
Man the whole city of Huntsville is into missiles and rockets and all that stuff. Extremely high concentration of engineering types. He really shoulda come to Birmingham. There are a lot more philosopher types here, and a lot more crime. I can’t tell you how many people I know have done things similar to what he described himself doing while out in the road and for the most part you just stuff em in the car and take em home. It’s crazy. When I was 14 I got my hands and feet zip tied together and I was thrown in a van and taken to a facility for people on drugs, even though I’d never done any drugs. It’s a weird place to be when you’re under the mental microscope.

Either way, a terrible tragedy. I mean there’s always some pleasure to be had no matter where you are in life. Sometimes you just gotta suspend all philosophical discourse in your mind and sink into the superficiality of life. It can be looked down on at times, but it’s a useful tool when the world gets to be too real.

There’s nothing I can add here, R.I.P. Abstract.

He was brave enough to place the bet… R.I.P

How’d you find out he committed suicide?

His sister signed on as Abstract and told us , and Administration was told also.

Only sane mod I ever met, I liked him, I am genuinely upset he is gone. People who you remember and genuinely get on with are hard to forget. Tragic: thoughts to family and friends. Kinda been messing around on other threads, talking shit, you know the usual, didn’t want to come to this one 'til I had thought about what I wanted to say: sure he was just an acquaintance, sure I never really knew him, but the fact I will miss him nonetheless, speaks volumes: a unique honest and clever man. A rare soul in the world.

I don’t know Abstract at all … don’t even think I ever had a dialogue with him … maybe … but don’t think so.

But I read the threads where he express his struggles with his demons (as an expression, not literally.)

And reading just those threads was all it took for Abstract to move and grab my heart. As a result, as crazy as it sounds, I’ve been having dreams were a shapeless Abstract is a presence … and a force behind the scenes.

Does the dead come to us? Yes! The dead visit us in our dreams. My dad and my son visited me the other night. It was so nice to see them again. I woke up happy and in a good mood. Hope they visit again real soon. The welcome mat is always out for them.

R.I.P. Abstract … and visit your loved ones …

That’s odd but somehow interesting.

I don’t sugar coat my words with people, and I certainly don’t feel the need to do so, but I did genuinely like Abstract he had a way about him that both put you at ease, and made you think. I spoke to him both on threads and in PM. The only mod I ever thanked for banning me, 'cause sometimes like him I do go off the rails and lie down in the street, all be it figuratively in my case. That may be because I am slightly crazy to, but as I said to him in my last post, all the best people are. I just found it sad that he was gone. I had a friend who was Schizophrenic who eventually learnt to deal with it, perhaps that is why it resonates with me?

Born and raised in the wrong place at the wrong time, ever feeling the lack of compassion and understanding so sorely and truly needed.


I did not know Abstract as I am new to this Forum.
I hope there is no one here who has taken cause to wonder if something they said might have upset him.

The world of Forum posting can be very aggressive and upsetting. I have to say that I’m a refugee from one or two Forums that seem to have no limits to the evil that people will do another. I’ve always liked to think that I can give as good as I get, but have always tried to start by giving the benefit of the doubt by never making that first strike, with the vitriolic attacks.

But, so far so good. I find the debate here rather good natured, with a little sarcasm, and although people seem able to say what they feel without the wizened hand of the moderator scratching their eyes out, it seems the balance is about right.

I’m not under the impression that this forum or anything that happened here had much to do with it.

I can’t help but say how hollow that is. What is the god of which you speak?
If god is all powerful then you have to ask why he allowed Abstract to do what he did. And he will comfort whom he wills, or not as he sees fit.
You might also reflect that in Christianity suicide is a mortal sin, so your co-religionists are now of the opinion that Abstract is gone to Hell, is that how you feel about it?

I did not even mean to imply it.
But you said something about people ‘being real’, and it made me think about what it can be like in the online world.

God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.

