this only possibility will come again anyway, because history repeats its form.

So one could think one has only to wait. But there is another modern problem: the modern trend itself which means also - and amongst other powerful things - machines! You and other human beings will not be needed anymore. Perhaps no human being will survive because that threat with all its consequences will probably come true.

And if someone has an idea like James with his “SAM” / “communal particle” (see above), then he is threatened with lies, that he were a “friend” of the “bad socialists” of the past (for example: Babeuf, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot), although / because the liars themselves are this bad socialists, even in a global scale of imperialism.

Do what thou wilt. Ye watch thee.

The middle class has to carry everything and everyone. The only difference between former modern times and curent modern times is that the nobility and clergy have been becoming globalists.

[size=77]The middle class carries the globalists.[/size]

“Stitching” is the process of ensuring that the parts are held together, coordinated. That is the same function as a “coordinator”, “overseer”, and “reinforcement” (of the whole). Cross-stitching is stitching where multiple angles of concern are “tied together” to better ensure that there is no separation. Double-cross-stitching is extending the coordination effort beyond the immediate to “down the line” efforts that are supposed to be already properly coordinated, but might not have been. Double cross stitching is a company president not merely reviewing the manager, but also reviewing a few employees under the manager. That way he is doubly sure that his orders were carried out and not misunderstood along the path of communication. Double stitching is crucial in preventing social cancer.

Religions fall to corruption (cancer) due to their failure to double-stitch what they meant to communicate. Stitching is a part of the verification and reinforcement processes.

You can’t really include that fourth group (in blue) properly as the same four individual concepts. Clarity and verification are both a part of awareness and also influence (ensuring that things are clear and verified not only to yourself, but to others or outside yourself). The fourth group is a single statement to define an understanding of what life does, including its goals and measurement focus (PHT):
Clarify, Verify, Instill, and Reinforce the Perception of Hopes and Threats unto Anentropic Harmony
The other groups are abstract process components, not specifying any particular goal or means. The signature line relates to purpose, not make.

For a communal group to be a living entity, it must have those components, and also the understanding or the strategy that the fourth group represents (the signature line). In exercising that understanding, the “awareness department” must participate in the incoming clarity and verification involved. The “production or instillation department” must participate in the out-going clarity and verification. And the “overseer” must attend to the internal clarifying and verifying between the departments (“stitching”).

Mind of SAM’s Man

A good thing about having many SAM Corps is that the abstract understandings that are deduced by any and every corp. get immediately transferred to every other corp… And any errors and corrections found automatically get transferred as well.

It is a little like having many philosophy websites, each focusing on resolving philosophical questions. The resolve along with whatever reasoning was used is automatically broadcast to all other philosophy sites, not by inadvertent browsing, but by constitutional law. Before long, all philosophical questions are not only resolved, but the reasoning for the resolutions follows the resolutions and has been reviewed by the participants of every website.

Unlike Science, the abstract reasoning that constitutes philosophy does not require multi-million dollar facilities and equipment. Reasoning can be checked and cross checked by millions of thinking people across the world (as Science used to do to a lesser degree). And it is by their understanding that people guide their behavior.

People across the world get to participate in the reasoning process, not merely take someone else’s word for it (as current Science and all religions demand). The Mind of Man is a distributed “neural” network, not a concentrated, solely owned propriety. Abstract ideas are not owned. And strategies that involve manipulation of the masses become no longer of use within Man. What were once called “demons” no longer have a home within the mind of Man.

The end result is that across the world, any and every abstract question gets resolved and distributed across the world overnight. And as each resolve is understood by each corp., if the resolve is applicable to their group, it is immediately incorporated (although ideas are communistic, the use of them is strictly democratic). Thus the greatest intelligence of Man, rather than the least common denominator, becomes the functioning authority within Man. Man as a whole quickly and suddenly becomes sane after some 10,000 years of blindness and foolishness.

Stitching or networking the individual reasonings that are being discovered throughout all of Man, forms the higher level of neural networking “brain of Man”. And if properly “double stitched”, is impervious to the common corruptions of prior religions corruptions. Very quickly, the whole of Man becomes as brilliant as the brightest elements within Man, the brightest hu-mans, just the opposite of his historical behavior.

And as each and every idea distributes across the world and gets verified, it also gets stored throughout the world. An entire continent could be totally destroyed and yet every brilliant idea it had would be saved by the rest of the world. “What brilliant strategy concerning life does anyone have that everyone doesn’t have?

And it is important to realize that such a networking is only for the abstract understandings, not individual experiences or “private information”. A different kind of network is used for relaying group observations or experiences. Science is largely an issue of experience (observation of experiments). Philosophy is more about reasoning (logic), possibilities, and imagination. The most important networking is that of the reasoning, because when reasoning is lost, despotism and insanity ensues. It is similar, but certainly not identical to the difference between the limited mass-programming at universities verses the more wide-spread general TV mass-programming of the populous.

First save the angels so that the clarity and sanity of Man can be formed. Then Man can save himself.

