What are you doing? (Part 1)

A nice combination you got goin on there Smears :laughing:

What cigars you wanting? I can’t drink beer coz of my wheat allergy, so don’t worry about that, but thanks anyways… let me know brand and quantity and I’ll sort it :wink:

Am on ILP and Facebook, whilst drinking tea and chillin for the rest of the night now… had a productive and fun day though :slight_smile:

Smears’s cigar list.

Partagas Serie D No. 4
Monte Cristo No. 2
Cohiba Robusto, Esquisito or Esplendido. Preferable the Robusto.

Any cigar made by Punch, because I haven’t had one ever ever.

I’ll bet you can get them here…
JJ Fox (St James’s) Ltd
19 St James’s Street

Sauter of Mount Street
106 Mount Street

Right now, I am watching eastbound and down, season 2. It’s 3:00am here. Today I slept pretty late, sat around for a while, made a pile of laundry but never put it into the washer. Then I got into the car and went to a pet store, to buy an air pump. Then I came home and started watching tv again and I’ve just been sitting here ever since. A few hours ago I think I made a sandwich.

I wonder how many things I’ve done in my life that I’ll never remember. I don’t just mean the times I know I forgot, like I was blacked out or something. I mean the times I’ve done things that I don’t remember forgetting. The shit that’s really lost. If you count completely insignificant things, then it’s probably a ton of stuff. But even if not, there’s still gotta be at least one or two hilarious stories that may never be told again. Kinda sad really. But some stories have to die sometimes. Hopefully, if there are some among the things I forgot I forgot then they’re the kind that needed to die, and not the funny kind that might should have went on longer.

What quantities do you want of each? Will pm you my PayPal shortly so we can get this ball rolling…

…just woke up, and put a wash on that’s been lieing around for weeks (probably only because now two of my favourite pairs of jeans are in it, and my versatile black Gap tee) then made my usual breakfast of 4 scrambled egg-whites n tomato, a small bowl of Eat GF museli, and a cuppa… with my daily cocktail of iron, calcium, cod liver oil, and multi-vitamin n mineral tablets to follow.

Def gonna have another tea after this one, then cardio time… coz I’ll be stoked on the caffeine.

Finishing reading the news on-line, whilst eating lunch and supping upon some home-made red… a lazy day indeed

One of each is good. I like cigars, but I don’t smoke them every day. And I’ll be able to pick some up in October.

Watching ‘8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown’ - such fantastical humour they have…

I am trying to be there when school opens so that I can pick up the kids on time, but the wife is late as usual to drop me, and the school is very strict and they complain to the parents if I am late, and I can’'t blame my wife because of all her good attributes, one thing she is not good at is budgeting two things: time and money.
While we are whisking through hollywood, I am thinking of some kind of return home, and home has been stretched from the glimmering atlantic to pacific coasts. Hurry up. I want to be there on time to pick up the kids.
Joanie always cries when going into the classroom. I have to hand her to the teacher, who assures me she only cries a few minutes.
The others are ok. Now we hit a stretch of the freeway that hasn’t yet been saturated with friday rush hour, and it looks like we’ll make it. Joanie angel, I may yet come through for you one more day.

A short while ago I was watching reading live on TV while my daughter was there watching it live. Kinda cool connection. :slight_smile:

alabama/lsu; I think I saw that, but I prefer watching green bay, patriots [most popular in England apparently], saints, oh and that Simpson guy who jumped over another guy for a touch down and landed perfectly ~ like an Olympian would dream of, and packman Jones is a real cool name.

They should change the rules back to how they were last season 2010/11, otherwise you’ll soon be playing catch .

 Whew! Made it. 

 Later. Got home.  As usual, my daughter in law gave me her rote unappriciative smile. Last night starra and Amir gave us some grass. Still a buzz. Watched old original Hitchcock (c 1932) of "the man who knew too much, asked Star if she is serious about finding job with PETA, she says, next week, and she is worried about finding job, since her disability just ran out....

You guys have disability that runs out lol? Has she stopped being disabled? …if you take my point.

hope she is successful

There is short term and long term disability. Ahort term disability is based on ilnesses lasting no longer than the amount of money in her state held account, which was the amount held fromher paychecks.
Chronic disability,or based on long term or life long ilnesses are nationally funded by he social security system.-she is on state disability.
State being the State of California, where we live

Oh I see, well I have great sympathy with that, I sincerely hope she comes out of it. I can only wish good will on you and yours, there has to be finite ways to manage these things, and I assume that’s what the US system organises itself by ~ which is fine. :slight_smile:

 Thanks! As far as how well the govenance is a satisfactory avenue for a happy resolution remains to be seen.  I am not so sure about her desire and ability to utilise these avenues.

Just finished watching Alabama beat the shit out of Michigan.

Getting out of bed. Heading back to LA from Vegas. Was in church yesterday, my distant cousin who is in a gay marriage said he almost walked out of church when the homily went to the sin fullness of gay marriage, abortion. The priest said regular dignity of life issues are bad enough , but when during a chemical abortion, foetuses are killed, that is an outrage.
I think he has a point there, but, the global explosion of population doesn’t justify the absolutism inherent in making all forms of birth control a sin. My son thinks we have to go back early to avoid the traffic.

I think you should have to fill out like 100 government forms before you have a kid.

Right now, I’m watching the movie “blades of glory”. It’s hilarious. I watch it often. I try and keep a constant rotation of comedy films in front of me at all times. Usually the same ones over and over.

getting down with my bad self

Wise words Smears…once I stripped off some of the wood. :laughing:
And especially if what you need costs nothing except for some good time spent paying attention and appreciating it.