My (and Guattari's) impression of the "Occupy Movement"

Wow… guy…

“2. Occupy must either emerge victorious or we will regress back to the proverbial stone age. This is undoubtedly the beginning of the next stage in human evolution.”

How much money are you willing to bet that none of that happens? I’ll equal whatever you say.

you’ll be saying that even when they are demolishing your house

How old are you? Or I guess my point is, how many protest movements do you know about?


  1. If a revolution happens, do you really think your petty currency will have any more value?

  2. I am not interested in money. If I was, I wouldn’t be doing philosophy.

  3. Guys like me are only born for one purpose. To turn that spark into an inferno.

  4. The people forge their own destinies. Guys like me only exist to send the message.

You don’t care about money?

Ok then, $5000.

Hardly. Voting and petitions have long been used to change this country. If you want to stop getting screwed by your employees stop paying them, fire them , get new ones in to do the job and make sure they know they won’t get their money unless they do their job right. Its rather simple and with all of this technology today its even more simple. Social networking is a valuable tool for reform if used right. Protesting the way they are doing it is an archaic form it does nothing now except give the media something to jabber about. A few thousand people across the country protesting does not represent the millions sitting on their butts watching TV, playing with their puters , talking on twitter, facebook etc. If you want change do it right.

UPF, I mentioned Oppression because that is what the protesters had on their signs. They were claiming oppression and its just plain stupid.

sorry but the corporations already own the government entirely. We passed that point like 25 years ago. please try again.

Oh so when you elect your state representatives you have no say? or how about your state constitution have you read that? do you understand that you voluntarily become a US citizen by having a SS number, by using federally funded instutions? Did you know that you don’t have to? Did you know that the federal Gover’t can only be invited into your state they cannot enter without direct permission? The federal Govt’ is its own country for all intents and purposes. You become a citizen by their law when you uses their resources. Just how much Gov’t is taught in school these days? Obviously not enough. You and yours just have to use your state level govt’ to change things.

sorry but the population owns the government not the other way around. please try again.

edit: To distinguish from my last point. The population owns the government physically. The corporations own the government monetarily. Dead currency vs. Violence: see which one wins.

With that attitude and the obvious defeatist attitude of course there will be no change. Those corpororations depend upon your dollar, if you don’t give it to them , then what happens?

Well, the occupy movement is indeed about contradicting and sidestepping the corporate system and its enablers, the latest being that stupid chancellor at UC Davis… and of course, Michael Bloomberg… among many many others. OWS is about connectedness and community. That the 1%ers are so afraid of OWSers is interesting and irrational because the movement shows what happens when connectedness and humanity work to show us humans what we’re really all about.

I don’t see that they are afraid of anyone or anything. The protests are mere speed bumps. They are not hitting the 1% where they can feel it. where are the national boycotts? Where is the selling of their stocks from 401ks? Etc etc. you can’t hurt the corporations at all by saying they are bad, you have to stop using their products and owning a part of them.

Here here!

They’re crapping their pants right now. Most of the chaos factors are just waiting for something to trigger the actual insurgency. Meanwhile, we come and post here in patient anticipation and to divert ourselves.

Oops… hehehe

The hard issues of address are extremely complicated, yet in desperate need of neglected attention by the United States representatives.

United States Code, Title 12
Sec. 21 - Amend to require current National Banks which were previously facilitated under Sec. 21 to be thereafter reviewed by the Comptroller of the Currency into restructure which appeases the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for acquisition into Chapter 3 of the same Title.
Sec. 321 - Amend to require all banking institutions to become members of the Federal Reserve System, and no longer an option. All National Banks subsequently become State Banks, Banking Associations, Federal Reserve Banks, or Trust Companies, and as such become regulated by Title 12, Chapter 3, Federal Reserve System.
Sec. 324 - Update penalty values for falsified or erroneous information.
Sec. 326 - Remove financial burden of bank to Federal Reserve for examinations and establish regular fiscal examination of all Banks (members of system) and conducted in regular rotation, not bound by fiscal rollover dates, by a new division of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for exclusively such action and not to be tasked with any further responsibilities than those established in Sec. 326 alone.
Sec. 328 - Repeal
Sec. 329 - Amend to change requirement of capital stock to require either capital stock or that capital stock of party enterprising for membership as a bank to have been found as successful potential, by the Comptroller of Currency, in short term growth after start-up.
Sec. 341 - Amend to remove First and Second powers (permissions to become corporation) and amend Fourth power to only be permissible as a specific natural person or persons that is the direct representative, or representative board of directors on behalf of the shareholders, of rights , property, and identity of the bank in the given court of law or equity.
Sec. 352 - Amend to state that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System will…rather than “may”.
Sec. 374a - Update penalty for violation

United States Code, Title 1
Sec. 1 - Amend to remove corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, and joint stock companies from the inclusion of “person” or “whoever”, and replace with a requirement that such identities must list natural persons or person of whom is the direct identity and holder of natural rights of the entity corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, or joint stock company.

If you translate the protests into applicable action within legislation, then this is what it would translate to in essence.
It is a task of which no simple address is achievable by the imagination.
Instead, it would consume the senate and congress alike for considerable time and likely be the subject of debate and readdress for the better part of the coming decade should such actions be taken.

It was a given that the committee was going to fail it was set up to do so. No one is crapping their pants because the wealthiest still have their products being bought by us. Paying taxes won’t even dent their fortune. all can live in the height of luxury for the rest of their lives as can their kids and grandkids and great grandkids. Oh my they might lose a billion or two, such a shame when they have 10 times that much in future revenue and in accounts. If the Gov’t were to come to me and say that they were taking half of my 8 billion dollars i would be fine it might hurt a tad but, really? seriously I still have 4 billion dollars… How could i really be hurt?? Noone is crapping their pants, as long as we are there to purchase things from them. period. … 8f471.html

Oh my!

Who said people are waking up?

read… the… OP…


By the way, anybody interested in a Karl Marx pin for $3?

Good way to get funding

These guys wouldnt give a homeless kid a nickel for his grandma