Alternative News. Activist Post, Alex Jones, And Others.

Spend a night in jail, for breathing on a cop, and then one will find it hard to be comfortable with the way things are.

I just looked into the masons and apparently all you ahave to believe in is a supreme being…seems rather funny that such a being could be to that person Satan or something…

The masons are just a network of (obviously socially inept) professionals who like to dick around in robes and shit. The actual malicious people we’re talking about here are the inbred psychopaths which exist in this highly secretive network.

I very much doubt the claim that the only reason the world became civilized is because of some dudes running around in red crosses. Let’s just posit that as truthful for a moment, though. Given that their belief is they are another (inbred) species, and we are expendable, why wouldn’t you want to take this opportunity - global free speech - to make moves to get out from the classification of expendable? It’s like being a slave in 1700’s America and you find one day the doors are totally open. There is even a bunch of people outside of the gates teaching the spiritual secrets of all of history for free, but you want to stay in the slave yard because, hey, things might suddenly fucking revert back to the medieval ages.


Whether it be fanatical psychopathic death cult nonsense, or just a normal, altruistic person working really hard to achieve something, I think pretty much all of us would agree that hard work is a desirable trait. Hard work is hard, though. Psychologically it’s the hardest.

After all the trials and tribulations of the day have taken their toll, who really has the time to turn off the television and, instead of spreading your ass cheeks to the inevitability of someone’s else’s decree, take action to, in whatever small way, fight back against the darkness? Oh wait a second, a bunch of people have the energy to do that.

It’s kind of sad to listen to my elders say ‘what do you think you can hope to accomplish?’ ‘Why learn about any of that stuff? It’s a waste of time.’ So many people from the generation that got us into this insane mess are the ones telling the ones working to get us out of it to just give up. It’s kind of hilarious in a dark way. They threw credit at you and what did you do? You bought car clubs, and ab machines, and watched MASH, and whatever the fuck. Totally clueless. Thank god some of the kids figured out the internet cause it was like ‘Oh, wait a second… yep, you can’t actually just go through life watching television, hoping to work 40 years at the same job and not have their be repercussions. Shit.’

So here’s a tip to the dinosaurs who have this implicit infant-like trust in the government/media, and get abnormally defensive/uncomfortable when someone mentions 9/11, or other topics that seek to break the cocoon that by some miracle hasn’t been broken yet: just sit back and watch the show. Seriously, get out of the way. You probably do have the time to do the reading you should have been doing all your life right now - it’s not that arduous - but since you feel you can’t fit it in between reality shows and figuring out your Ipad and renewed sex life, just leave us alone and let us work. Don’t continue pumping energy into 9/11 was muslims, or that’s not chemtrails up there, or any of that shit. If you want to be so lazy as to simply trust some authority figure then trust me.

The new standard for work ethic isn’t your grandfather’s elbow grease ‘be a man’ variety, it’s the ‘actually think, and be a human’ variety.

The conspiracy soapbox-prophet, as opposed to a diligent theorist, is presenting his assertions without any evidence, because other people don’t believe him in cases where there is evidence either.

I agree that there is massive control apparatus and this apparatus is trying to prevent more population growth, even aiming to reduce it, and I think that they are aiming to create conditions where only the very strong and clever survive. They are trying to speed up evolution. Why would they not be trying that? Because you think it is wrong? Well, why do you think that? Do you have an argument for why you should be indulged to live in the totally unnatural conditions of the absence of challenge?

Sorry but I have spent nights in jail for less, and even if I personally very much dislike contact with police, it didn’t shock or surprise me, or change my opinion. Power is not your friendly neighbor, ir is power and that presents a constant threat to the one holding it.
Do you think that breathing on a Roman centurion would have had a more pleasant outcome?

If one passes through the first initiation, the paradigm that is presented will be different. The Masonic initiation system is famously ping-ponging the adept from one conviction to it’s opposite, until he either nihilistically turns away from conviction and centers on the certainty of self interest or is able to forge some kind of understanding of what he believes.

I also very much doubt that the globe is stratified by a military industrial complex because some dudes are running around with red crosses. I also very much doubt that the invention of banking has to do with the red crosses or the running around that these dudes did… still, there was one organization doing all these things at once. So I don’t see your point.

Hmmm… and what if this “given” is the result of this free speech?

