Alternative News. Activist Post, Alex Jones, And Others.

Something I thought of today:

Looking back at how 9/11 transpired there were certain parts that were almost too obviously fake/stupid/false. For the longest time I was like ‘man, either they wanted to be caught, or they’re just really lazy’ but the more I think about it the more I think It’s the former. That is, because of the internet they couldn’t have something like the JFK dynamic where there is the potential for, seemingly out of the blue, the pretty much unknown truth to come out. The heart of military/think-tank strategy – something that stretches back before Plato – is the surpreme focus on not letting anything genuine occur at the grass roots level. Cause if something does who knows what can happen. It’s the hardest outcome for computers to process. Better to just put the Emmanuel Goldsteins with enough of the truth to capture the resistance. With the speed in which information can move and go viral online, it was imperative they control where that information is coming from. So they made sure there were these ‘weak spots’ that were so obviously a lie enough of a percentage of people would definitively google those terms and find their operatives.

So, flash forward to now, about a decade later, that is pretty much the case. Everyone knows more or less it was a joint US-Mossad operation. The truth doesn’t need to, or won’t come out because it already is out. The people who still insist it was some brown dudes with box cutters are the ‘successful’ percentage for the operation. The ones who will never see the light and go to their graves believing the state-sponsored lie.

All total 9/11 was probably like a fifty year operation. Rumsfeld has said publically that the middle east will be a 100 year operation. A ‘100 years war’ is what he said, actually.

I figured you would say that that is why i said “(using ‘you’ a lot is a sign…sometimes)”

none the less obvious insults do little to lend to convinseing rather they only aid in preventing others from truly hearing what is said…it would seem, in a joking context that may be different but when such is not made clear then… Here I am not attacking ‘you’ rather I would like to see everyone find ways to better discuss and associate and learn, insulting only lends to keeping people ignorant…

it may be true to an extent but it is an over-generalization it would seem…even though one may not take everything literally I wold think it best to be literal for those who do, until one can lend to there understanding such as not to take things as literal…

I find it fun to find ways to discuss things in a way that meets no resistance and is thus more accepted by the minds of the particular audience…

I don’t think it has gone that far yet…

In order for that to be the case the ‘terrorists’ would all have to be controlled by the U.S. otherwise why would the terrorists not have pointed out it was a conspiracy…
Then it would have to be for something else…but what? could it be as simple as oil? or perhaps just energy… but then we can’t exactly obviously walk in and take it…then the goal might be to democratize the governments so as then to be able to control or coerce them into selling their oil at some price…but then that would mean the installed government officials would have to be sufficiently under their control such as to prevent those from spreading the truth… but then Afghanistan has little oil though it is a strategic position against Iran as is Iraq wherein Iran has the forth, or greater maybe, largest supply of non-renewable resources…2nd largest source of natural gas… ( then there is the dumping OBL’s body in the ocean which is the best way to make it impossible for anybody to verify that the guy was killed… could mean it was done so they could torture him though which would be outrageous…) but then a good chess player knows that a good move is done with more than one purpose… so what are the other factors, if any?

This is a good example of what I mean. This sentence barely makes sense if we’re going to be all technical about it. Spelling mistakes, missing comma, etc. But I know what you mean. I get it. I could say ‘oh, if only you typed better, people would understand what you’re saying.’ I could say that, but I would know it’s a diversionary pile of horseshit.

Ask yourself if you truly need me to say it differently, or if you simply don’t like what I’m saying, and are transferring that anger onto me, trying to find some outlet – some thing about myself – in which to hang this on? I’ve been on this forum for years and I’ve seen it this countless times. I swear too much. I’m on drugs. I’m black. I’m Canadian. I -want- the world to end. I’m simply insane. I’m an agent. I mean… I’ve heard it all. It’s always just some excuse as to why the person should go back to their comfort zone.

See it’s stuff like this that instantly puts me of taking any of this seriously and just fucking around.

It would be fairly easy to create a cell of would be terrorists and then make sure they slip by all sorts of potential law enforcement barriers so they can carry it out. IOW instead of OSama BL remote controlling them, you have insiders. Of course Osama Bin Ladin was on CIA payroll for a long time, so he could simply be a middleman. IOW the actual people doing the dangerous (suicidal) work need not know much at all. And I would guess they rarely do, inside job or not.