The reason why the Glozis, their functionaries, and their seduced crowd can say that it is communistic or socialistic - and not just democratic. They say: “You are not democratic. You are communistic or socialistic like Babeuf, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and many others were.” And so they can incite their seduced crwod against you. The crowd is too much influenced by the Glozis and their functionaries.

Anyway, they say: “That is communistic or socialistic, thus not democratic.” (See above). They themselves are more communistic or socialistic than you, I know, but they have the power.

Well, the Globzis are socialists themselves, so they have to take care when accusing anyone of being socialist. And frankly, if they don’t want the communist Chinese running their lives, they would be wise to be careful what angels (ideas) they refuse at the door.

But keep in mind that so far I have only explained a small bit of the features of SAM. And in the long run, it is important to keep in mind that SAM is entirely “above board”, honest, open, easily verified, including the admission of mistakes. Of course, that doesn’t stop the attempt to deceive about it. The adversary has to try to drive it underground, as always, which merely delays the inevitable.

And SAM is not like anything before it. It has many facets including capitalist endeavors. Each SAM Corp. lives solely for its own sake. Everything it does is entirely and openly for itself. That makes it not only capitalistic, but because its management is via the participation of all members, it is “democratic”. It is like a small business with its books on open display. Although within limits as to who gets to see what kind of information, no information is entirely hidden nor incapable of being verified. It is kind of hard to claim such a small entity as “communistic” or even “socialistic”. Even labeling one a “cult” is hard to substantiate.

And it is much like their preaching “true” physics in the face of RM:AO. All they can really do is run and try to hide and hide from their stumbling blocks, such as the Stopped Clock Paradox. Every direct confrontation, they will lose. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happens in the long run. They will tell their lies. You can count on that. Liars lie. It’s just what they do. And although considerate of what they say, neither RM:AO nor SAM is terribly concerned about what they say. SAM isn’t a political movement in need of convincing the masses of anything. SAM is not a revolution, but an evolution, a new synthesis and species of non-aggressive corporation to displace the dinosaurs of the past.

The final battle between SAM and the Globzis is the classic battle between the Lord of Light and Lord of Darkness. Man even has a name for it. And they spell out the details of the battle; when to sound which trumpets, how many times, which flags to raise, where to stand, when to advance,… all of that kind of thing. It is a battle concerning thought and behavior, “spirit”, not swords and bombs. And every type of deception is expected on the field … handled and thwarted. Its complicated to explain.

Darkness and ignorance cannot reign over Man forever. So you can guess who wins. The only question is who will still be around. The sooner it starts, the fewer people will be murdered in the name of Globulism. But everything has its time and place.

Although whatever happens will happen in its own time, the effort of life is to always be one step ahead of the future and ever-cognizant of the past.

Does it have to be “democratic”? And if so: why?

You know that even SAM can merely be successful and more than ever democratically successful, if it remains a small common or corporation. But more than other forms of government democracy is prone to corruption. That is - b.t.w. - the reason why democracy has a shorter duration than other forms of government. But anyway: if this small commons or corporations do not grow in the long run, then they will have a chance. And this chance would grow, if each common or corporation would be more like a (for example!) city state, thus more like a republican aristocracy. I don’t say this because of my own social and political belief or opinion, but because of the logic of “SAM”.

But you want to be successful in the long run.

The forms of history repeat. In other words: The time of “SAM” is going to come!

Understand the difference between being a democratic group and being a part of a democratic larger nation/state/body. SAM corps are an element within a somewhat democratic/capitalistic body, but internally, they are none of the common governing methods. Similarly, you might live in a democratic, capitalistic, socialistic, or communistic country, but that doesn’t mean that internal to yourself, you are any of those.

And as I was pointing out, even the larger body is not completely democratic, capitalist, socialistic, or communistic. It has elements of each. The common ownership of abstract ideas, is communistic. There are no patients on abstract concepts, nor is there a need for them. But physical property can still be totally owned by a single SAM corp group. The management within the group is totally up to those within the group, although restricted to a basic constitutional framework.

So internally, a SAM corp is constitutional, not a lot different than the US Constitution was, only much, much smaller scale and void of omitted critical concerns. And within a constitutional order, the management process can vary considerably because every corp has its own version of “amendments”.

Outside the SAM corp, throughout the body of the combined corps, things are generally capitalistic with the exception of specific communication networks. Information is not up for trade negotiations and has a variety of levels of scope. The more immediately private, local, internal information isn’t distributed throughout the larger body, just as the information or condition within a human cell is not passed throughout the human body. Each SAM corp is very much like a single cell, almost autonomous and incapable of growing beyond a specified but conditional limit.

There is no “want” to it. SAM is where life winds up, just as predictably as cellular life and limited body sizing for plants and animals. Reality dictates in the long run, not what anyone merely wanted. Wanting for the wrong things merely makes it take longer and suffer more getting there.

Personally, what I “want” is for it to get there as soon as possible, simply because literally ALL personal and social problems end, for good (that “End of History” until anything extraordinary happens from outside and even that will do no more than cause shifting around, not starting over).

