"Ad Hominous ThreadS"

Fixed, you don’t have to keep on. You can just admit you were wrong man. I know it’s hard.

I don’t think poor reasoning is the main problem with the site. Hopefully we all examine our reasoning and improve it at times. The thread I linked probably had it’s share of poor reasoning in some of the posts, but everyone was more concerned with the project of understanding the subject/object distinction than “winning the argument.”

Pretty much.
At one point in time, the environment here was a lot more friendly and collegial.
I suppose circa 2004-2006, when I was getting involved, there was still some novelty in participating on a philosophy discussion board with people all over the world. It felt a bit more special and I think this carried over into how people treated each other.

One of the first threads I ever made here was about whether you wanted to win or to find the best possible answer. It’s probably buried under 100000 pages of people bashing women and people of other races.

The first argument I had here was with Gobbo. I was arguing the position that whether or not you agree with Dick Cheney’s morals and all, that his political prowess was something to be studied. I mean, how can a guy do all these horrible things that the world apparently doesn’t want him to do, and rise to such power that he impacts literally everything? Gobbo was all like, “he starts wars and eats babies for breakfast!”, and I was like “dude, that’s what I"m saying, how interesting is it that one man can position himself in the way that Cheney has?”

It was a pretty good one.

That’s part of it, but I think the responsibility falls largely on us as well. So why do we feed into the bullshit?
I definitely get caught up in it at times and I know all of us here have.

There’s always been that, but there also used to be a lot of pretty good friendly threads. Just look back at an old member’s post history and browse for a few minutes. Is it just me, or did the conversations generally take a more productive tone back then?

Well, when Faust, Tent, Gobbo and SIATD are all bored with it or tired of it and leave, then you’re going to end up with a conversation that just gets a little dumber. It is what it is man.

Okay you are on crack. It’s official.

Great job man.

You are aware that SIATD is the owner of Humanarchy, right?
What you probably don’t now is that it’s based on value ontology.

SIATD is one of the people who has adopted VO and is now in the process of learning about RM.

Gobbo had Value Ontology as his twitter account, which was a bit bizarre.

Thank you. But for real I"m like 5’10 and 200lbs. There’s no way I’m on crack. Those guys should come back. I don’t wanna go to a new website that no one knows about and that doesn’t have enough traffic to keep me entertained.

Siatd said to me that value ontology is better than crack. I don’t think he tried crack, but it’s an expression. Still, VO has been compared to numerous drugs. But unlike crack you can’t smoke it.

I’m not your priest.

I’ve never even met a priest. No one took me to church when I was a kid, or ever really.

You can see my 5’10 200lb ass in the post a pic thread. That’s scientific proof or something.

Well what’s that got to do with your crack use?

Crackheads don’t weigh 200lbs. It’s science dude.

Actually saying what you just said is “a convenient scapegoat and an easy way to avoid personal responsibility”.
How very typical of you to be guilty of your own accusation.

Good example. Thank you, James.

“Plato is a bore,”–Nietzshe.

I couldn’t agree more Obe.