And what do you mean by “spiritual secrets of all of history”? If you would be so generous to share them, then you would actually be doing us all a favor. But I suppose you enjoy it more - I mean, it is more in line with your work ethic, to go on about how your elders are dinosaurs, and keep the secrets for yourself…?

It would be a discredit to your mind Gobbo, if because I don’t share your focus on a doomsday scenario, you think that I am like your elders. You may think that I believe the fairy tales around 9/11, that I ever watch tv, or that I can not possibly be installing cloud-busters next to cellphone towers - all because of the little information I gave you. What am I to think of your other conclusions? You are clearly not the most reliable interpreter of information.

I never said you were my elder. You assumed I was talking about you because, presumably, you feel guilty about knowing nothing.

The people that say ‘oh, you don’t know that I don’t know [topic] are the ones who always know nothing.’ It’s literally the backpedaling bullshit most people say when they don’t know what to say.

100% unqualified guess.

I don’t think this was a quote from my writing.

I get it, Old Gobbler wants the reptilians to take over the world!
When they actually start screwing his asshole, they will retrospectively have justified all his wailing. People will think of him as the hero then, the hero he never was allowed to be!

Anyone who actually does something to improve conditions is a naive bastard - or a backpedaling ignoramus - in other words, threatens your martyr-position.

Fortunately, the world is not built to cater to your narcissistic complexes.

Sorry Moreno, I meant to actually quote you, not myself.

That depends on how you stand in this.

If you choose to hold on to “they did it to me! they are evil!” mentality - a.k.a. slave morality, you will in all likelihood indeed have no hand in any kind of future developments. If you work from your own power “I value this world, it is good no matter its suffering” - a.k.a. master morality, you will discover that it is in the nature of power to lend a hand to those who love it. “Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid,” as Goethe said.

At this juncture, the resentful have a monopoly on the concept of moral good. The non-resentful have grown disgusted by this concept because of it. It is time to take this concept back - but obviously this is not going to happen on ILP, where to mention that the world is of value to you evokes mainly resentful spite.

Not at all.

If you were doing something to improve the world there would be no need for name calling. You’re not, because your stance is that you (admittedly) deserve to die because certain inbred weirdos are better (according to their archaic social darwinism faux-science valuation) and have… a plan. Doesn’t matter that it doesn’t include you, your standards are so low that you’re offer up your life to some group simply because they have a plan. lol, it’s just laughably pathetic. That you dress it up in this intellectual dialect is even funnier. Yeah, dude, you understand the slave/master morality.

As I said, that is a weird position to have. Anyone who doesn’t value their own life, and sees themselves as some meaningless evolutionary rung for other feet to step into is either a mason themselves, infatuated with some ‘bigger than myself’ RELIGIOUS BELIEF bullshit, or they severely suffering from masonic brainwashing seen in the media. The greening psychology that humans are bad and the mass genocide of a bunch of us is required. The drive to get you to de-value your life is the first front. It’s admitted it’s not even based on fact. They just want us gone.

Call me resentful all you want. Without the help of inbred psychopathic families I have learned all the knowledge they have, and I’ve elevated my understanding of the world past the natural ceiling which psychopaths are limited by. I am better than them, and have no real anger (anymore.) I just don’t want to live in a world comprised by people like them. They’re aweful people. They’re not even people.

But I was saying that the positive developments were ‘our’ doing.

I believe the world is of value. As far as your suggestion: I am not a monad (yet). Parts of me are resentful, parts of me are engaged and optimistic. There are other parts also. I can write from, speak from different parts. I think most people confuse themselves with monads and take their official positions/beliefs are who they really are, period.

I think this has done a lot of damage.

Dude. Of course it includes me.

The following section of your post is based on your strange presumption that I would exclude myself from my own will.

From here on you make perfect sense to me.

Great, you’ve thrown off your apathetic mask.
If you would be so generous one day, please post some of the wisdoms you have learned. I am sure they will prove to be worth a lot in the coming times. All of us need to do this now, all of us who don’t want to be oppressed — regardless of what we perceive as the oppressor!

But then the point isn’t weather it has existed but whether it might be better to exist or not…is there benefit from it…might there be benefit from not having it? (benefit for society in so far as pervading the most benefit as is best to the most people)
And plus the point also is not to simple “do unto others as you are ok with them doing unto you” blantantly…it is important to consider what having it done on to you would be like if you had their state of mind such as to experience the discomfort…

In the end the question is whether it is best not whether it has been done before…

what would you say? what gain is it to humanity?
What loss?

