Know Thyself

It’s a forum where old friends keep in touch. There are many distinct personalities and conversation can be very lively and cutting.

It’s the kind of place where no thought is unthinkable but where the ground is still very uncertain and any misstep will be exploited. One comes to know thyself by being honest and submitting this honesty to the critique of others. With every act of expression there is a price; on KT this price is paid.

Consequently, making friends is difficult… especially if you are already known.

KT Price… lol. Superficial mindless vulgarity.

But onto the forum! - I’ve not given it much heed since it seems uninteresting. Looks like an unsuccessful spin-off of ILP, mostly just ILP members, with the top topic being resentment toward ILP. Maybe I’ll go crash it if I feel bored some day. I do enjoy this place being spared the yawning predictability of those who seek refuge on this other place - so I’m quite happy for it to exist as some kind of rubbish bin.

We already have two female members. We don’t need another.

But … as you can see I and others are a mess of insecurities and dark secrets which deserve to be exposed to unkind reality for all to see. I urge you to visit. Put that show of bravado, here amongst your own kind where it will remain unchallenged, to the test.

Apaosha: I’ve just joined. Please make it interesting for me.

So two females is quite enough for twenty-four men then… sounds nice and cosy if you mostly just wanna linguistically wrestle and strut your stuff with the same sex.

That much is certainly clear(!) It’s the reason you and your clones get boring very very quickly - with the same insults: “girl”, “princess”, “child”, “little” etc… over and over, in every sentence, like you have to make an exaggerated effort to make up for something. It’s always the same slimey resentfulness - the rejection by the world, and the self-fooling that really you have something on it: something highly valuable despite it never amounting to anything in reality. But that’s just everyone else’s fault.

And you wonder why I don’t wanna have to be around that?

Well I’m flattered that you desire my presence so, but I’m quite content the way I am for now. If I ever feel like I need some people to pity I’ll let you know.

without-music, have fun.

I will try. I have another two weeks left of my summer job, which means I have approximately 80 hours left of trying to entertain myself on the internet. Perhaps that forum will help, perhaps not. Either way, when classes start up for me next month, I’ll probably all but disappear from both forums.

Well, after a short while, I’m sad to have to resign from KT (only figuratively: I’ll probably still keep a username and post there when it suits me). There is little philosophy to be discussed, many petty insults, and even more laughably overt ressentiment. More: The Joker has recently taken to unloading his terrible load of nonsense upon the humble forum, rendering it little more than a blog of his; the rest of the users are quickly eclipsed by his curious ability to homelessly type post after post. That said, however, I do believe some of the posters to be capable of productive thought. Satyr, no doubt, being one of them. Though he has little interest in filtering from his posts what I’ve mentioned plagues the forum, and so his ideas are hard to take seriously.

Anyway, it was worth a try.

Lol, I know, right? The funny (though quickly annoying) thing is that they think they have something new in pursuing the above - and they’re so damn proud of it. It’s a little hovel for the pathetic to huddle together to stroke each others’ damaged egos, and slither over anyone who dares remind them of reality. How creative, yes?
TJ fits right in, just another guy who is filled with resentment, the compulsion to insult, with nothing intellectual to share - I’m pleased he’s moved on. You’re right about his viral tendency to turn forums he regulars into his own personal blog.
I find I rarely have the patience to wade through Mr. Saturnine’s posts, just to get to some kind of philosophy - I usually just don’t read him.

It amuses me how you’ve come to exactly the same conclusions as I in just as short a time :laughing:

The only place a person can speak unadulterated without censorship or political correctness.

This is where philosophy meets reality.

Come down to the Know Thyself Forum:

There are forums out there without moderators, period, unlike Know Thyself. And then there are forums where people do not systematically confuse the ad hom with a workable argument. There is a reality there, of course. A reality one can find in corporate america, for example, where people work to undermine each other, put them in their place, all the time. And then some ‘workers’ try to make it clear to the ‘boss’ that they respect the boss and they attack anyone the boss does not seem respected enough by. They also end up speaking and writing in ways the boss does, to demonstrate to the boss that they have the right stuff. Sure, this is real. This kind of community does exist out there, and usually the members think that they are realists and everyone lives like that but lies to themselves about it. But they are wrong and you can see how deeply hurt some of them are that their greatness is not acknowledged, for all their proclamations of superiority, they are always peeking to see if finally the ticker tape parade for them has been set in motion and end up gnashing their teeth and complaining just like the victims they claim they are uniquely not.

Notice how you are really treated there.

You complained about how women treated you badly.

Know Thyself is your new girlfriend.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

EDIT: I think it is very strange you don’t see that Know Thyself has its own political correctness. And a very rigid one. Political correctness is not about this or that specific content it is about form and rigidity and punishing thoughs and language and actions that are cosidered wrong. Conservatives in the US also complain about political correctness, never having noticed that they have their own version of it.

I’m done, this site is just a decadent misogynist whorehouse of philosophy.

“this site” as in ILP or KT?


Anything more specific, out of curiosity?

I felt dirty just being there

Do you feel “cleaner” here? If you roll around in pigshit, with a Manimal, can you expect not to get dirty?

But you didn’t answer my question. What specifically caused you to be done with KT? Why is it dirty there? What is decadent there, what is misogynistic, what exactly is being prostituted?

Nothing. I think it was a metaphor to elaborate on how grimy he felt after looking in his toilet bowl before he flushed. #-o

Perhaps he saw himself looking back… perhaps the dirt he feels is a squandered potential that elsewhere did not find fertile ground upon which to thrive.

I saw myself 10 years ago, that is where I want to leave it.

This supposed “knowthyself” forum is a joke. They have issues with banning people and deleting responses haphazardly.

This website, ilovephilosophy, is much much better. The administrator and moderator staff of “KT” is out of control. It’s a pretty horrid place for philosophy, if anybody wants my opinion on this.