Hurricane Sandy: Be Thankful

And how do you see it? The eye went over my home 34 miles inland cat. 2 and 3 winds and tornadoes, we rode it out. Just what was the objective?

Want to know what caused hurricane sandy?—

The rat bastard.

I just knew it :slight_smile:



It’s a catch-22 you don’t admit you are testing how chemicals affect weather, it’s a conspiracy to cover up covert black ops testing that is entirely nefarious. You admit you are testing chemicals, you are trying to use such things nefariously also under the cover of a beneficial smokescreen; these seeding rain clouds to produce more rain are a front, it’s actually to increase the intensity of Hurricanes. You can’t win with conspiracy theorists, there is always, no matter how honest you are and how much evidence you present, a cover up to some degree.

What’s pretty dumb is not that I don’t think such things can have an application that is unfriendly, it’s that I don’t think it’s all a government conspiracy to control the globe via the Illuminati who are in the pay of the reverse vampires, who are ultimately beholden to the Morlocks. Yeah sure there are military applications for everything environmental, but sometimes they are just the usual testing nukes in Nevada shit and not a conspiracy of ever increasing complexity and magnitude. Sometimes, and I know it sounds amazing they are just tests to increase rain fall, and help people.

If you took this seriously you would literally go insane.

That is why you refuse to talk about this seriously.

Who here has the courage and intellectual capacity to present a serious response to this thread?

No one thus far.

I ask: Are there any real philosophers left?

Not in the sense of agreeing with me, I just mean in the sense of being able to converse like an adult.

I am quite mental, trust me. You however haven’t really said anything at all other than, if I take the fact that there is no way to stop conspiracies spiraling into a conspiracy upon a conspiracy I must be mental.

Mainstream there really are conspiracies out there, I don’t doubt it, all I doubt is that there is a conspiracy of the magnitude that happens when there is no cynicism and logical method but just acceptance of more and more exaggerated conspiracy ie he said this, it means so much more than this. For me that is not logical, you can’t jump on the conspiracy band wagon without putting on the brakes occasionally when you are reaching. Governments are plotting all the time, conspiring all the time, doing tests and being obtuse about it. All I doubt is the level at which they are doing it.

It could be a catch 22, but he admitted that there was something going on that had been denied. People who said that there were such ongoing efforts to manipulate the weather were told they were being irrational and that nothign of the sort was going on. Enough evidence accumulated and it could no longer be denied, so it is admitted, but of course no one is going to say that the intentions are negative. Here’s the thing…they sat there silently or actively denying, knowing that the wide variety of lay and releventaly professional people who saw and otherwise documented the phenomenon were at the very least correct that people were actively involved in these processes. The people who documented these activities were labeling irrational conspiracy theories and all their data and evidence was dismissed. That’s fucked up. At the very least, these well intentioned bureaucrats created problems for themselves and followed old ideas of how authority should act, information-wise, with the people they should feel responsible to. They have only themselves to blame for lying and keeping silent while concerned and to some significant degree correct people were labeled harshly by the MSM.

So let’s use an analogy with the assumption that the ones not disclosing have only good intentions.

A man thinks his wife is cheating on him. He confronts her about times she said she was at work but he has evidence she was not there. He mentions seeing her at a restaurant with some man. Etc. He presents all this evidence to her and she denies she was at a restaurant with some man and all the other allegations about her whereabouts. Her friends also deny all this and tell him he is simply being irrational and there is no basis in anything he says. They make fun of him and his wife, she knows they make fun of him.

After a couple of years she admits she wasn’t at work, she admits meeting the man at the restaurant regularly, but it all turns out that she is a chess fanatic or something else neutral or even good.

She was not in some double bind. She fucked up her relationship for no good reason. She also damaged the relationship with the friends - who would be analgous to the MSM. She sat by while they drew very incorrect conclusions about her husband and insulted him.

This is with her motives all being just peachy.

I thought I did. Though I suppose I just tried to get information for my own use.

I’ve been engaging this topic for years, and I don’t think that I have once (on this forum I mean) had someone respond back to a thread where I re-introduce the legitimacy of this science with a coherent answer. You know, something like…

Except for once: a guy named Sven, someone from this forum, who would go on to learn more about this topic than I have. Which means more to me than spoon feeding answers to 100 of you plebs who wouldn’t learn anything and would soon forget all of this in favor of your television.

And I’m not beyond expecting a coherent answer. You all have the ability to separate feelings from emotion - I’ve fucking seen it demonstrated - so I know it’s possible. People just have to want to do it. My desire comes from the fact that I can see further down the line than most of you, but when faced with reality you will maybe have a change of heart… because, hey, most people want to be healthy and don’t want to die.

Somewhere out there there is someone like me, and Sven, with the passion to push forward into the intellectual fringe and so revolutionize the physical mainstream. Many claim to have it, but there are few people who have a true passion for life. Few people who have such an unbearable ambition so as to try and transform the entire electromagnetic landscape of a city, country, or continent. Too many are content to just make posts on a philosophy forum.