Ideeply respect seeing the world as having value, but then to say “no matter its suffering” could imply the idea that one won’t make effort to change it and help it evolve, but rather just revel in their own capcity to enjoy things as they are…this is not what you think is it?

As i do see the capacity to change things and make things better and better for most…

Okay -

But I still disagree to this they/us paradigm. I see this oppression as a basically human tendency, and I am human. And I also see it in all of you. All of us are highly oppressive in our behavior. I try to be honest about that, it’s what I’ve come to see as noble force compared to the subversive leechery of slave morality. I’m not saying I am all that noble but I aspire to it because I think it is of more use to myself and others. It allows me to identify what is so important to me that I feel the need to impose it on others and isolate this from my personal bullshit - and I get clearer responses. Sometimes I fuck up when I get really angry but that’s part of the process.

Your last point is definitely true. Beliefs and positions are only a means to keep the self togehter. They have no basis in any truth, as long as they are not recognized as personal vendetta’s to avenge the hard fact of biological life.

How could it?

Lol. You really are out to lunch.

This is your biggest obstacle to overcome: your inability to believe this could be coordinated. It’s not a logical impossibility. So work on not being a simpleton and accept the avalanche of evidence that points there is a discrete group.

Especially when you look at it in the light I’m trying to get you to: these people don’t see themselves as human. The 'hu- part of human is actually an inside joke. They (think) they are the purest form of man. No there is no ‘hue’ to their color – see what I mean – this is how loser these fucking mongoloids are that they circle jerk themselves laughing about inside jokes like that. That is not actual human nature. Human nature doesn’t seek control over others. Only a small group within society does that.

I’m not delusional. Nature produced psychopaths and for a time they provided some stability. Sort of like how a drunk father’s house is still a place to live. You seem to be suggesting we stay in this house because there is order. I’m saying we don’t need a bunch weird-handshake social abberants to provide that order any more. We can do it ourselves, should we usurp their current order. I would like to see if you disagree with that.

This is what you’ve said in this thread so far:

You: 'Hi, I know nothing about these families, but they’re praiseworthy cause they’re the ones doing stuff, and I read Nietzsche…and that’s my answer."
Me: If you admit you know nothing, how can you tell me you know they are seeking to ‘speed up evolution?’
You: I just do, OK? And you’re resentful of their power.
Me: That… literally has nothing to do with that we’re talking about. I’m just trying to keep 5-6 billion alive that are set to be killed cause Bill Gates said so.
You: I see you’re talking off your apathy mask?
Me: Seriously… what?
You: Look, we’re all humans, and humans can be oppressive, so now I change my answer to: ‘this is human nature.’
Me: How? they’ve inbred themselves out of the classification of ‘human.’

You let me know what your answer has changed to now.

From that and the rest you seem to say you seem to like using the ‘ad hom’ approach, though perhaps in a less obviously direct way…(using ‘you’ a lot is a sign…sometimes)
why must ‘you’ be so pejorative, it only provides to resistance it would seem more functional to sway with more critically logical arguments? Or at least not rely on terms and styles that make people dislike listening to you…it would seem rather counter-productive…(not that I agree with Fixed Cross though)

I predict a pejorative response…

I’m talking directly to Fixed Cross. That’s why I’m saying ‘you’ - I’m talking to him.

I throw in the rest of that stuff because I’m a writer and I like to practice fun writing sometimes. I find it entertaining to come up with good insults for these people. All they do is sit around resenting us – so why not?

There is a difference between typing out a swear word and an ad hom. For instance, getting together with a bunch of males, to sit around naked in some underground… cellar, where you go out on missions to dig up the bones of natives, and align yourself with wooden owl figures in the woods – and all that stuff – is weird, socially abnormal behavior. So I can say ‘weird, socially abnormal behavior’ or I can phrase it a bit more accurately: being a fucking insane hick that wears a crown and fucks his mom cause uncle mason duke of whatever the fuck said to.

Don’t think they’re inbred crazies? Present an argument as to why. You can use any words you like. I have the ability to read through the lines and not take every single word as literal.

The bottom line is you have to have a bit of fun while talking about this stuff, or it will drag you under. For me the fun is trying to cram as many swear words into a sentence – and still have it read as ok – as is…humanly…possible.