Prophetic dreams

I mean it’s already been shown that our bodies can predict the weather, some people will get a shaky knee when a storm is coming for example.

I had a dream I was part of a chain gang, prisoners let out to pick up trash on the side of the highway. During our detail, I find a gun and me and this other prisoner use it to escape.

Three months later I’m working as a landscaper (in real life). Except it’s the winter, so my boss had me doing random jobs, like clearing brush from a gas line that ran alongside the highway. Eventually me and some co-workers found a handgun somebody had tossed from a car. I had the gun in my hands, inspecting it for a while, since I had never held one. I then looked behind me, down the highway and a prison van had just pulled up and a bunch a orange jumpsuit prisoners started working.

The feeling I got was incredible, even though I was so far from understanding why, it still felt like the universe was talking to me.

When I was a kid, I had the same dream over and over again. I would be in a cave, jumping on a trampoline, and with each jump I’d get higher and higher, with an increasing sense of anxiety, then eventually I’d get so high I’d lose control, miss the trampoline on the way down, and keep falling until I got into another cave which was like a child’s view of hell. It would freak me out and I’d wake up afraid to stick my hands and feet off the sides of the bed and I’d just stay up the rest of the night. I really only ever had about 2 or 3 other dreams that I’ve remembered after waking up, and none of them were recurring, but I killed someone in both of them, both times plainly in self defense.

Nowadays I keep myself so loaded with pot, that I think it’s virtually impossible to dream and remember it in the morning. Pain killers can bring on the dreams, but enough weed will keep them at bay for the most part. I think these things have led to my insomnia and my infantile avoidance of sleep. I literally never get in the bed to go to sleep. I pass out where I’m sitting however late it might be, wake up, go to bed and get up in the morning not remembering going to bed every day.

Weird stuff I think, but it’s all good.

As far as I can remember, this tornado was a total surprise to everyone, at least until the day of it happening. They’re very rare in the UK.

The storm would have been announced as having tornadic activity at least a few days in advance. The surprise would be in it actually happening due to rare conditions.

I’m still waiting for someone to comment on my above example, because I think it differs from intuition about the weather.

They are almost unheard of in the UK so no one was expecting it.

That sounds like a genuine prophetic dream.

Dreams can prophesy. I have had my own after eliminating outside information.

It made life seem even more mysterious to me, as if it wasn’t already so. It felt like a privaledge to experience it. A lot of people have exciting lives, traveling and such, and yet stuff like my dream never happen to them once.

Ok not to be rude but, Bull, science on weather is better then that. It was a definate probability. You obviously do not recall it but, it has to be in records online somewhere.

It is, it was all over the news. No one was expecting anything like it. Weather in England just doesn’t behave like that. … 725279.stm

many things are “possible” in a trivial sense. but you’d have to describe some sort of mechanism by which this would be possible, and a whole lot of other stuff would have to be false for you to be right

In November I had a dream. I don’t remember what it was about, but at the end, a voice clearly said “you will be dead in 3 months”. I awoke immediately. It’s scary enough to tell people, and I pray that it is not prophetic.

Why would I have to describe some sort of mechanism to make it possible? It is not our responsibility to work out the physics behind something we happen to know to be true from experience.

The vast majority of dreams are probably not prophetic, fortunately.

If it’s consistent, they’re prophetic, if it’s inconsistent, it’s coincidence.

In order for dreams to have predictive power, they’d have to be right a significant portion of the time (what qualifies as significance can be more than a little arbitrary, but let’s say something like 51%+ of the time), not merely one out of every thousands dreams you’ve had. How many times out of a year does one of your dreams end up coming to pass the very next day, or a few days later, when you couldn’t have possibly known these future events would take place?

