anyone in here with a graduate degree

I pay rent, but it just naturally comes to me. I don’t go and clock in and out and sit someplace with my thumb up my ass wishing I was doing something more fun because I have to pay rent. I don’t join up with a little group of people to pretend to help people with problems then just rape insurance companies all day. Either way man a hooker can see several people a day that’s a lot more money.

None of my clients can afford insurance, unfortunately. But have fun ranting about what helps other people.

Yeah that’s the big irony of going into the business of helping people. Only those that don’t need help can really afford the services. Mr. $150 a day here’s gotta have his mcmansion.

I just told you that my clients can’t afford insurance, and you immediately say “yeah only rich people can get help”

are you broken?

I’m high as fuck, but I’m still not sure how you’re gonna get $150 a day from broke people, unless you plan on living off the government I guess.

yes, government programs designed to assist those who are poor


something tells me I won’t give a fuuuuuuuck what he thinks about it lol

What are you talking about dude get off the meds.


Enough with the slurs already!

I’m trying to save his life here.

didn’t you say you don’t have a graduate degree anyway?

I believe I probably said that.

for a thread asking for the perspective of those who have graduate degrees, you sure did post a lot

Yeah I didn’t expect that I’d be crowding many people out. I think it’s important to know that there are a great number of good reasons to not get a graduate degree. I’ve spend an inordinate amount of time around people who have them in all kind of things from all walks of life and most all of them regret it or are at least more in debt and further from where they really want to be than before.

that’s fine, but you really only had to say it once

I kind of felt bad I didn’t want your thread to just die. These threads are good. I like to see hope in the eyes of young people. (on the internet via text)

this thread was about crushing hopelessness, not hope!

Did I suggest to you at some point in this thread that you should probably smoke more weed?