Men who are womanizers

i don’t think i can enumerate everything that can be encapsulated by ‘bullshit’, but Smears’ answer is included

here’s some examples:

tests → bullshit
tests you pass but still don’t get sex → bullshit
sex used as a bartering chip → bullshit
sex used a a ‘reward’ for good behavior → bullshit
promises of sex that never happen → bullshit
sex that never happens → bullshit
saying you want something, i don’t do it, you complain, i don’t get sex → bullshit
saying you want something, i do it, you still complain, i don’t get sex → bullshit
saying you want something, i do it, you don’t complain, i don’t get sex → bullshit
saying you want something, i don’t do it, you don’t complain, i don’t get sex → bullshit
you trying to make me jealous → bullshit
me going hours, days, weeks, out of my way to give you the romance you want and deserve, and not getting sex → bullshit
you being more attracted to my bullshit than my honesty → bullshit
me telling you the truth because you say its what you want, and then you are upset → bullshit
subtle hints at what you want → bullshit
really fucking obvious hints at what you want → bullshit
thinking i can read your mind for whatever reason → bullshit
heavy flirting to the point of sexual tension but climax is denied → bullshit
you not understanding that a man’s desire to sleep with you all the time doesn’t mean he ‘only’ interested in sex → bullshit
not being honest and sincere in a relationship → bullshit
you hypocritically doing anything/everything you can criticize a man for doing in a relationship that drives you nuts → bullshit
playing both ends of the feminism spectrum (wanting equal treatment at sometimes, then playing “oh poor me i’m a woman” at others) → bullshit
playing men against each other for your enjoyment → bullshit
playing men against each other for you to pick your favorite → bullshit
playing men against each other as some test → bullshit
attaching sex to winning some meaningless competition → bullshit
picking pointless arguments with random people to solicit your man defending you → bullshit
doing something immoral to begin with in order to judge a man’s reaction → bullshit
you ceasing to shut the fuck up about shit that doesn’t matter → bullshit
playing hard to get after you have been “obtained” (for lack of a better word) → bullshit

Incorrect, youre a hero.

And you’re full of shit. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

he forgot sex used as a weapon of course and BDSM, and the most obvious ones women only compete with other women, set a thief et al and a few others which are also bs. O:)

the fact is if a women does not want to sleep with me by definition she is a lesbian. Fact. :wink:

Okay. I admit that most men are not as forthcoming in expressing and sharing their feelings, something that maybe more important to women.
(that doesn’t mean men don’t have ANY feelings)

Thank you, arc. I was thinking the answer may lie somewhere along these lines, as I believe that children’s early experiences with primary caregivers (role models) are likely to have a strong and invisible influence on their adult behavior patterns. However, to be on a conservative side, it may require years of experience in dealing with people to be even somewhat confident in this analysis, perhaps someone like a therapist/counselor, who over the years, may be able to see certain patterns. Psychological studies/research (at least over decades long) on the causes of this behavior may also shed some light. There may also be a need to consider cultural differences/expectations of gender roles. In any case, I think it would be worthwhile to look into this type of research.

By ‘womanizer’ I meant those who use charm and deception to hook and drag a woman along - the players, the Casanovas, the machos, the lady-killers, etc. Those types. The pretenders.

Obviously men and women have different needs. But this is where lies and deception come in (or ‘the game’ as all you playas call it). Men want sex. Women want a relationship based on emotional reciprocity/involvement. You can’t really lie in sex: once you have sex you know you’ve had sex. But it’s different when a man peddles ‘bullshit’ as real feelings. It’s not a fair trade, even if it is ‘presented’ as one in exchange for sex. If you want just sex, without the bullshit, then buy it from a prostitute.

Deception and pretending? Yes. Charm? I don’t know about that. What if the guy’s just charming by nature?

I’ve been called charming my whole life. Just the other day, an 80 year old lady said to me, “I bet you see the whole world of all of us with those eyes of yours.”, second time I’d ever met her, to this day she smiles and talks me up everytime I cross her path. The thing I try to explain about women, is that charm, beauty, intelligence… meaningless, aggression, meaningful. Once you understand that, you understand a very large and important part of what’s going on here. I once had a native american woman walk up to me and say, “I feel like I need to tell you this, I have never been attracted to a white man my entire life ( I was young at the time and she was much older), but there is something different about you, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.” and then walked away. (although, technically, I’m 1/16th Cherokee). I’ve had a life filled with bizarre stuff like this. But oddly enough, not much sex, because I know the rules of what men are supposed to do to make the world a better place and I abide by them.


My response:

I agree that it isn’t a fair trade, but… god damn in my idealistic romanticized mind, sex shouldn’t be something you trade.

My response:

I can’t speak for all men but i don’t just want sex, but I at least want sex. Lots of other things I want too, like faithfulness, honesty, compassion, excitement, passion, creativity, … perhaps another list that I can’t completely enumerate.

It sucks to have to do this, but after seeing a pattern of women who prefer to fuck your bullshit rather than your honesty, what else is a man to do? Are women all this gullible? Buying it from a prostitute sounds like an easy answer, but that’s illegal and frankly dirty (in my mind)… I hope I’m not the only man who is generally disinterested in women who sleep around. To me, faithfulness is incredibly important, almost as important as “will you fuck me”.

