men and women

He did say “around the world”.

He said “we may anyways…”

Why ?

Why ?


I concur with thim.

Surely you are jesting!?

Why would I jest? Do you really think mankind is destined to forever move forward? Do we have a guarantee?

Some of it will.

The problem with trying to define human nature is that somebody’s bound to be offended.

Homo Sapiens (hohmo sahpeeins)

• Easily offended species of Ape
• Paranoid Hominid
• Self-aware primate
• Sinner
• King-murderer
• Conspiracy-theorist
• Earthbound dolphin
• ?
• ??
• ???

Dolphin haters are going to be furious with this one.

So long as we can record our words and thoughts and learn from it, we will progress.

Only when we should all get kind of religious, we will surely degress.

But this is a near religious belief on your part. mankind might make a pestilence that will kill it off. It may make errors when it determines what post humans should be like, the gene manipulated cyborgs many think we will shortly become. How does one objectively determine we have moved forward? What are the criteria?

Ehh, hellOooOOooo? You said cyborg, isn’t that huge step forward in itself to be able to create that? Wake up!

the thread is about men and women getting along…and equal opportunities and rights for all…

Not nessecarily, he said that everything would go down the drain, or something like that, that would refer to society and our development, from mudhuts to skyscrapers in metaphorically terms.

that is ok to talk about but that isnt what the original post presented…

Then the OP was unclear and easily could be misinterpeted.

what is unclear about this op

Which won’t last forever.


You should be more careful about what you write, what you write has no logical meaning, and in itself is totaly nonsens and babble. Athenians back in classical Greece locked up women as house slaves, only time they went out, was to the market, they did fine.

You seem total oblivious to simple historical facts, there are before western modern women got voting rights, we had industrial revolution, we did fine, therefore a rational interpetation of OP would only result in what I wrote, else I should conform with this nonsens and write some total babble.