Alternative News. Activist Post, Alex Jones, And Others.



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This forum is for western bookworm yuppie adult-children You haven’t seen the hundreds of these threads already filled with:

‘Duhhh… I is a philosopher so I’m more comfortable with bend the laws of physics and believing it.’
"Derp… I is a analytical IQ so I don’t need evidence, just a good argument.’
‘Durrr… I is a fourteen-year-old satanist/anarchist/nihilist/other teenage philosophy, I love power… with their powerzzz’

Whatchu talking bout here Willis?

Whatchu talkin bout everyone.


"Duuhhhh… I’m old. Ok? I’m OLD. I’ve watched television, and and listened to the radio, and read like 26 books in my lifetime. I’ve worked the same job for like 40 years and I’m proud of that. I raised you on the credit thrown at my generation with televisions, gaming consoles, and other shiny devices. The cognitive gap between you, and me, when it comes to things like computers, and other concepts, is about the same as the chasm between everyday life and a person with Down’s Syndrome — and because of all that, I’m going to completely ignore anything you say that comes close to messing with the fragile, incredibly sad materialism-injected psychological cacoon I’ve built for myself with lectures on the dangers of the thing I know 1% of compared to you. In response to your involved, source-cited arguments, often times one, two, three hours long in video form I will use just ONE sentence: “I’m pretty old, and I’ve seen a lot in my lifetime, and believe me… if there was a conspiracy, someone would have come forward.”

So conspiracies, don’t happen? It’s all bullshit? There isn’t any groups out there that commit conspiracies against everybody else?

:laughing: Magnific’

Did I miss somthing? I have been known to not catch on other people’s humor. :smiley: … and_drones

  1. of course there are conspiracies, everyone believes in them. Or did you think 9/11 was caused by pilot error? 2) people do come forward, which you would know if you did some research.

Yes, my friend, I’m afraid you did. For I am not 40 years old.

Not quite sure if I understand that reference of your sentence when it concerns being fourty years old. :-k


Keep it up I find it interesting.

If conspiracies don’t happen then where did the word come from?
Surely they are rare, all the more unsuspected, all the more dangerous.
Let the conspirators ramble and we will maintain awareness, should they stop then surely the conspiracy is abound.

Let the government decry it enough, and let enough movies be put out making conspiracy theorists be shown wrong and seem silly and there comes the wave of the entertained thinking that conspiracies are silly…
Perhaps the more conspiracies there are and the more that think them silly the more likely at least one is true that is being hidden by dilution, supported by some entity?

Movies are put out in association with military/think tank social conditioning.

The ones about conspiracies theoriest are not a coincidence. They are intentionally put out to obfuscate the truth. Look at like every Oliver Stone movie ever made. People think he’s making controversial movies and nothing could be further from the truth. He’s working for them.

Most people at this point cannot differentiate between reading something online and seeing it in a movie.

Ask a prosecutor who has spent time working on getting conspiracy convictions in organized crime if he or she has had trouble proving conspiracies took place that he or she is sure occurred. Conspiracies - generally on more modest levels then what get called conspiracy theories - happen all the time, our laws reflect this fact, and many cannot be proven to legal standards. To think that all high level conspiracies happened in the past - take for example the way JP Morgan and others shoved the US in WW1 for profit - but somehow ended recently bears the burden of proof.

And here we have a conspiracy theory.

Technically this makes sense with regards to the music used and also even the general music pervading America…
Drums became largely used primarily for use in marching and war…I would think that as a result there may actually be a degree of genetic memory if not simply social recognition of significant and particular forms of drumming being associative to war…And of course they are so often used in movies but also largely in music…like Heavy metal which is common to many soldiers…