anyone in here with a graduate degree

I don’t think it works like that

Credible people used to.

used to what? have real demons in their heads? there was no mechanism at work that still exists in today’s understanding of reality

I think smears was suggesting that those one time credible people are discredited by us today the same way future credible people will discredit us. But I’ll let you two go at it.

shock therapy was discredited, and has resurged through different mechanisms

Although its still widely incredible to most people.

This is why you should post more. You actually got what I was saying. That’s getting a bit rare around here.

not most scientists who have read the recent studies

i’m giving more thought into social work. the money would be decent if I went for the good licensing (being male helps too). And I’d have opportunities for doctorates in psychology (mind is my favorite philosophy). does that sound legit to you guys?

Yeah but that’s not most scientists. And if you think that a study means shit, or even a handful of them then you’re being kinda naive. I can make a study that says the best thing to do is snort cocaine.

Captain don’t go to graduate school if it’s not free. I have a friend who wanted to study eating disorders and work with people who had em, so she got a B.S. in psych, then went to work at a rehab at an entry level position, kissed some ass and wore a lot of makeup and squeezed her tits together and they offered to pay for her to get a masters in social psychology. It didn’t hurt that she was a cheerleader in college and had a handful of eating disorders herself. She was a fine one dude. Next thing you know…the pressure gets to her and she starts misusing her clonapin and when she passed out at her desk there in the rehab they sorta rescinded the offer and I think now she lives in a trailer with some dude who has one of those mustaches and she drags babies around and isn’t skinny anymore. Fucked up shit dude.

I spent yesterday talking to a lady who has 2 PhDs and a masters and she’s literally already done all the things you wanna do. She’s been publishing since the late 70s, she’s held high ranking positions in university departments, taught all over the world everything from physics to philosophy to medical ethics you name it. She’s flown out to India to do yoga with monks and shit. She speaks 5 or 6 fucking languages. She’s probably got 6 figures in liquid assets, all her needs met, and has no idea what to do with her life. The only thing she wants is to talk about philosophy with people who share her interests, and that’s just not something she can readily get her hands on I suppose.

Another friend of mine is a pharmacist. He came out of school with 185k, (the full limit) of stafford loans. Worked 60-70 hour weeks for 2 or 3 years straight, lived with his parents the whole time and payed off all those loans, now he doesn’t wanna be a pharmacist anymore. He fucking hates it. He thinks he’s gonna fuck up and kill someone. His conscience really can’t bear it.

Another guy I know is over 100k in debt to the dept of education and has literally gone off the grid. He only communicates with the outside world via satellite internet on this weird secure mail thingy that I don’t even really want to talk about. He wants to pay off his loans, but he’s afraid he’ll go to prison if he starts sending that kind of money without being able to show where it came from.

No matter what you say captain, at the bottom of all this, “i could help others” shit there’s a desire of your own. To find a path that’s already set for you to live with the kind of freedom that you desire. The problem is that when a path is already set, there just isn’t that much freedom in it. Look at what it costs a physician to insure themselves such that they can practice and subtract that from what they make then subtract that they make from what kind of life they expect to live as a doctor and you get a negative number in many cases dude. I know a surgeon who lost his license in one state on a bogus malpractice case where jury sympathy overrode plain reason. He had to completely relocate his family at a point when some of his kids were in college and some in high school. He had real estate that had to be liquidated in the process and he lost a shit ton of what it took him a long time to earn. He’s slowly getting back up there, (I mean he’s still fucking loaded but by his own standard he’s grossly unsatisfied).

I could go on and on man.

If grad school isn’t free don’t do it.

Studies suggest areas worthy of further study.

I don’t have a womb, don’t worry.

she needs to get laid

haha, sucks to be him

tax evasion is a wonderful thing

well it wouldn’t cost me much for the social work degree, it’s a two year degree that would cost me less than 10 grand I think. maybe less than 5 depending on how overqualified I am. that’s the idea of the social work avenue, a reasonably well paying job (around 60k 5 years from now) doing something that isn’t just pushing pencils for someone else’s fat checkbook.

I wonder if my boss could swing the cost if I agreed to internship there, it’s part of an MSW anyway

She was gonna have to contract to work 3 years. The professor isn’t gonna get laid she’s about 70 years old probably. The pharmacist guy is happy now, it doesn’t suck to be him. Studies have value, but most people have no idea what kind of things they can even credibly say, and when most people say, “studies show…”, then then say the kinds of things that studies can’t really show. Having a womb was probably her only asset. That’s what I’m saying. Her ambitions were the least lofty of any of those people and she actually ended up the most fucked. Also 60K isn’t gonna get you very far when you’re taxed down to 40k by the time you earn it and spend it and rent utilities and insurance in any place with a decent standard of living is going to run you at least another 12-14k a year outta that. What about fuel and food? Man worker bees don’t get the big prizes. Please know that.

How old are you if I might ask? I feel like you should be doing completely different shit. I have a feeling that when I was your age I wan’t even in college yet. I spent a good bit of time travelling around and doing a lot of things some of which I might not ever recall on record. It’s good for you.

Was 4 years of university not enough for you to catch on? You’re actually going to double down and spend more money? When you’re young it’s difficult to understand the value of your time. Don’t waste your life finding out that there’s not much original shit to be said in the world. You should be thinking of what makes you feel good, not the things you’re afraid might happen if you don’t find some conventional measure of success. You need to throw away all your shit and hike for a year and grow a beard or something before you go making decisions that can fuck up your life. Maybe go do part of the Appalachian Trail or something. Ride a motorcycle across the country or at least hitchike or something dude. Take hallucinogens in strange places where you don’t know anyone and try to play it off. Find out who you really are when you are completely out of your element.

But start now, and you could have one of those moustaches by Easter.

There’s good cheese in the selling weed racket… is that the point Smears?

It’s not the money. It’s the fact that you’re not a slave. You don’t have to sell weed either. There’s a ton of things you can do besides dream of suiting up and being a mid-level professional working 50 hours for 50 grand. I mean seriously why in the fuck do people think that’s a good deal? Dude I’d rather sit and do nothing all year for half that than go and stand and pull levers and push buttons for some fucks all day who only wanna let me go and smoke 2 times. That’s fucking insane.

23 in march

If I did all (or even just some) that, I’d end up either in jail or with 50% wage garnishments for the rest of my life. It’s too late. I had found myself in philosophy, but the world doesn’t want to pay me for that so I have to do something else.

Have you considered prostitution?

backpage ftw. Believe it or not there’s a real dearth of male escorts out there. You can get paid decent money in a pinch and in most cases you don’t even sleep with them.

I’d probably have to lose weight and I’m far too lazy, plus it’s mostly dudes who hire male escorts

I met a 50 something year old lady in her hotel once and all I did was listen to her talk about her cats for an hour and a half and just agree with everything she says and she gave me $150. I never even shook her hand.