Know Thyself


Anything more specific, out of curiosity?

I felt dirty just being there

Do you feel “cleaner” here? If you roll around in pigshit, with a Manimal, can you expect not to get dirty?

But you didn’t answer my question. What specifically caused you to be done with KT? Why is it dirty there? What is decadent there, what is misogynistic, what exactly is being prostituted?

Nothing. I think it was a metaphor to elaborate on how grimy he felt after looking in his toilet bowl before he flushed. #-o

Perhaps he saw himself looking back… perhaps the dirt he feels is a squandered potential that elsewhere did not find fertile ground upon which to thrive.

I saw myself 10 years ago, that is where I want to leave it.

This supposed “knowthyself” forum is a joke. They have issues with banning people and deleting responses haphazardly.

This website, ilovephilosophy, is much much better. The administrator and moderator staff of “KT” is out of control. It’s a pretty horrid place for philosophy, if anybody wants my opinion on this.

It’s dirty and worthless there, because somebody keeps editing and deleting responses. What’s up with that?

At least on this forum, there are policies and standards. On your forum, moderators and administrators are free to silence any critic. And it’s not too difficult to see where the limits are. It doesn’t take much to get banished from KT.

Ru, you are an irredeemable manchild who is still hurting over Natalie rejecting you a year ago.

She banned you, she was disciplined. You are still a fucktard, however. That cannot be helped.

So, are you admitting that your website is shit or what? It is.

And it is worth this mentioning to everybody on this website, here. Don’t be angry at me for exposing your very public, and humiliating embarrassment. If you want to make a “philosophy” website, then try to be more open minded. And be careful who you let moderate and administrate. Emotional people are unpredictable. Like you.

RU, no-one I have ever seen has exposed themselves as willingly and ignorantly as you have.

I’m glad you don’t feel the need to defend yourself or your forum. It shows the true nature of it, doesn’t it?

You don’t know the difference between what is true, false, and lie. You are no different than anybody you detest and envy to pity.

You want to kick the crutches out? What about the ones you stand on? You’ve got nothing. Next time, don’t let a woman do a man’s job. You’ve learned a valuable lesson, about responsibility. What a joke your forum is. It’s no different whatsoever, except maybe the color scheme and the virgin administrator. I hope you learn how to conduct a forum, in time. Until that time comes, your forum offers nothing of interest, except the same category of censorship anybody can find, anywhere. Hands off the goods. You’ll know what I mean.

How many times have I been able to pick you out from the general rabble here, when you reregistered under a new username?

Capitalized Interest. Remember him? Seepingin? I can’t remember the rest. You have tells that always give you away.

A narcissistic arrogance and an unrealistic sense of self-worth, combined with declarations of aptitude that are sorely inaccurate.

If your crutches are kicked from under you enough times maybe you will one day stop using them. That day you will know thyself.

Your forum is pathetic, and people are going to know this.

That’s what happens when you let a woman do a man’s job. It’s about emotion, little girl. Pick up your crutches and try again.

Whose crutches do you want to kick out again, your own right? Your forum is ruled by emotions. And emotions are too easy to manipulate. That’s why you have the men be in positions of responsibility and accountability.

This thread is quickly starting to sound like a KT thread.

Let’s not have it get locked just yet - I’m still finding it amusing to hear how all sorts of different people are finding it worthless except those of a specific… “type”.

One thing is for certain, it’s just too easy to get under the skins of the very emotional moderation staff.

It must have been that time of the month.

I know. Best you stay away, you might get noticed with so few around and your real quality will not be lost in the throng of jabber-jabbering, as it does here.

After all, is not quality about quantity?

Like when i choose wine i think to myself:
“How many have purchased and enjoyed this bottle of wine?”
If it is not more than 25% I conclude that it is not good wine.

Do you know what else was popular, once upon a time?
The idea that the earth was flat and that Jesus came alive to save mankind from tis sins…those were, and are, extremely popular.
This means they were good…and true…and brilliant.

I. am. going. to. join. now. because. I. am. a. sucker. for. reverse. psychology.

May as well, it’s the same power structure as any other philosophy forum, where those at the top presume their “philosophy” is superior, without challenging it, and censoring anybody who does. What’s the difference, except the dead philosophers chosen to become exalted and relived and reread a thousand times??

Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are overrated anyway.