Alternative News. Activist Post, Alex Jones, And Others.

Movies are put out in association with military/think tank social conditioning.

The ones about conspiracies theoriest are not a coincidence. They are intentionally put out to obfuscate the truth. Look at like every Oliver Stone movie ever made. People think he’s making controversial movies and nothing could be further from the truth. He’s working for them.

Most people at this point cannot differentiate between reading something online and seeing it in a movie.

Ask a prosecutor who has spent time working on getting conspiracy convictions in organized crime if he or she has had trouble proving conspiracies took place that he or she is sure occurred. Conspiracies - generally on more modest levels then what get called conspiracy theories - happen all the time, our laws reflect this fact, and many cannot be proven to legal standards. To think that all high level conspiracies happened in the past - take for example the way JP Morgan and others shoved the US in WW1 for profit - but somehow ended recently bears the burden of proof.

And here we have a conspiracy theory.

Technically this makes sense with regards to the music used and also even the general music pervading America…
Drums became largely used primarily for use in marching and war…I would think that as a result there may actually be a degree of genetic memory if not simply social recognition of significant and particular forms of drumming being associative to war…And of course they are so often used in movies but also largely in music…like Heavy metal which is common to many soldiers…

For me ‘conspiracy theory’ is a neutral term. It does not mean silly or wrong. Otherwise the term is simply ridiculous. I was just pointing out it was a kind of conspiracy theory. Though it did have to do with films and not music.

I was addressing you both…should have made a better attempt to be clear…

Democracy only works when a people has a backbone. If the mind and the principles forged from it are looked down upon, and watching videos of people complaining is deemed the highest form of thinking, a society is not worth a representative government. It must be controlled from above, otherwise destruction is certain.

That tyranny guarantees profiteering is obvious, but in a nation of people without standards, everything is preferable to a representational government.

The ‘spirit of the people’ is no longer a western phenomenon - we are in a state of decay, and the few of us who are able to think realize that this is not our governments doing, but the results of not having to fight for anything. People, like all structural, tension-based entities, are in general not worth much to others if they are not forced to make an effort.

Philosophy has never had anything to do with the present, with the current political misery that is almost always occurring everywhere, but with ideas that may carve out cultures from coming centuries. In a generation of people who have been trained to not think about anything but the bliss of momentary indulgence, such activity is naturally considered useless.

No problem. Another reaction I have to the use of the term

Conspiracy theory

as a perjorative is that so many of the people who use the term that way fell for the Bush Administration’s conspiracy theory about WOMD in Iraq and on far less evidence than many CTheorists have for their theories. So an actual conspiracy - a CONSPIRACY to manipulate public support for a war (AS IF it had something to do with 9/11 and as if there was a real threat to Americans) by powerful members of the government - used an official conspiracy theory to get the job done.

When governments make up conspiracy theories they never seem to get this label.

And people go on an on speaking about conspiracy theories as if there were no conspiracies.

It’s bizarre.

They must think our law books are insane with so many kinds of crimes of conspiracy.

There is a difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact. Sometimes people plan a conspiracy, and then they get caught. Most of the time they are not even trying to hide it because there is really no need to.

If you look at movies like Transformers, and other blatant social conditioning showers of propaganda and you see the entire thing is one symbiotic relationship with the US army, promoting their ideals about as obviously as possible, you don’t even need to look at the records to see the US government not only allowed them to use their stuff, but paid them a jesus stack of money to do it.

I’m sure if you were to ask Michael Bay, Stone, or whoever else outright, ‘hey, was this designed with the intention to steer the public towards some nationalistic morality?’ he would say ‘Of course. That’s not a conspiracy theory.’

Just like if you ask anyone outside of America ‘hey, was 9/11 an inside job?’ they would say ‘Yeah, of course, it’s an age-old geopolitical strategy being put to use yet again. What’s so surprising about that?’

If you take out pride a lot of these things become pretty common sense, obviously-a-psychopath-is-going-to-do-that type things. It’s only some conspiracy theory that you assert to others is impossible to solve (wtf? lol) when you’re too proud to admit that you got fucking fooled.

Sure, just because something describes a conspiracy does not mean it happened. It’s just a very strange term.

It would be like calling who you believe thinks poorly

a Thinker.

Oh, he’s just another thinker.

We know there are conspiracies. So the term conspiracy theory HAS TO BE neutral. And yet it is used pejoratively. The fact that people who are taking the position of being the rational ones keep using a term utterly irrationally and do not seem to notice this should be a warning sign.

Sometimes people plan a conspiracy, and then they get caught. Most of the time they are not even trying to hide it because there is really no need to.

I agree in general, though to me JFK made one skeptical about governement and theories, whereas I absolutely agree with the problem of Bay movies, et al.

