a thread for mundane ironists

Ambig? How much Camus have you been reading lately?

Sorry! Victor Munuz.

But he does remind me of Camus.

And the ironist is one who knows that their belief system is contingent…

that the only justification it can possibly hope for is that it just works,


Such an epistemological ground runs risks.

But an ironist knows that it is far better to run those risks

than concede to a system.

I’m still working on Rorty’s issues with epistemological systems,

but my main issue is that they are too rigid

and stifling.

They cut off the flows of energy

that can lead to real creativity.

We find truth through discourse,

not rules.

Rules are only a means by which we find truth through discourse.

Of course, that is always dependent on those involved in the discourse following the same rules.

And there is just no way to insure that.

I think what we’re up against, Ambig, are the classicists. They’re up against what philosophy promised them what they could be. As Rorty points out: they want something that transcends history. We, on the other hand, simply want to be part of history. We both claim nihilism (me as the nihilistic perspective, you as just plain nihilism).

You think, maybe, that we are right now in the continental D-day on the beaches of the analytic?

The analytic, as it is now, is owned by global Capitalism.

Think about those among us who have attempted to stuff the classical perspective down our throats.

Whether it’s about the objective, the logical, or the scientific method, it’s always the best knowledge that money can buy.

Therein lies the importance of the nihilistic perspective.

If we push this world beyond the next creative hymen,

we prove that we are more than meat-bots.

I mean think about it:

why is psychology so dead-set on proving that we are little more than meat-bots?

why was Volchok so dead set on proving it to us if he didn’t think he stood something to gain?

why did Mo so desperately want to establish an objective standard of beauty?

Because corporations love a sure thing.

The ironist,

according to Rorty,

stands against systematization.

Sorry, ambig,

can’t figure out if I’m a pragmatist or nihilist or both.

But I’m quite sure it will all work itself out.

It always does.

But we have to participate.

Copping off of Rorty who copped off of Kuhn:

what is normal philosophy if not corporate philosophy?

We have every reason to go for abnormal philosophy.


Our ambition is quite different from their ambition.

And we have every reason to keep it that way.

Anyway, Ambig,

Love ya man!

Gotta let this go.

[b]Bianco Luno

How could Jesus have imagined asking that of us?[/b]

Not only that but dying for our sins hasn’t been all that effectual either. Maybe it is time for Him to come back.

Grist for your mill.
I have sexual feelings for the mentally retarded women I work with, for most young girls, some older women and even certain species of plants, however, my homosexual development was early somewhat arrested, and animals yet don’t do much in that regard for me.
Serial killers obsess me; I catch myself, often unawares, picturing people I pass on the street in all sorts of colorful agony.
I ponder how very adventitious the distinction is between eating and killing, mishap and murder, the private parts of females and public parks…
Put me in Hitler’s place and it probably wouldn’t be Jews—but I would think of some group…
No confession intended.
That more than anything galls you: that I should think that thus I am fully qualified to speak of you.

I’d give you some grist myself but any number of folks here have already made it clear they are qualified to speak of me. Even for me.

[b]Bianco Luno

Among locally oppressed groups, blacks, animals and the retarded are least suited to this status; Mexicans, women and forests most suited.
You oppress us further by lumping us together.[/b]

Least suited, most suited—locally. What of those not locally? Can it be the other way around? And forests everywhere are oblivious to the predilections of oppression. Or at least the ones locally appear to be.

“You will be misunderstood.”
How is that possible?
Upon first opening its eyes, will a child accept everything it perceives, or does it mistake reality for something else?
There is no other way but literally to take me.
Truths are inveterate killers; they systematically kill each other, and each kills and kills until it is killed.
The last truth is a laugh, entitled to a figure and ripe for misconstrual.

Let’s start here: Some will misunderstand what you mean by misunderstood. And lies will become truths for the child who does not have the capacity to reflect on the gap between words like these and worlds like those.
In any event, the dying will run out of laughs either before or after they run out of truths.

[b]Bianco Luno:

You observe, I rarely talk about ‘justice’.
Be assured, I’m not going to start now.[/b]

But, in a sense, you just did.

For all my solipsism I am remarkably unprivate.
I never confess personal sins or secrets, without having first to implicate you.
I deflect personal responsibility by declaiming our conspiracy.
In this way I can move from the smell of my own farts to the glory of God.
I am not to be trusted; I will stab you in the back the first chance I get.
But my perfume is a real lure, isn’t it?
Why do you keep coming to me?
Why are you so weak?

“From the smell of my own farts to the glory of God.”
Yet another observation I wish I had thought of first.

[b]Bianco Luno

History and mathematics.
Less pain per se is caused by immolating two people than by starving one.
It takes many more gassed to equal one starved.[/b]

Well, I don’t know about “per se”, but they all sound rather unpleasant to me.
Shall we begin our calculations then before or after __________________? [insert human atrocity of choice please].

A soft dew and the patience of eternity may overcome a “hundred-ton hammer”.
How many people in the world knowingly starve themselves?
How many starve to death?
…then, who starves them?

Let’s do the math…historically:

According to reliable sources, 6,000,000 children starve to death before their 5th birthday each and every year. That’s 60,000,000 each decade and 600,000,000 each century.

I suspect few do so intentionally. And it’s not so much who starves them as who does nothing to stop them from starving.
That’s most of us. But, of course, not intentionally. For “I”, the way the world works is simply overwhelming.

anorexia could be seen as starving onself to death. I think one could also make a case that the standard american diet is a kind of starving to death, though it tend to take decades before the incredible pain sets in.