What should we debate?

Yeah well, that’s the kind of thing that they thought too. It’ relativistic bullshit.

People are found dead under bridges every day and to have your weed puffing puck ass telling everyone it is their own fault can earn you a very, very serious consequence. They aren’t creating their high tech armed marshal law machine out of naivety. They know damn well that there is a time bombing ticking in the USA and that once enough of the white boys have been pissed on and pissed off, there isn’t going to be a single authoritarian left on the entire planet, whether politician, banker, Rabbi, Priest, pastor, school teacher, police officer, military officer, Nazi, Zionist, Nobleman, statesman or just someone with a class double standard authoritarian attitude. There won’t be a single country, continent, or even island to hide on. In one cataclysmic moment in human history, Life itself will reclaim the entire planet for the cockroaches, trees, and animals. The “Terminator scenario” will only be the beginning.

You have no fucking clue. But would do well to start here and now.

See, here is the part I don’t understand, James. You have no problem pointing to moral and political conflicts like this “down here”. You make all of these flagrant assertions regarding what you believe to be true about them.

But: how is all of this linked to RM/AO? And then to the Real God?

To me, you sound like one of the Kids here. Huffing and puffing as though only a complete fucking idiot wouldn’t or couldn’t grasp things the way you do.

So, please connect the dots between one of these assertions and, say, “the broad outline”:

  1. Cause them to recognize their highest priority.
    2 ) Relate it to their immediate situation.
  2. Let them decide for themselves upon which course suits them.
  3. Ensure that they really understood.

Bigus, go back to the rant or off topic sections where you belong.

Most people aren’t aware that Moses actually had more than just 10 commandments at first. The “zeroth commandment”:
“Don’t fuck with the desperate.”

Yeah, I’m not interested in a senseless bullshit debate that would already be dead on arrival before it got started.

What else can we debate?

I am literally so in favor of deregulation that I can’t agree to a debate with rules.

I will take this as your concession.

Do nothings like the banksters that your puppet and chief bailed out?

Do you even have a consistent position or beliefs that you defend?

At first you came off as a neoliberal where now you’re switching tactics trying to come off as a state crony capitalist. WTF?

At least have some consistency for fuck’s sake.

I’m a real-worldist. That means that I probably seem as inconsistent to you as the real world does. Or something like that. Everyone has a position. Best way to defend it is to force the other person to have to extrapolate it from a random set of behaviors and things one might say. Once you figure it out, then you can challenge it, then you can maybe defeat or alter it in some way. But the fact remains that no one’s given any argument here to show that what I’ve said about the poor is false. And I’ve presented evidence that it’s their fault. So as it stands, in this debate at least it’s the poor people’s fault that they’re poor.

Also…“my president in chief”? You’re reaching with that one. I’m not all that into politics. I voted for the guy because the healthcare act would bring in subsidies that substantially reduce my student loan burden over time. It’s just economics man. Same reason that’s good for me, is the same reason that it’s good for a homeless person to whore themselves, panhandle, stop spending money on hotels and all until they have enough capital to get into the game. Shit man, you could probably pass a bad check for a few grand and by the time they run you down plead it out and pay the money back and court costs, and if you were wise enough with the windfall then you’d still be able to turn a profit or at least stay ahead.

You can’t expect hard working people to just give you a life instead of saving for their children’s college so that you can waste time discovering yourself or thinking about philosophy or whatever you please. Those people gave up their time so that they could have more, and for you to want to take it instead of earning your own way is to steal thier time, their lives, and their work from them.

I take it then that you won’t actually be responding to the point I raised. Rather, you make me the point instead. In other words, anything to keep RM and the world we actually live in as far removed as possible.

There will always be a pecking order within our cuerent paradigm. You are a slave to this paradigm if you think you have achieved anything. It is a pyramid in nature with the heavenly realm at the top and the hell realm at the bottom of the pyeamid. The system functions on the delusion of “you are in control”. We are only in survival mod and not in control.

Ah, I see. I know your personality type very well. The absolute opportunist that has no loyalties to anyone or anything. Probably sell your own grandmother if you were offered enough money to do it. :wink:

I very much disagree with you concerning the poor. We can debate it if you like in another thread.

The wealthy do none of their own stealing? :laughing:

The wealthy stealing doesn’t prevent the poor from stealing too does it?

Create the debate thread. Make your points. :smiley:

I like how you said, “my personality type” instead of attacking my points.

Dude you know I’m being the devil’s advocate here. And to be quite frank, you guys aren’t doing too well in the name of justice.

I don’t believe in the concept of justice. I do believe in freedom and independence however.

Me too. I believe that I should have the freedom and independence to gather as much money as I want, which is why I’m glad I live in America. I think it’s terrible though, that some people in this country want to take that freedom away from me, and reduce my independence by forcing me to pay out cash to people who refuse to earn it. I mean, if a homeless guy wants to wipe my ass and rub my feet then I wouldn’t mind giving him a little something, but most of them are too egotistical to recognize their place in society and do what they should to come up. They all just want something free from someone who earned it, which is the same thing as stealing.

I believe in the freedom and independence to rob or steal from the so called powerful.

I believe in the freedom and independence to burn their dwellings into the ground.

That whole knowing your place never sat well with me.

Nah man, sound like you know your place is on top. So start burning, or start whoring and you’ll get there soon enough.

The difference between you and me is that I have a sense of humility.

So which is it? Are you destined to burn your way to the top? Or are you humbly waiting your turn?