It seems too many think nothing can be done…perhaps that is part of the problem…

I’ve yet to be familiar with any “facts”…

The main problem with conspiracy theories is that the people don’t like having an aspect of their government or thing personified…that is to say that people point at a single entity, and it seems ridiculous…Because that actually is…in reality it is a large complex interweaving of the social stratum…it isn’t necessarily some group thinking they are actually going to manipulate this or that…These people believe what they are doing is right…They probably don;t even think of it by any means as controlling the public opinions…rather they think they are encouraging support for the military…literally…then when they say that the consipacy theorists says oh that is bull shit …blah blah blah…and gets upset…in reality people need to point out how it is that such is negative because clearly they really do think like that…

Another problem is when the people get tired of the silly ideas the controlers are having and the things they are doing and instead of realizing they were being really stupid they destroy everybody…

The term itself is a conspiracy of sorts. It’s a psychological trigger. When it’s used in the media it (tries to) immediately discredit anything the person says. If you watch Bill O’Reilly when he has guests on that are gifted at debate you see how it’s a literal race to say (and qualify) certain terms first. For example if you go on O’Reilly and say ‘Now Bill, if you call me a nut, or a loon, or [this] you must first take into consideration [that…]’ then it changes the psychological dynamic of him using that term. Suddenly it doesn’t have that subconscious impact because it’s been brought to the conscious.

You’ve not familiar with any facts concerning conspiracies? That’s embarrassing to say the least. There are endless facts concerning conspiracies. So at this point many (myself included) would conclude you’ve simply never looked.


My point is to say that there always remains the possibility that something is wrong…to say something is a fact indicates to so many that it is absolute, wherein the fact itself could be a conspiracy…the idea is that really all we can do is see things as being probable but less than 100% probable…only in hypothetical mathematical situations does anything actually have a certain and perfect 100% probability…in realtiy it is merely a matter of it being highly likely…not a ‘fact’…unless by ‘fact’ you mean something highly likely…in which case i know many many facts…

Is that a i-don’t-understand ‘what’
or a I-don’t-agree ‘what’
or a this-this-is-unintelligible ‘what’

I would say that many do not understand what i was attempting to say above is a cause for many other problems…

You sound like XCZ. If I had a dollar for every time someone offered up that sophomoric argument I would be rich.

It’s like if I watched a thief mug you on the street and then you turn around and say ‘Well, philosophically we don’t know 100% for sure it was him, because truth is unknowable’

When someone says something (seriously) like that in the context of a geopolitical argument you know the discussion is heading south because they are hanging to abstract generalizations in the face of overwhelming evidence that is as accurate as any of the other information sources that same person uses to comprise their (workable) worldview.

Now that socialisms goals have been attained, the socialist adagium has been reversed.

What Marx did was make the proletarian, the man without power, think that he had history on his side, that he was therefore powerful. He installed a self-affirming morality in him. In a sense he did the same as the American constitution. Both focussed on the inherent power of the individual.

Now that all possible freedoms have been attained, what remains is only the indignation that gave rise to them. This now turns against the things that have led to freedom: awareness of power, respect for history, projection of a victorious warpath. They now become: ignorance of power, contempt of history, projection of armageddon.

‘Humanity’ seems like a product because it’s advertised everywhere but, actually it’s the wrapping of another project. The power of the state. An averagely intelligent man buys into the states claim that it represents humanity and so sells his will, to the state which is being revealed as a mask, for a network of powerful families. Such a clan-based power has always been dominant in human history except in nations where truly violent peoples revolutions have formed the law.

I am in the dark as to which families branch out and how, what their unofficial gatherings look like and the exact decisions they make to control the herd and to protect their control. From what I gather though, they are relentlessly ambitious and this fits within the model of the world as will to power, so I have to applaud them for keeping the show going. As they try to keep the masses docile by giving them what they crave: bread and games or consumption products and spectacle, I think sometimes: everybody happy, no?

Well, no not actually, because the corporations could use a little help from the masses, otherwise they don’t work. It is in few peoples interest that the entire power structure of the world is reversed, even though it may seem a pleasant scenario to the weariest. In the atomic age we are forced to cooperate, which means to ascend in the ranks, to take responsibility of the machine.

Is this un-idealistic? Sure, being is not an ideal but the opposite. It only works in terms of its own power over itself, and in all other ways it perishes.

The only solution for the unambitious mass is to come to terms with itself, to stop pining for a world completely without rank differences. The word works by virtue of amounts of effort of which reason as we know it can only be a very thin shadow and helas not by anything like normal behavior. It definitely doesn’t give rise to “self-evident rights”. “Rome” was an impressive illusion, but the belief in the natural existence of moral rights takes the crown. Impressive, therefore I endorse it.

Where are we now? At a place where the weak are dominated or perish and the strong continue as part of the corporation which, absent the perspective of the weak, is perfectly healthy to itself. A healthy creature takes crises as opportunities and gladly incorporates internal revolutions as necessary changes of behavior to adapt to increased power.

That seems rather presumptuous that I would misuse the logic as such… I would not get angry but I would avoid what is not beneficial, even though one does not know 100% they cans still recognize it is most likely, be it that 99% is the best you got that is practically the same as knowing

Rather my point is to point out that it is rather silly to assume something can’t be wrong…which is not an assumption i am saying you made but rather one that is commonly made due to the connotations of the wrod “fact”…How often is it that so many say something stupid is scientifically “proven”…Are not stupid things actually scientifically “proven” when we later find studies that show such was not the case…?

This means that those humans who are both good and strong need to take greater responsibility, and where possible take the positions of those who are amoral and strong.

The fundamental ugliness of the world: The monopolization of goodness by the resentful.

Some of the posts in this thread reflect this monopoly - from an obscured height where a lack of will hides, spit trickles down on those who put their soul on the line to affirm the world.