Ok I am not going to argue that, there is never any reason for someone who is so popular and seems to have so much to give to the world to die before his or her time. There are 7 billion people on Earth it is likely everyone is going to see dozens people die before their time in their life (some of which they may know personally and some of which they may not), and the lesson will not become clearer or more magical even the 3rd time. No matter how much you want it to. Life is arbitrailly “cruel”, for an atheist, for an agnostic it is utterly unfathomable, for a religionist it is a matter of apologetics. If there’s always a plan, why is religion so bad at following it or making it clear? Is God not perfect? :smiley:

Anyway this is not the time or the place to polute a thread with arguments, so I will ask if this can be moved.

i am shocked at this, i really liked him.
The way i see things is that his pattern [or essence] will go towards the creation of further generations of thinkers. Maybe some great philosopher of the future will learn from his experience in an innate manner. I hope also that one flame has gone out and yet another is lit!


Honestly Abstract has affected me quite a bit. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I had recently been arguing with him in a thread about the indeterminacy of nature and then I participated some in his thread about his real life ordeal and being held against his will at a hospital. I really thought there was more to the story than Abstract was keen to discuss (like what his shouting and laying in the street really meant, or why his parents would sign the petition for him to taken to the hospital), but since it was so personal I wasn’t going to push for more information. Even now, I realize what I’m bringing up might be uncomfortable to some, but mostly I can see no greater way to respect Abstract than to find him and his ideas worth reconsidering.

I got arrested for public intox in 1995 and because I was already on probation and I could have gone to jail they threw me in a hospital for a 4 or 5 days with all these lunatics. One kid thought he could do magic, there were a few droolers, and a few kids who were like drunken delinquent gang members who were probably there because of some technicality that their lawyer pulled off for em.

It was an interesting place to be for the short time I got to be there. I became the hero of all the crazies inside when they had to let me go. I mean, if you’re not crazy, you’re not crazy no matter how much money a hospital or pharma company wants to make. I should probably be quiet. I have a lot of grievances with the “mental health” system as it is. No need to go on a tirade any longer than this.

But the fact is fuse, he very well coulda been telling you the whole story. The sick part of all this is that as they’re destroying your life and raping your freedom and prodding you and violating your privacy and your personhood and treating you like some specimen they actually in their minds believe that they are helping you and they’ve got a whole cookie cutter line about denial and self control and how the brain is a mystery that they understand but can’t explain to you in any proper way. One of the worst feelings in the world is that of being overtaken by a bunch of people that you know are not as smart as you. Especially when it’s via the use of some kind of force. I had to ride almost 200 miles in the back of a van with my hands and feet zip tied together when I was 15 or so because my parents thought I was on drugs. Insanity. I wasn’t.

Ok. I’m stopping.

Rest well Abstract, may your questions be answerd in the afterlife!

I never corresponded with Abstract after he became a moderator. I just couldn’t take him seriously anymore. He just seemed too—moderate, and I imputed that to his being a mod. But maybe it was the other way round. In any case, I regretted not being able to correspond with him any longer. And when I read Carleas’ post, I did wonder, like Hobbes Choice said, and with a chill, like Silhouette said, whether his becoming a mod might have isolated him just that little bit more, that little bit too much. I mean, it must be depressing for someone so young to already have ended up where Faust has. Just kidding, Fausty… I hope this post takes a middle ground between being funny and sad.

I have been working with Robin (Abstract) over the past couple years collaboratively on spiritual philosophies, as well as on the theory of writing spiritual philosophies.

At the beginning of this year, Robin emailed me a body of over 32,000 words that he had organized his thoughts into for what he had titled so far as his, “religious text”.
He did this with request for me to proof the work and provide feedback, which of course I did.

Due to his death, and in honor of his philosophical gift spiritually, as well as his interest in people reading his work which he viewed to contain truth, I have copied the contents of what he had emailed me and posted it online with essentially no editing; leaving it as he last wrote it with his hand.

Here is the page in honor of Robin Anderson’s Religious Text.
The Religious Text of Robin Anderson