  1. access to and control of oil 2) access to an control of the neo con planned pipeline through Afghanistan - they wanted Afghansitan for years before they had an excuse. 3) A scenario where they can privitize the army. 4) Excuses to continue to whittle down privacy at home and beef up surveillance of everyone and law enforcement in general. 5) A situation where they can shift huge amounts of taxpayer money to private companies like Halliburton for security and reconstruction. 6) To beef up the market for the weapons industry by creating enemies in the Muslim world. 7) to create excuse for long term military presence in regions of interest. 9) to shuffle through all sorts of democracy undermining executive orders. Note: these are rarely commented on in mainstream new and have continued under Obama. 10) as a distraction. It always benefits those in power in a multitude of indirect ways for the public to think that their enemy is over there and not here.

i don’t need you to say it differently…i agree over-restriction of linguistic things are silly, people should pay more attention to the message rather then how it comes… i do however think it can be valuable to be less so in certain situations…may not be here…it would seem Fixed Cross wasn’t that apposed to it till i said something about it…but to do so often does lend to dysfunction in the case of deal-ling with certain types and so a habit of such can be harmful…but then again i do things like bad spelling on this forum because i don’t need to do otherwise at least typically (though I have met resistance by some; that think i am stupid…) and yet I do plenty of technical papers all the time at work and for other things… part of it might actually be laziness on my part… not wanting to work so hard to be more clear to what is expected…when maybe practice would make it easier over time…I do practice it some but maybe not enough… Then again maybe it is one of those things that may be good in that it lets people think…IDK Same may be for pejorative discussion, as it doesn’t have to be taken so bad…though one might think my spelling is unintentional whereas a pejorative can be more easily thought to be intentional… that would not go as well i would think…

the odd thing this makes me consider is that we found that OBL was in Pakistan and that he was likely being aided by them…and that did not instigate anything…though Pakistan has"WMDs"… but then America had payed Pakistan “aid” of about 20 billion dollars…maybe more…

But is there someone that really thinks that it would be fair to go to war with the Muslims or is it that they honestly believe they are evil, or is it just the oil and the Muslims happened to be there or be where the most strategic application of the plan to the degrees mentioned might be enacted…?

someone was there. a body was buried at sea. I dunno.

I don’t think the people pulling strings really care about Muslims. We are all trash people to them. Of course many people with a good deal of power are afraid of or hate Muslims, and they are predictably swept along, as are the Muslims themselves.

I was not talking about the thread in general.

I have been watching some Alex Jones videos yesterday, and he really is an ape. I don’t believe he is capable of rational thought (but then few are). Some of his assertions are somewhat believable, such as that 9-11 was an inside job. You just have to ask Lenins question “who benefits the most?” to come up with that. But he probably did not come up with it himself.

An example of his apish thinking: because there were a lot of freemasons participating in the French Revolution, and he hates the masons, the meaning of the term “French Revolution” is reduced to rhetorical leverage to his anti-mason tirades. It does not occur to him that the revolution accomplished exactly what he thinks he is fighting for in America: citizens rights.

Alex Jones, about 99% of the time, just reads the news.

10% of the time he says some semi-guessing bullshit shit.

I’d say about 50% of the time he’s yelling and getting emotional.

Doesn’t change the fact that 99% of the time he’s just reading the news.

This is a common tactic/psychology for naysayers that I’ve seen over the years. Someone will either type out, or say (like in a video) say about 20 minutes of factual analysis. The person who doesn’t want to wake up will have skim through it (maybe for 1 show), find 1 minute of something they don’t like/is wrong and then use that one thing to try and discredit everything else that was said. The stuff that can still be validated without leaning on the one dubious comment the person chooses to put the entire argument on. Most of the people doing this are aware of the rules of logic.

But hey, they’re trying to find any excuse not to wake up.

Or you are just trying to find an excuse to wake up. Who can tell? From where I stand you are sleeping. But from where you are I might as wel be saying zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… (given that you’ve not responded to anything I really wrote, such as my polite and even humble request that you share some of the secrets you’ve learned)

That French Revolution bit is really stupid though, you have to admit.
Also, the American revolution was in large part done by masons.
Now what the hell is this Jones complaining about? He wants the rights given to him by the masons - he wants the masons gone – what? Whatever man, I just can’t be listening to this illogical nonsense.

I’m just too critical I guess, that shit doesn’t play.

Yeah… if you were really critical you’d see the role Jones actually plays. But that’s a whole other discussion.

Like I said before, there are masons and then there are the people in question running around within the upper eschelons of masonry, using it. Yes, if we look back over the years we can find some arguably good stuff that masons did. No one is denying that.

I doubt you believe that.

Both of you…

I havn’t watched a whole lot of Alex Jones…I’ve seen a few of his things…but i think it is important to think of people like that as idea people…they often tout that what they say is true or definite…that is the mistake…rather some of the things they present might be possible…in that case it is worth investigating… Just because someone hasn’t got the education that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t investigate where they can’t…of course that depends on just how silly the idea is I guess… Although I don’t know that Alex Jones is like that, some of what he has said i agree with…like that he isn’t against the supper rich over-control…but then the other half i have seen is rather out there and not even logical… but I think i have only seen about 3 videos by him

8-[ oh…yeah … .html#more

For conspiracy interested…
Osama Bin Ladin is supposedly killed in Pakistan. Despite both the importance of and ease of identifying him - he has a huge family in Saudi Arabia - he is buried at sea. If he is buried anywhere else, his body can be exhumed, if necessary.

Now at least many of the people who were in the raid that supposedly killed him are now dead… … 06117.html

Weird, right? That doesn’t strike me as conspiracy at all… :sunglasses: … yria-iran/