Men who are womanizers

What causes men to become womanizers? Is it just a form of inflated masculinity/chauvinism, where the man sees female sex as inferior, to be used and manipulated as an object, thus giving him a (male) ego boost? There are also theories concerning father/mother past issues, but which one is it? Some say the absence of father figure causes a man to be unsure of his identity as a man (which causes him to seek external validation), and some theories point to a lack of mother’s love. What need are womanizers are trying to satisfy and how did that need get there in the first place?

Men are womanizers because they are men…men are wired to procreate with as many women as possible.

The reason all men aren’t womanizers is because they don’t have the option. If you gave every heterosexual male the option of being with a different woman of their choice, whenever they want, they would take it. How many men out there with overweight, nagging wives would be there if they had better options?


That’s all?

Then how do you explain men who do have the options, yet still don’t take them? Some men have committed relationships and stay with them, and some prefer to have an endless chain of multiple girlfriends for short-periods of time. I don’t think it’s about options, unless all men are really that shallow.

A little sexist, don’t you think? It’s hard to be a wife, getting pregnant, bearing the man’s children (which is hard on a woman’s body), taking care of household and kids, and STILL be the supermodel-thin and sexy (and sweet and cheerful of course), as her husband expects her to remain. It seem like some men want and expect the best of both worlds.

Pandora…have you ever felt the inside a vagina with your penis? Because if you had, you would understand.

I think Pandora is a woman…but I may be wrong.

You are not really addressing my question, Smears. A vagina, is a vagina…is a vagina. If you need to try a different vagina every month then the problem must not lie in a vagina, but in your mind.

OK, I shouldn’t have said ALL men; I’ll go with 95% of men under age 50.

I’m not a huge believer in “true” love. I think in most marriages, it doesn’t exist. Most married people are just using the other for their own purposes; men for sex, women for stability, etc. IF all men were able to snap their fingers and have a different supermodel whenever they wanted WITHOUT any negative repercussions, (STD’s, unwanted pregnancies, unwanted drama, etc., etc.) OR the option of getting married to ONE woman for life, 95% would choose the former.

Sounds inconsiderate of the other’s needs, basically like treating a woman as a sex object or personal accessory, not as a real person with own needs and feelings.


I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that’s how it is, in my opinion. In case you hadn’t noticed, humans are quite a dysfunctional species.

I say it’s the novelty value. New mates are more exciting. There was an experiment done that said so. Using rats. It’s like porn. Novelty. And lots of it. I guess, it’s a primal thing. When the thing is there for the taking, then take as much as you can and as quick as you can. Gorge yourself. Whereas, intelligence would tell you to slow down and preserve what you have for the winter months. Something like that. Maybe.

It never occurs to women that men do the same thing to men because women think it is all about sex and themselves.

I"m sorry but this is completely wrong. Not all vaginas are created equal. Some are slippery, some are gooey, some are 15 degrees warmer than the regular body temperature it seems. Some just dry out all the time. Some are shallow and when you hit the bottom it makes em hurt and they make you stop, some are tighter, to the point that it’s like a vacuum, some are looser like you’re throwing a hot dog down a hallway. I don’t think that there’s something wrong in the mind of a person just because they like to have sex. If anything, I’d think there was something odd about a person who couldn’t envision having good sex without having their mind on gender roles and domination and all that stuff all the time. I imagine that really blows the whole mood. But just to be clear about the actual point of disagreement here…not all vaginas are the same, not by a long shot. Unfortunately, because you have no penis…you’ll never really understand what I’m saying here, and you’ll never get to rub your penis around inside of all different kinds of vaginas and you could very well spend your life not knowing the difference between, “she gave me some ass”, and “she’s got that bomb pussy”. You want that bomb shit. I think some rappers call it, “the gushy”, among other things.

OK Smears,

I give you that.
But, may i ask which type you prefer and why?
And, are you interested in only vaginas?
Do you need something else or not? And why?

With love,

This is a good point.

Men treat one another in a similar way that they do women, except it’s only the feminists that make this big thing about it that’s all about them and gender opposition, and if they feel like objects it’s because that’s how men want them to feel - instead of because men are just being men.

What is it to be a womaniser?
Surely this term is an interpretation by others, rather than an intentional role adopted by males themselves. Thus it makes much more sense to analyse those judging than those judged.
Thus the analysis of womanisers is of judging women, not of the men (the objects of their judgment).

Women who judge men as womanisers are those dissatisfied with the behaviours of men and how contrary they run to their own ideals about life. What causes women to come to judge in this way? I think a sense of negative liberty and equality is needed, maybe higher levels of testosterone and competitivity, creating a less harmonious and consentual power imbalance routed (as all things are) in physical power (sexual dimorphism). This along with the reproductive limits on a woman’s body that have been mentioned already, relative to the far lesser strain on the male body - it demands commitment and relationship stability. Promiscuous men are not valuing such female imperatives, and the undervalued female therefore feels less human and more like an object. Her more devoted emotions are not matched, and this is blamed on the male.

So why not instead blame the female for the creation of “womanisers”?

I like almost all of them, so long as they’re clean and fresh. And of course I like things besides vaginas. I like pretty much the whole naked chick. I also enjoy watching the news, cooking, riding motorcycles and shopping.

I never thought of the word womanizer as bad… it’s someone who enjoys a variety of female company and since he’s also interested in sex, there will be lots of it. In my experience men and woman like to have sex with each other in general, so if a man likes women and women like him there will have to be a lot of restraint to keep it non physical. And nobody wants to force anything when it’s not necessary.

I’d propose that the word “slut” gets a classier alternative… A slut is usually a girl who likes male company and is also physically attractive. Most people prefer to hang out with their own gender and/or aren’t as attractive so they can never be sluts or womanizers.

Tell me, O Muse, of the man of many devices…

Smears, you’re dehumanizing sex. (Why?) It’s like you are living in a porn movie. Do you have to reduce it all to body parts?

Just good (promiscuous) sex? Are you considering all contexts? Let me ask you this: if you found yourself to be a married man, just hypothetically speaking, would you cheat on your wife? Would you hide your affairs, and lie to her, just so you can keep sampling different vaginas on the side?

The disagreement here is that the promiscuous sex is/not about sampling body parts. I am claiming that the motivation is psychological/emotional at the source, not just physical.

this will probably sound horrible but here it goes

i want sex but not bullshit

sex with the same women means you have to give increasing amounts of bullshit for a constant, or even decreasing amount of sex

switching it up can be an easier path to sex

i’m not a womanizer though, ill just break up with her when the bullshit gets to be too much

I am not talking about these things but only about women and sex.

Here are two questions.

If only cleanness and freshness in important, then does it makes any difference to you whether it is of 25 year old women or 60 years?
And again, why?
Answer this why and do not avoid it as you did in the last post.

The same question stands.
Why do you like whole naked women?
What do you find attractive particulary in a woman’s body?
And why?

with love,

25 to 60 is fine. I like it because it feels good on my penis.