I never said that, I don’t deny that environmental testing can be used for both “good” and “evil”, and it may well be so. I just doubt it’s used to kill your own people. It doesn’t matter if they were labelled conspiracy theorists, because let’s face it, as I said before no matter how honest you are, there’s always a higher level you can show that enables your dishonesty as you have shown. Let’s say the guy never said anything, we’d still be at the point where we were saying the denial was a conspiracy. Let’s say he was honest from the start, well given the fact that he was, does not mean that we have the whole truth. So the truth is there that they are doing so and so but there is more to it.

Motives are irrelevant: no matter what the motives are that they admit, there will always be ulterior motives that underlie that with the conspiracy theorist. You simply cannot win, everything that happens reinforces the conspiracy no matter how transparent someone is, once it starts you can’t deny it or admit it, once the stone is rolling whether it gathers moss or not, it’s rolling on.

You’re talking about the reality of chemtrails, which is publically admitted and accepted. Obviously Trallix doesn’t get that because he’s completely ignorant, but the subject of this thread is about orgone more so.

We should be addressing the key points that the storm represents, not entertaining people who are a complete waste of time.

And this another thing, no one has demonstrated scientifically that they are nor demonstrating scientifically things that are a cover up. You can’t do that, you can’t do science that has only benign causes that involves the environment, so there will always be a doubt that all these things are only used wisely and for good reasons. I’ve seen the evidence, chem trails don’t seem to have journal entries proving their efficacy positively or that they actually cause widespread detriment on a large scale basis. This of course is a conspiracy to keep the information secret. If it is published and debunked, this is an attempt by the elite to keep it secret by falsifying the results.

No one has ever spoken scientifically to you, because even if they did, they can not win. Awww its sad that no one has challenged your science, and yet you know they probably have, the only one person thing is thrown out like a reason to believe you, when in fact it’s a reason to doubt. You wont accept science, or any testing because at the end of the day all science is a part of the conspiracy.

Sure, in that post I was talking about chemtrails +. Earlier in the thread I did my version of what Sven did, though I was not starting from some skeptical viewpoint, however I did have some nagging questions which you answered well for what I needed.

Address away.

I think the kinds of rationalizing away that people do are important to contend with. I believe that understanding these process and breaking them, even locally, has effects everywhere. Adn this is not dependent on Tralix going, hm, that’s a good point. Once a mental program suppressing these kinds of things gets broken anywhere, it is easier to break everywhere. My sense of the possibilities of causation are a little broader than those of Greenpace canvassers.

And I also think that pretty much every person who is going to catch on will not do this via philosophy forums.

Is it, though? Shitty rationalizing and joking around when it’s clearly a defense mechanism - all of that stuff fucking infuriates me, because I know with overriding certainty I am wasting my time.

It’s a fact that a small minority of people will ‘get it,’ but the overwhelming majority of people will not. Like I said, chemtrails aren’t even a secret. It’s admitted that they’re being used. It’s all public. So if that is the case and we still have people that refuse to believe, it’s not because of lack of available information. It’s because they have psychological issues, and those people are lost, I’m sorry to say. Theu will fight to maintain their paradigm to the end, like Tralix is doing right now.

Remember, it’s not ‘the masses’ against the elite; it’s the rebels vs the elite, and the masses are just the group that gets used to fight the war because they don’t know what’s going on, and act out of emotion pretty much when they’re told to. I have no problem telling someone directly I think their views are a joke. They know at some level it’s true, and those that ignore that subconscious feeling tugging away only have themselves to blame.

  • All weather is created

  • Weather warfare can be counteracted

  • That method of counteraction is the gateway to physical and intellectual health

-Being in top physical and mental health means that disinformation doesn’t work as well

  • The entire charade that is ruining out lives is enabled by disinformation

  • As above, so below: If we take back control of the weather, we take control of ourselves.

Any of these points would be a welcome change from shouting ‘Obama’ and ‘Romney’ back and forth like 2 drunk people spitting out wet pennies. These elections where some corporate insider takes over where the last corporate insider left off will only keep happening as the human race slides into bedlam - unless, we get healthier and smarter. And that will basically only happen from studying the occult… and the methods that are used against the public. Like, for instance… fucking orgone, and weather modification.

I could suggest other things like the Kabbalah or whatever, but this is much easier. I’m advocating it because it’s literally the easiest way to learn about the occult that I can think of, not because I have some huge passion for arts and crafts. That’s not it at all.

Can you actually read what I said? I was not denying that the weather can be changed by chemicals or chemtrails, I was denying that they are for the reasons ultimately you give, the stretch you make from controlling weather to the Morlocks. Hey you’re on a roll though, why read anything I said, when anything I said is part of the mainstream science or not that is fighting to keep you down. You’re problem is not that you believe all that is going on is a massive conspiracy, it’s that you are so confident about it that you seem to be unable to read or answer valid criticism, without making claims I said something I did not.

I know. You’re saying the government wouldn’t use this (every single time) to control it’s citizens, which is completely naive. It shows you have never once studied history, which means there is too much of a gap to continue.

So we’re done.