Now I have a Pet. Ask me Anything.

Yea, they do grow on you :slight_smile:

 It's called a red eared slider. I got the name wrong.  Do you know about this breed?  Are they hardy?  In reference to the above, can you answer some of the points?  I suppose some of the requirements for a healthy life for this breed would generally apply to most aquatic turtles?  I could not get any info on how well they swim and can I put her in a couple feet of water?  I do have a rock upon which she sometimes basks.  But she is very shy, and pulls its head into the shell when she sees me: her two other siblings whom I unfortunately lost, did not exhibit this behavior.  Thanks,

Oh! A red-eared slider. Cool, I have good news and bad news.

Good news is, you probably don’t need to heat the water as long as it’s room-temperature. They live in all sorts of places, and low 70’s is fine for them.

Bad news is, they need a ton of space because they tend to get huge. A healthy adult RES is going to be like 10 inches long and need either a way bigger aquarium than you probably want, or a pond. Part of it is for the exercise, but more important is the fact that they pee in their water, and drink it. The more water you have, the better the pee:water ratio is for your turtle. A strong filter for the water is important too. It shouldn’t smell bad if you are doing it right. I can give tips on filtration if you like.

My first turtle was a red eared slider, I know a lot about them. They are very hardy, but very misunderstood. Very good turtle for a starting turtle-keeper provided you have the space for them.

Some stuff for them applies to all aquatic turtles. the main differences between aquatic turtles is how much land space you need, how carnivorous they are, and how well they get along with other turtles.

You can keep her in a couple feet of water easily as long as you have things near the surface that she can cling to to rest, and one area that she can completely climb out of the water to dry her shell. If she’s not used to that much water, start with a water depth shallow enough that she can stand on her hind legs and stick her head out, then gradually increase it each day- it may take her a little time to remember how to deal with deep water if she hasn’t had it for a while, but RES are extremely good swimmers by nature.

Also, RES are aggressive. Don’t put them in an aquarium with any other animal unless you are ok with them trying to kill it. This includes other turtles. They are often ok with turtles of their own species, but not always, and sometimes a bigger one will harass or kill a much smaller one.

Here is some more info from a source I trust: … slider.htm

I don’t need pets… I’ve got my family and boyfriend :laughing:

You have to be in the right frame of mind to have a pet, so I currently dote over others’ :smiley:

Why a turtle Ucci? that’s got me thinking :-k Tortoises are piss easy to look after… they practically do nothing. Hmmm :-k

Why a turtle. I like turtles because they live forever. I hate watching animals die, so a pet I can leave in my will is perfect for me. I like reptiles just in general. I like aquatic turtles because they are the most active reptile pet I have ever seen- they are always swimming around, exploring, digging in the sand, begging for food. Tortoises seem boring to me, and from what I read, they sound harder to care for correctly as well. Now that I am into turtles, they get more and more fascinating all the time, I could list tons of reasons why I like them. But those are the things that got me started.

Why would you get a turtle instead of a snake?

But all reptiles are cool. I liked unlocking him in Mortal Kombat.

I thought about getting a snake. Snakes are really cool in theory, especially if you wrap mythology/stereotypes/legends up in them. But if you peel away all that cool ass fantasy stuff, in reality snakes tend to be

1.) Dumb as hell,
2.) Completely immobile and uninteresting 95% of the time.
3.) Rather short-lived.

I’ve heard that king cobras have a cat-like level of intelligence, but obviously there’s all sorts of additional reasons not to keep one of those, such as the constant risk of sudden and painful death.

yey thought police eat your heart out I can post on this thread. Not that it matters I could post on any thread any time if I so chose, but moron is as moron does. So anyway enough of my inane ramblings, when you have a pet do you find you are more realxed and centered and that it’s nice to have an animal around that is not human, because lts face it most humans are annoying at the best of times, and you probably shouldn’t argue and it is Christmas, and it is traditional and so on. And you get the point so, do you find like I do a dog or a cat or whatever is a really welcome calm in a shit storm of human beings who are about as calm as Buddha on PCP and crack with a shot gun and a Conservative/ Tea Party/fundamentalist Jesus freak with a nuke and a badge at Christmas, and a pet is not just for Christmas by the way, it’s for catharsis and centering. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a question in there somewhere, so long story short why do you have a pet?

Like bad moderators: good choice. :wink:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I don’t think he necessarily meant “beg” for food - at least I hope he didn’t.
When Yoda is hungry, I give him food without him having to wait I don’t tease him but it is rather cute to see his expectant face.

That’s an adorable little turtle you have there, Ucci. Could Yoda have him as a pet or a companion please?
Will goggle get lonely?

Perhaps he will become your Master Yoda. Learn from him.

Message to Ucci.jpg

Turtles don’t really get lonely- they seem to tolerate each other’s existence at best. Though they are stackable, piling up on each other to get the best basking spots. Goggle is good at clearing up my grumpy moods though, often brought upon by this place.

Those animals are cute! They will also all be dead about the time Goggle is reaching adolescence.

Still doing equally fantastic?

Twice in the last week, I have noticed black squirrels. I think that they are black unless they are just extremely darkest brown.

Where did they come from? I have never noticed these kind of squirrels before. They are actually beautiful ~~ I suppose being that they are seemingly so rare. But I do not know for sure. Perhaps they are not rare at all.

Maybe there is still a chance that someday i will encounter a white crow or a crimson one.
Can you imagine THAT?!

They’ve probably just been covered in oil, or in soot from a coal plant.