What the... does this dream mean?

Yeah as long as we don’t start going down the road of smoking a cigar as a woman means precisely that you have penis envy or whatever other specific nonsense that we tend to read into dreams I think it’s quite right to say dreams are general and reflect a way of dealing with things broadly rather than specifically.

As far as nightmares go you do tend to have more early on in your dream state, most of which you fail to remember unless you wake up, as the night progresses you tend to have more benign dreams, dreams you are more likely to remember as you move towards consciousness. I would suspect that most nightmares are actually just a normal way of the body stressing itself without you consciously being aware of it with the ultimate result that it removes stress, and it might explain how we prime our brain so we ultimately wake up more relaxed. When of course though we have dreams that repeat themselves over time which you often remember, I think in that case you may be right this is something other than a natural de-stress and more likely to reflect unresolved issues.

Since we are nearing Christmas, I am reminded of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” When Scrooge got his first visit from spirits, he claimed it was because of something he ate. But to stop with that explanation would have limited Dickens’ elaborate symbolisms of a corrupt life. Perhaps, beneath the fantasy was Scrooge’s guilt. So why couldn’t unresolved issues, even if prompted by poor digestion, be at issue here? We seem to want the spirit visitations to be real as suspension of disbelief in the resolution of problems that may spell out the nature of the problems.

I think I have found the significance of the sleeping blue dog, and it’s not what I thought. :neutral_face:

Oh sure leave us hanging… :slight_smile:

I don’t mean to, but I don’t want to talk about it in any detail whatsoever, but my questioning on where the colour blue came into the scenario has now been revealed.

Well then I am glad for you, I hope it settles your mind.

The scene:

As I stood on the landing ready to go downstairs I saw what I thought was a bear dart past.

I shouted to everyone to stay upstairs and go to the nearest bedroom for safety.

The beast eventually made its way upstairs… it wasn’t a bear but a jet black lion, and was groomed like a poodle… all curly black mane and hairless body with hair around each paw. He pushed against the door, but his fragile frame had no effect on the closed door so he toddled off.

It’s a dream similr to what I had, before a a real crisis happened in my life. The dream was of a cat, cute and cuddly, which suddenly turned into a roaring lion. Then a real crisis occurred in my life.

I don’t think You have to worry Mags, this is in reverse, something or somebody threatening, is really harmless. The fact that the door has been closed, may be a sign, that You want the beast, rather then the quite ? it’s a kind of beauty and the beast theme. you really down deep prefer the beast.
You want to let him in but ‘they’ constrain You.
I don’t know, if this interpretation fits, but it may work.

Some mllion years humans (including some ancestors of homo sapiens) lived together with wild animals. Since about 6000 years humans have been living together - more or less - with pets and other harmless animals and not or hardly with wild animals. You personally have never lived together with wild animals but merely with pets and other harmless animals. So there is no other sense behind your dream and no other (mostly paranoid or megalomanic) interpretation of your dream meaningful than the simple fact that there is a discrepancy between your species memory and your personal memory. What did you do at the said day before you went to bed, Mags?

Arminius, The dreams she is having may not require personal experience with wild animals. Personal memory may be hidden from an abyss, or type memory, whereas, as far removed we are from the origins, they are still intricate parts of the overall content of our sub conscious.

On some level, MagsJy, to me your dream seems to be about first impressions. First you thought it was a bear and then discovered that it was a jet black lion (sounds beautiful) groomed like a poodle. But then you mentioned his “fragile” frame like it was an anorexic lion.

The fragile frame part might have to do with our sense of powerlessness at times not being able to affect something difficult (as in the closed door) and we give up too easily (so he toddled off). I think that at times, whatever the reason we have a particular dream, the reason for that dream could come about from something which occurred or we thought of or saw even weeks or some months before. These things remain lodged in our brain and maybe certain things bring them about. But of course it could also be something which just happened that day too.

I used to have this recurring dream about lions… thankfully no more. lol. This or that lion would be chasing me and I would
be running for my life and screaming and just at the moment that I was about to open a door somewhere for safety, the lion would pounce on me and I would wake up screaming.

I did not say that Mags had personal experiences with wild animals. Please read my post. I said Mags had no personal experiences with wild animals. …
And “sub-conscious” (?): well, you can interprete anything and everything with “sub-conscious”. That’s pure arbitrariness.

That’s just the point, having or not having experiences with wild animals is irrelevant. Dreams of them still come up and they may mean something.

whatever the sub conscious is or isn’t, is another name for that something where the meaning may be hidden.

This is why people ask what dreams mean, even if the don’t go for formal analysis.

One has to be very careful, because there is no real prove or evidence for your statement that “dreams still come up and the may mean something”. One could also say that dreams mean nothing, because there is also no real prove or evidence for it. We merely have our own experiences and the knowledge of our ancestors. The rest is arbitrarily interpreted.

That is true to a certain extent, dreams may or may not mean some thing. However, basically, Ibdo not believe in the concept of nothingness. I feel even not dreaming at all may mean something. As long as there is some content, meaning is there, because the question is inordinately asked why dream at all, if not for some purpose? The purpose may be minimum a discharge of accumulated energy in terms of symbols, but why these symbols and not others? That is for the brain to answer and symbols are not a function of pure neurological mechanisms.

Yet the animals we dream of can have some relevance orb wouldn’t you agree ~~ based on the characteristics of those animals, especially if we know and understand those characteristics.
For instance, lions are fierce, ferocious and strong. Being afraid of a lion in a dream could point to something “real” in our life which we think of as fierce and strong and something which we fear.

If we had a dream of being chased by a little lamb, would we run from it? If we had a dream of a little lamb or of holding one in our arms, it could be possibly about our selves wanting to embrace our more gentler humbler natures, right? lol

Thanks for your interesting replies. As the waking vision was only envisioned this morning, I will digest all your comments and respond fully tomorrow.

Yes,Arc, for a paradigmn example, The Doors lead Jim Morrison, during his famous Lion pictures are representative in his poetry of this idea in a loose way. To get to the other side is not easy. For him, it meant an early death.But he was burning to get there, nevertheless.

The purpose is a neurological (thus biological) one: information processing in order to keep the living being neurologically alive.

You mean evolutionarily-wise?