Frequent orgasms are important to men… for some, important enough to LIE for them when HONESTY does [may] not work as well and/or ceases to be an effective tool for maintaining desired frequency of orgasms

BTW if you have any more suggestions about how I can get more sex with less bullshit, I’m all ears…

let me add to the list:

prostitutes → bullshit

I will give this to you immediately, and you won’t fuck me for it - in fact, you’ll probably be turned off (not you specifically, just being general about past experiences)

I give you a bunch of bullshit → More likely to fuck me for it

A relationship with all the emotional reciprocity/involvement + no sex = friendship


That link says that there are some nerves at human sex ograns, which get stimulated and as a result we feel pleasure and orgasm too. That is all.

Are you agree with that?

with love,


Sexual selection = natural selection. :-"

I selected this one yesterday helland. She was 30 years old, 5 foot 2 inches, 106 lbs and has 34 D’s. Super clean. Manicure/pedicure, salon quality hair, completely hairless from the eyebrows down. An impressive specimen. She’s one of those girls who’s so hot that she will literally get herself drunk and just listen to music and dance naked in front of a mirror rubbing on herself for hours, only taking breaks to hit the bong or drink another drink. Now here’s the funny part…she’s a 4th grade school teacher. So when you send your kids to school and you think, “oh that teacher seems like such a sweet young lady”, she’s probably not. If a girl has a hot body, they usually put it to work for em.

No. Darwin explicitly made a distinction between the two.

No he didn’t, since they are both the same thing, he didn’t say evolution is the survival of the fittest either, Spencer did, and Darwin said he was wrong in reply, “Evolution is not the survival of the fittest it is the survival of those most able to adapt to nature”, it has nothing to do with Wall st either. Sexual selection is a survival strategy, it’s also natural selection. :wink:

Then why you said in your previous post that your answer is the samw as Blurry?

Nevertheless, add what else you want to add to what that link says.

with love,

Didn’t two guys back in the day have a big argument about whether we adapted to our environment or whether the environment adapted to us?

I see this shit getting ignored in all the debated that reference evolution. I mean, building a civilization is a pretty big push back against nature.

“Since everything is natural it’s to push this rock.”


This is well said incorrect… you and smears both talk about this aspect of sexual selection that I haven’t raised yet, the lying. Men who offer a genuine presence of reciprocity and involvement (using the terms you’re throwing around right now) don’t fair very well. It’s SO ubiquitous to be the nice guy who doesn’t get laid - to end up in the “friendzone”. You hit the nail on the head when you said “not only won’t you fuck me for it, YOU’LL PROBABLY BE TURNED OFF.” I have seen men try to have THIS discussion with women more times than I can count, and the first thing you notice is that when they try to have this discussion, it completely turns women off, in many of the instances I’ve had such discussions with women, their number one response to it is “Strange, I’ve had lots of guys tell me the same thing.”, what’s interesting about trying to open this discussion with women, is that they immediately become uncomfortable and it turns them off. Women have a completely different experience with men to this regard, if a woman says that lack of sex in her life is bothering her, particularly if she’s nice, it doesn’t turn men off, it turns them on, because men have a tendency to want to use sex to make peoples lives better, particularly if they’re nice people. I said somewhere in these threads that women actually FEEL like dirty people for having sex with the right men, while men feel like dirty people for having sex with the wrong women… it’s really hard to address an issue like this when the gender FEELS dirty for doing the right thing and is TURNED ON by doing the wrong thing. Male sexuality is not backwards to this extent, men are turned on by non-bullying women and men are turned off by bullying women.

In the few instances a woman has ever feigned to approach me, her first question is usually “What do you do for work?”, the odds of a man asking any of these money or status questions to a woman are extremely small. I don’t even bother with the work question, I just say, “I don’t feel like telling you” and then they usually go away.

No, it is not. Natural selection is an environmental force that determines the life or death of an organism. Sexual selection is force coming from one sex (or both) of a species that determines whether an organism’s genes will be passed on to the next generation. If an organism is not selected sexually, it can still live to a ripe old age and die of natural causes. Darwin first proposed natural selection as the mechanism by which life evolves. This was in Origin of the Species. In his next book, he proposed sexual selection because he realized at that point that natural selection was not enough to account for why certain genes get passed on and others don’t. A gene that is selected for sexually is not necessarily a gene that helps the organism survive in its environment; it’s just a gene that is attractive to the opposite sex. Likewise, a gene that is absolutely necessary for survival in an organism’s environment will not survive into the next generation if it is not attractive to the opposite sex.

I don’t Think you know what is actually happening in sex. Most people don’t. There is an Exchange. Even if coldly carried out, it is intimate. I do not mean this in the banal sense of Close Contact, but two (or more) people intermix on emotional and other levels along with the physical.

Increasing amounts of bullshit is all the stuff you Think is not really involved, but it is. It is just happening on more unconcsious levels. I Think women feel this and know it more often than men do. Men Think sex is a very complicated newtonian phenomenon. That’s insane.