Hurricane Sandy: Be Thankful

Between you and Volchok…

Why is google such a reliable way to get information?

You can get information about what he was referring to. Whatever the medium one still has to decide what one thinks of the source and the information.

Intuitive balance of all that I see going on (thus non-conclusive).

Haha… as someone once said about me… “This guy knows too much”. :wink:

Or someone might just ask you since you brought it up. But that someone probably just won’t care anymore after reading your pompous responses.

Someone might also think you’ve been hitting the sauce pretty hard.

It’s not pompous. It’s a fact. Learners learn. Non-learners make excuses. If you don’t care about the world around you it’s because you’re pathetic and you’re willing to accept whatever circumstances you’re presented with. You can say whatever you want about me, what I just said is true.

How do you think I learned all of what I know? It wasn’t with your attitude.

I’m not here to do all the work of sharing information with you guys you should know anyways. I’m here to state facts. What you do with them is up to you. I don’t live in America. If you do, you should be telling -me- about this. Why is it the other way around?

Google/the internet is categorically the best, and at this point the only place to get answers. What do you want me to direct you a newspaper? Asking me is just going to result in a FUCKING INTERNET LINK ANYWAYS.

More excuses from non-learners.

Hypocrite of the highest order.

You’re all pathetic.

Gobbo had some compassion for you fools.

Mainstream thinks you all deserve to be enslaved.

Thank Christ.

And, for the record, I wasn’t trying to be insulting with my initial reply. I went and looked up what orgone was before I posted it, but that still doesn’t tell me what an “orgone team” is or does. Do you sit over coffee and discuss the merits of orgone, or are you actually manning a “cloudbuster”, shooting pretend rays into the clouds?

If i had your perception of the world i’d of reached that conclusion much sooner, not so much “deserve” to be enslaved, but apathetic to it.

Who knows maybe it actually works, but “Cloud buster” is such a lame name.

martial law? ROTFLMFAO it was declared down here after Katrina, it did not work, I can’t see it working with those folks there either and there are far more.

Those who bother to test it out. That’s my whole point.

This is what I said to myself when I first read about orgonite:

So, because the ability to test it out was so easy, and the potential payoffs of learning 3 insanely interesting things all at once is well worth it, I went and tested it out myself. Who wouldn’t, provided they truly care about learning? Unless they truly had a respect for themselves.

You’re only fooling yourself by trying to turn this around on me. I’ve done everything I can do. There is no way I’m going to convey the entire paradigm in a forum post, now do I even have the time to. If you have no ability to learn independently then we’re all fucked anyways.

Katrina worked to near-perfection for what it was. I’m sure you saw a different story.

I’ll get around to it one of these days but that one website I went to didn’t inspire confidence.

That’s because I can tell you’re being flippant.

Actually think about what is going on here. If you’re going to delve into something seriously, then give it the caution and attention it deserves. Truly consider here briefly what would have to be occurring if this science is legit:

The whole community is going to be completely flooded with disinformation. It would by default have to be, and I knew this when I initially waded into these murky pools several years ago. Stop pretending to be a philosopher and actually be one. Think it over. If true, this a 70+ year secret project. They obviously want to keep a secret. Now, look at Reich’s research, if only quickly. When you extrapolate it out to radionics, it undercuts the entire corporate structure. All of it. Medicine, oil. Why do you think they engaged in fucking book burning in 20th Century America? That’s pretty crazy man. You gotta admit that. I don’t think that happened anywhere, ever, in the 20th Century (in America) except with Reich… as he died in jail. I look(ed) at it like, this information is valuable. Somebody doesn’t want me to know this at an alarming level and that makes me want to know it at a fanatic level.

It’s exciting, invigorating, and ultimately not that hard—it’s just to say that this is the realm of real conspiracies, where you have try give like 15% of an effort on your own. This is why I say I cannot just… ‘explain’ all of this on a philosophy forum in a post. Deeper truths don’t work that way. All those other forums are filled with disinformation, and I cannot tell you how not to be affected. One must learn to develop their intuition to see through it. The only reason I’m on this forum is to try and inspire and develop real thinkers before its too late. People who can laugh as lies deflect off them like water droplets on the windshield of a Ferrari.

Disinformation, along with psychic attacks, and basically what amounts to just annoying computer hacking are the only tools the military can use without risking alerting the public to the fact that there is something going on. Be it with this, or other things. Pretty soon we’ll be at the point where cops can just go around and just arbitrarily lock up anyone who addresses a topic that is deemed off-limits, but we’re not fully there yet, so that’s why it’s important to, as I constantly stress here on this forum, …do something.

So, are you going to be the person who is successfully repelled away from greater understanding because of a few basic tactics where you plant a few goofballs on a forum to talk about wacky stuff, or will you see through it?


You gotta understand half of these media figures are in on this agenda. They’ve been given the talk, “Yeah, you know, this is the plan, and you can either get on board or not.” That, or they are masons just complicit in the agenda for those reasons.

Unless America gets its act together you guys are facing what is planned. It’s an inevitability. In fact, it honestly may be too late already.

LOL, can’t imagine… only to emerge as…only to emerge as…

but cut the horse shit, unless ‘your’ mirror of self-reflection is only ‘skin’ deep.

And how do you see it? The eye went over my home 34 miles inland cat. 2 and 3 winds and tornadoes, we rode it out. Just what was the objective?