Well, but I am talking about a new advent, not a repeat of any prior. And a time when past “sins” will be strictly “in the past”, never to rise again.

Presumption has led the way for Man since the beginning, causing all kinds of hell and high water. When SAM arrives and settles in, presumption no longer has a place. Presumption is the very “seed of all sin”, cause of all errors. That is how SAM is related to RM wherein presumption has no place. SAM is an offspring, “child”, of RM. And unlike Frankenstein’s monster, is formed with a living soul.

This is reflected in my statements. I included it. My question wether it must be “democratic” was meant generally and related to the possibility that if “SAM” is “democratic”, it would get more and more under the control of the gloablists and their system of corruption. Then you wouldn’t have a “SAM”, but a “GANG”.

But that is what makes SAM vulnerable to corruption, even if SAM remains small.

That’s clear. I know that difference very well, James. So there is no problem of understanding that difference. If you are not “any of them”, but a member who is known by all other members, then it wouold be more probable that you can almost be sure that you are not corruptible. It depends on ( 1.) the social/political system you belong to, ( 2.) the personalities and characters of the members of the social/political system, and ( 3.) the might around you (currently the power of the globalists and their system). ( 1.) SAM for instance is perhaps “democratic”, but “democracy” means more vulnerable to corruption than other forms of government; and SAM has for example 4 groups - seers, strategists, doers. overseers -, and that doesn’t “sound” like democracy, although SAM’s smallness allows to call its social/political system “democracy”. ( 2.) One has to be sure, in spite of the smallness of SAM, that all members are not corruptible. ( 3.) The globalists as SAM’s enemy can eliminate SAM, if it SAM not willing to be corrupt.

Logically, SAM has firstly to be monarchic, then aristocratic, and at last democratic. Else you can’t build it correctly. Check out the history of all hitherto successful companies/corporations! No one of them started democratically, but they all started monarchically, then they changed to aristocracy, and at last they perhaps changed to democracy (perhaps! because most of them did not want to change to democracy, but they lastly had to because the corruption had grown and forced them). It would be no good omen for SAM to start democratically, in spite of its smallness. Unless you could be sure that no one of its members is corruptible. But how can you be sure in that case? You can never be sure, but almost be sure, if your socíal/political system is monarchic, thus authoritarian.

That’s logical.

You still seem to be presuming too much. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a man who studies history so much has his mind stuck in it. What part of “new advent”, do you fail to understand? I cannot say that it is “this…” or “that…” by category name. SAM is none of the historical icon models with which you could compare it and predict it. You would have to experience it in order to predict it. Science would have to experiment with it in order to predict it. And logic can predict it, but only to find it to be the most rational organization for literally all homosapians, although they can’t know that until they can see it for themselves.

And it is not valid to presume that because one element is like A, then the whole is corruptible in the ways of A. Just because one part is communistic doesn’t mean that the whole is corruptible as communism would be. Just because another part is democratic doesn’t mean that the whole is corruptible as democracy would be. The fact that it is a combination of a variety of older schemes somewhat implies that none of those corruptions would directly apply.

It is assumed in the design that there will be efforts, both accidental and intentional, to corrupt it, else it wouldn’t be worth considering. It is designed with that in mind and as a very high criterion for design. Corruption is the entropy and cancer. And every form of corruption has a cause, thus an “anti-cause” or cure. But SAM is not anti-entropic, else it would grow endlessly as governing attempts before it have tried. Thus the focus is on “Anentropy”, as is life itself. Every form of entropy has an anti-entropy compensation. SAM is inherently mindful, ever attending to every detail. It is “Anentropic”, resistant to corruption.

SAM is democratic in sense A
SAM is capitalistic in sense B
SAM is socialistic in sense C
SAM is communistic in sense D
SAM is constitutional in sense E

But what SAM is exactly, is NotA, None of the Above categories.

My point in the last post was that SAM is cellular in nature. The larger body that forms from a multitude of SAM corps is not merely a larger version of the SAM cells that formed it, just as your body is not merely a larger human cell.

And SAM does not take the course in its formation that those prior to it have taken. It does not take the path of force or self imposed coercion. SAM doesn’t insist against choice. It permits against chaotic oppressive demise.

As I said, SAM is an evolution, formed of experience, wisdom, and logic. I am well aware of the very cause of corruption, Presumption, “anti-clarification” and “anti-verification”. SAM doesn’t presume that its members are saintly and incorruptible, quite the opposite.

The real world of Man really is extremely complex in more ways than you could possibly imagine. And that is why explaining SAM, the final resolve, is such a complex challenge. The clouds hide the Sun and what has to be seen is on the other side of the Sun. Man must “shoot through the Sun” (beyond his Science) in order to see “the light and haven beyond”. On a good day, they don’t care to look toward the Sun. And on a bad day, they crave only to see more of what they saw before. When his mind can see, his heart doesn’t care. And when his heart does care, his mind cannot see.