What Does Philosophy Mean to You? - 5 Words or Less

Search, compile, bundle, control,take responsible action/view

obe, I suggest you learn to count :stuck_out_tongue:
(you couldn’t have just settled for “responsibility”?)

Being better than everyone else.


Moved to MB.

Apologies Bill, you should have been banned earlier today, but I’ve just fixed the problem that let you keep posting.


  1. Thinking abstractly about Life.
  2. Complexifying with Words
  3. Reifying concepts you make up.

Personal structure imposed on impersonal probability.

Waste of Time

When is lunch?

Seeing things as they are.

Von, lunch isn’t for a while. I just had a delicious breakfast. At 1pm. Sometime around 6 or 7, I’ll probably cook again. Come by dude I’ve got plenty to go around. I usually invite a handful of people over to enjoy my amazing cooking. So you might even meet some cool people or a few hos. Hos love free food.

Occasional epiphany, but usually rationalization.

See, now that’s just pushing too much stuff into a limited corner of prudence.

Realizing you can’t do this.

with a nod to iambs position…

Sorry for the six. I’ll try five.

Quantity plus quality equals knowing.

Sorry for the six. I’ll try five.

Quantity plus quality equals knowing.

If things are such that you can’t see them the way they are then once you see that you are. If I had more than 5 words I would have explained this more.

Okay Bill - Where are you…?

Examination of the human condition

Best answer by far.