Hurricane Sandy: Be Thankful

If you think there is more here then go study a book or a website or something on this topic. I mean you’re essentially saying that, given control over the weather, the government would use it to protect the citizens. That is completely niave, but if that’s what you think then just forget about this.

I’m past putting effort into why people like you are wrong. It’s not my job in the first place.

I can imagine the law suits, it is exactly why I don’t think it is happening, because in a litigious world, no one is feeling confident enough to do so.

So what was the goal?
Was it successful?
Who benefits?
Was it practice? Something else?
Why not make it worse?

No I am saying that there is no evidence they can but if they could why wouldn’t they, why would a government in an economic downturn cause a disaster that would cost them billions of dollars, even a covert sub government would not be as stupid as to do things that would ultimately mean they had fucked up the environment so much that they would have to pay trillions of dollars when the new world order came in, surely they are more clever than that ? And also it’s all very well saying you’re passed convincing everyone that this is real and you are cereal, but without any real science about chem trails, it’s not going to convince us.

The goal was to have an excuse to close the stock market.

…and merely a test run.

This isn’t 2005. Chemtrails aren’t even a secret anymore.

Just google 'Science Czar John P. Holdren says, ‘We’re going to use chemtrails now.’

Fuck people are uninformed. It blows me away.

I can hear these responses before the person even thinks them.

Which, as I will state again, was mastered in the 70’s.

Bottom line the government has been testing chemicals to see how they affect weather.

I couldn’t find a single site that said he was saying that he meant they were using such methods for nefarious purposes himself. This is just saying he said this: it means this - it does not follow that it means that.

So you’re looking for Holdren to say, publically, “We’re going to use this technology nefariously?”

Cause that’s pretty dumb. You realize that right?

Thanks for answering, though I am also interested in mainstream’s take.
So a kind of practice. Does this mean there is some question of accuracy? Is this really the easiest way to shut down the Stock Market? (Note, I am not suggesting anyone is concerned about other damage.)
Why close down the Stock Market, or better, what will this do when they are no longer practicing?
Last, what makes you think the Stock Market was the goal and not something else?

When’s the last time someone with real power said they were doing something for nefarious purposes? I mean, I doubt very many people without much power have said such a thing, but most people don’t have writers and handlers to prevent them from blurting out such things.

He only pubically talks about that stuff when it comes to poisoning the water supply. Not the air…

This guy is what I say he is. You can sit around waiting for some sufficient level of evidence, but from my dealing with people like you, 1000 pages of hard evidence later, you will still be asking for more.

Mainstream, I am interested in you answers to my post on page 1, also the added questions I asked in reponse to James’s response to my questions, if these second questions apply to your answers.

You have to back this way up. I’ve been following this from the beginning:

  1. The CIA started planting tweets to rile up the public about a week to two weeks ago about ‘rioting if Romney wins.’ ‘Killing Romney if he wins.’ ‘Killing random people if Romney wins.’ Just like… clearly COINTEL PRO planted stuff. It just exploded onto twitter without any provocation. And keep in mind, people on forums like Alex Jones’ and other mainstream alt media outlets, all through the Obama campaign, would receive threats from the Secret Service to remove any posts that said anything close to that about Obama. One time Infowars has to delete a post that was something to the effect of, ‘Obama is going to make me lose it.’ Authoritarian censorship with anything related to violence and Obama, but then out of nowhere all these tweets pop up. No censorship. Fake accounts. Like I said… totally fucking obvious to anyone paying attention.

  2. This progresses further as news of this hurricane starts to get around the internet. Suddenly the tweets are ‘I’m going to riot after this storm hits.’

  3. The storm hits, and people are fucking rioting…

They wanted the storm to be more severe so as to completely topple public order, bring in a state of emergency and hopefully get people to riot to the extend that martial law is declared, the elections are cancelled, and the martial law outcome that I’ve been saying is the goal for… OH i DON’T KNOW FUCKING 8 YEARS NOW would have been enabled.

That’s why I’m saying, be thankfult here are forces out there to counterbalance that astounding level of ignorance that mostly defines America. The storm should have been a lot worse.

Thanks for the answer. Where did you find out about the tweets, got a link?

If I get the part about selective censorship, you mean that posts or text threatening Romney was allowed to stay and was not challenged, but text threatening Obama was not. I can’t connect this to the hurricane. Why would it matter what people were rioting about? You have a major disaster, the one they hoped to get but were prevented from getting by the orgonite people, and likely if devastation has really ripped apart the infrastructure their would have been looting and rioting and generalized chaos. Why would they care which candidates were threatened? All chaos is good chaos if you want to justify martial law. And this would have come before the election, so rioting against Romney seems moot at this point. I may be missing something obvious, but whatever dot connecting you’re willing to do is appreciated.

EDIT- found some of my own links about the twitter stuff. And it seems like in the right wing conspiracy site world, it is generally assumed these are coming from lefties. Is there a site that sees them as agent provocateur stuff.

In the conspiracy world (proper) there is no left/right.

Maybe, even though it’s never happened before in any election, people on the left just randomly got insane and started threatening to kill a candiate. Maybe it was a natural grassroots thing, but I’m going under the assumption that it wasn’t. Lefties are generally not violent anyways, so it makes no sense - or it would make more if it was the other way around. The main way the government provacates people is precisely by playing the left off of the right. Regardless, why would the Secret Service allow it go on? Whether grassroots or not, it doesn’t really matter. Obama, one way or the other, riled the public up.

But to make the connection you don’t see, the Romney riot stuff was to get people thinking about the possibility of rioting. Especially when everyone is poor and pissed, it’s easy to get people into that mode. With the seed planted, the convergence of 3 different storms into one huge one sets the stage for a riot to actually happen.

The end goal is martial law. It doesn’t matter how they get there so long as they do. Everything is a half-test, and has several redundancies and stuff. It’s all about playing around with the public until they find something that works. Brezinsky stated in his last book they are about 7-13 years “behind” so make no mistake. This wasn’t ‘completely’ a test. They wanted to rock the NE as hard as possible, but they can’t go after ChemBusters using any other means than covert psychic attacks and hacking on orgone forums without admitting orgone is actually real. In other words, they cannot publically label Chembusters as terrorists because they would undermine the secret of how they control the weather. That is in part why I decided it was one of the most effective ways to fight back. Busting really took off when people found out that Katrina was man-made, and that’s why their luck with using weather weapons since then has mostly failed. Look at the turnaround in Africa thanks to the ‘Orgonize Africa’ campaign. Until they bring in Martial Law they cannot round up these people, which is good, because it means they will have a hard time using the weather with the effectiveness they wish that they could.

You are Gobbo.

Between you and Volchok…

Why is google such a reliable way to get information?