Keep in mind even a broken clock is right twice a day. I suppose it’s possible dreams occasionally have actual mystical, predictive power, which is silly in my mind (contrary to the laws of physics as we know them, but perhaps not impossible), they’d still be unreliable as we’d have no means of knowing which ones are prophetic and which ones aren’t, and of crouse we’d still have no means of knowing whether it was coincidence or not, unless they’re frequently prophetic How often do we dream about things in our lives that never come true, I’ve had the same dream of falling off a balcony thousands of times and I’m still here.

Also I agree with what Kris said, sometimes you can be subconsciously influenced by things you hear from other people or from the news, or even by the weather itself. A friend of mine recently told me she had a dream it would snow a day before it snowed, and it hardly snows where I’m from. I said to her you’ve been on this earth for a long time, your body knows subconsciously when it’s going to snow even, if your conscious mind doesn’t, all the signs were there, it was getting colder, darker, windier, you must have sensed all that unbeknownst to your conscious mind.

Of course there’s no way you could have sensed a tornado according to the laws of physics as we know them… but on second thought, there is some evidence to suggest some dogs and cats might be capable of sensing when an earthquake will occur, and maybe because you’re blind, other senses of yours are enhanced, and may be more in tune with the world going on around you at a subconscious, vibrational level.

I’d like you to somehow apply the same weatherly instincts to my dream above, if you can. . . explain it away.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. First of all the dream was wrong about some major details, you weren’t a prisoner in a chain gang attempting to use the gun you found to escape, 2nd the prisoners that happened to show up didn’t find the gun, and attempt to use it to escape. The dream had some interesting things in common with the event that transpired 3 months later. Still, we’re talking about 3 months later, not 3 days later or 3 hours later, given enough time, many dreams will come true, if I have a dream of being caught in a severe earthquake, running outside my home because I don’t want things to fall on top of my head, there’s a descent chance something like that might come to pass, and I could always reinterpret events later to fit the dream (hmmm, well, I didn’t get caught in an earthquake, but 1 year later when I was in construction, a roof was caving in and pieces of it were falling on our heads and we had to run outside, hey… just like the dream, except no, it wasn’t quite like the dream, there were some key departures).

All that being said, you’re probably feeling disappointed now, and no doubt you think I’m being unfair, and that I’m guilty of sticking to my mechanistic, scientific preconception of the world. I will admit, when I synthesize the all the data, there is something peculiar about the synchroncity of the dream and the event. I think it’s important to look at all the things your dream didn’t do, and not just with what it did. All that being said, still, encountering a chain gang is a rare thing, let alone working alongside them and finding a gun, what are the odds something like that would happen to you only a few months later (difficult to calculate logically and precisely)?

It’s possible to add some kind of meaning or purpose behind it all, perhaps you were placed there by mysterious, ‘benevolent’ entities or forces to find the gun, because if you didn’t, one of the prisoners would have used it in an attempt to escape and a lot of people would have died as a result, but all this presupposes the universe gives a shit about us. Do prophetic dreams ever encourage disaster, does the knowledge they supposedly impart ever lead us into danger rather than keep us from it?

Our minds have quite the imagination when we’re dreaming, and they play dozens of dreams in our minds every night, many of them never come true, a few are bound to partly come true, and an even fewer are bound to come fully true, or some of them come true all the time because they’re just fragments of our everyday lives chopped up into little bits and reassembled haphazardly and nonesensically. I’d ask you to keep in mind all the times your dreams don’t predict the near future, and not just the one or two dreams that did. Unless you did a study on your dreams, to see how often they come true, and found a percentage of them occurred in the physical realm, more than the laws of chance suggest they should (an exceedingly complicated and difficult thing to calculate indeed), then you can’t be certain there’s anything magickal going on here. On an intuitive level, I’ll admit your experience is quite peculiar, but it’s not overwhelming for me. Like I said, even a broken clock is right thrice a day out of thousands when you add the 3rd hand.

I think that’s a fair assessment. It felt extra odd for me, but I can’t convey how odd to another person. The whole life is a dream saying took on a proper meaning for me. Like a hyper dream.

Anyway, since I dont know why it happened, I accept how you rationalize it to some degree.