Bless God

Does that have a tune to go along with it? 8-[

Yes, thank you.
I realized after posting that that might not be obvious.

And let’s not forget that puff King David, bless his ass.

At first, I wondered if the Op was pure sarcasm. Maybe not. Forgive me, but I’m slow. I think best of religious leaders, East and West, have concluded that God is a way, not a person.

ier—can you explain more about —god is the way…what way

Jesus, the Tao, etc. etc.

are you referring to the human jesus or the divine Christ…

Both are one thing. But I’d say the same about Lao Tse , Buddha, and Confucius (SIC).

not really…if you believe in jesus as god …you behave much differently than if you believe jesus was a guy…the bible says two ways…and the bible was written by guys

Not really. It was Jesus the man God who came up with the Sermon on the Mount. It was Confucious who came up with, among others, the Golden Rule. These are not the average philosphies of the man on the street.

ier–it involves choice…which jesus do you follow

Well, maybe you can separate the two, but if you hold them both as one, as both human and divine, I would say that that would be a mighty beacon to be guided by. Here you have your god and here you have a human, who was just as human as you. The human part one can identify with more being that you are human more so than the divine part.

For those who do believe.

I didn’t separate the two…they did that at the council of nicea in 325 ad…the split is still in the church…I see it in my church with my own little turtle eyes…

:laughing: That was my favorite part of all.

The way of all nature, perhaps.

Jesus never said, “worship me”; he said “follow me.”
“God became as we are so that we could become as God is.”

And what is a person if not a way?

we don’t know anything about gods…it is all belief

Reality definitely has a personality.
To tell ancient people and their offspring to not refer to it as a “person” is pushing one’s authority.

That is only partially true.
There were and are also some indivisuals, to whom it was/is not a matter of mere belief, but hard personal evidence.
This minority was considerd as an authority in the past. That is from where other gather their belief.
Having said that, still there is a possibility of the presence of some cons there in that elite group.

It is up to an individual to discern and choose.

with love,