The Ontological Tyranny

Hegel extensively dealt with the things discussed here, and pointed to similar conclusions as I have arrived at… or so it seems. I was just reading in Phenomenology of the Spirit:

[size=90]“This unconditioned universal, which is now the true object of consciousness, is still just an object for it; consciousness has not yet grasped the Notion of an unconditioned as Notion. It is essential to distinguish the two: for consciousness, the object has returned into itself from its relation to an other and has thus become Notion in principle; but consciousness is not for itself the Notion, and consequently does not recognize itself in that reflected object. For us, this object has developed through the movement of consciousness in such a way that consciousness is involved in that development, and the reflection is the same on both sides, or, there is only one reflection. But since in this movement consciousness has for its content merely the objective essence and not consciousness as such, the result must have an objective significance for consciousness; consciousness still shrinks away from what has emerged, and takes it as the essence in the objective sense.” [A. III][/size]
“the reflection is the same on both sides, or, there is only one reflection.”

This reflection is what I have proposed to be recognizable as basic geometry. In a manner of speaking, the screen between the subject and object, the mediator between consciousness and its product (of which it is itself is a product) - the “magic mirror” through which “raw” existence / energy appears to itself as form, being(s).

Interesting application of the verse. My impression is that thought has been trending more and more towards the subjective for several centuries. It may be the result of a rapidly changing society where individuals are atomized and consequently there sem to be less judgments that hold good in the same way for everybody. Realization of our subjectivity has not cured us of our disasterous attempt to overcome our dependence on nature.

Hegel’s statement’s here apparently grew out of Jacobi’s reaction to Spinoza’s “pantheism”. In Spinoza’s system what things are depends on their not being other things. In themselves everything is part of God. So being a particular thing depends on each thing conditioning and being conditioned by everything else. This results in conditions of conditions. Grounding requires something unconditioned. For Jacobi this was God. Faith could not be justified in cognitive terms.

If one does not except God as the explanation of the world of conditions one has to find the conditions of the unconditioned because explanation is precisely the specification of the conditions of something. The German idealists attempted to break out of this infinite regression by proposing to find the unconditioned in subjectivity. That is, consciousness itself is unconditioned because it is what enables us to be aware of all conditions.

To prove it, they appropriated Kant. The existence of the objective world is inferred from causality, but the category of causality depends on the subject. It is the subject’s spontaneous application of the concept of causality to phenomenon.

Hegel seems to take the next step in the passage you quote. Kind of an apotheosis of subjectivism. From there it is only a hop, skip and a jump to the grandiosity of a historical dialectic and projection that the rational was the real and the real rational. No?

I don’t think any scientist has realized his subjectivity to the proper extent. And without including science, a notions of subjectivity are meaningless, because they would still fall within the belief in the presence of scientific objectivity.
It is one thing to understand the world as being perceived as subjective, it is quite another to explain science as a subjective endeavor - refute the notion that it is objective, as I believe I’ve done, sort of. I need to work on that more.

So far the view of science was always ‘in a largely subjective world, at least we can be sure that science is true everywhere’. But we can’t. It all depends on what we start with, the context we choose to manipulate, the criteria we choose to determine consistency.

I’ve tried to show this to be unnecessary. My explanation of “valuation” should account for everything that can be perceived, every form of being, every form. And the beauty is that it does not require belief, just a close look at ones own primary activity.

The key word here is “condition”. That is all one has to look at to explain anything.
There need be no abstract, condition-less explanation of something that is per definition conditioned. Existence is conditioned by it being conditioned. We only need to look at how conditioning is possible in the first place.

But Kant was completely in the dark as to the subjects conditions, how the subject conditions the content of his consciousness.

I find Hegel one of the few who consistently makes sense. He doesn’t just propose things, but thoroughly works out concepts to see what they must lead to, draws consequences, describes process, describes how types of consciousness come into being.

Anyway, the real and the rational are terms for different things, representations of different conceptions. Neither exists as such - neither has meaning for me now that I’ve transcended that dichotomy. So I could not agree that they are equal or interchangeable - in as far as the words have meaning they mean different things. But they are just not meaningful anymore at this point.

Valuation is the consistently relevant term. Notice it’s (derived from) a verb. In as far as anything really “exists” as we understand the term, its being is grounded in this root-activity, the ground of all beings, entities and forms.

What this “primacy of valuation” view brings about is not only an understanding of the supposedly objective in terms of its applicability to the subjective, but also understanding of the subjective in terms of what appears to be happening objectively. The dichotomy “inside”/“subjective” and “outside”/“objective” is not just questioned, but made unnecessary, impossible even.

I don’t know how much any scientist has realized his subjectivity. Science was thought of as a subjective endeavor in so far as thinkers took on the Cartesian aim of making the human subject “the master and Possessor of nature.” A conception of humanity that valorizes our capacity to affirm our sovereignty over ourselves and the world doesn’t seem tenable to me at this point.

I haven’t had your realization. I don’t know how that would work.

That puts us in a place of radical contingency where there is no ground for anything. That may be where we are existentially, but it suggests why the perennial philosophical pursuit of groundedness is so compelling.

Yes, if Kant’s transcendental idealism has any validity, and to my mind it does at this point, it is remarkable that he was able to map the process of cognition so thoroughly without an evolutionary perspective of how it got that was.

Don’t you think the theme of finitude characteristic of post-Hegelian philosophy undermines Hegel’s claim to have access to absolute knowledge?

OK I don’t see how epistemology or ontology can be subsumed under or obviated by valuation.

Felix - there is a radical contingency, yes - lack of ground, to to contrary. If anything this grounds us to a context where things can be known as they are useful to us.

And is that not what in the end is important? This is affirming the bias, letting go the ideal of knowing everything because of the realization that we are not put constituted in a wat to make that plausible. Basic modesty: the world is too many sided to objectively know.

It is possible to us however to know (determine!) what we are, which means to know what we (can) value as ourselves. This is all we need right now, if the aim is good life, instead of brutal extremities.

Pragmatism is always there as a fall-back position. I think William James metaphysical pragmatism was largely a response to Kant’s metaphysical skepticism.

How about this? The realization of the loss of the object in the sense of direct knowledge of the thing itself came through the understanding of the mechanics of perception. Those very mechanics imply a sensible subject. Sensibility itself requires a capacity for being affected. Affectivity includes the possibility of openness. Affectedness by and openness to what? An exteriority, an outside or an other. Thus, subjectivity necessarily involves a relationship with an other. That at least gets us out of solipsism.

I just know James as a psychologist - what did his metaphysical pragmatism entail? How was it metaphysical?

Indeed, though only by implication, but this is good enough.

What is actually identified as the “object” here are the senses, the apparatus of translation of energy to consciousness. I say this because it is through this apparatus that the (what will become known as) objects limitations are first determined. The senses select what is registered of reality and how, and then move this data deeper into subjectivity to the brain to interpret it, where it is established definitively as an object.

I still maintain that this objectification occurs only by virtue of the minds subjectivity, meaning-to-itself, which predicates that the world is to be understood in terms of objects so as to be able to work with it, navigate it in the way that has led so far to survival and selection.

What is unchanged is that where there is no conscious subject, there is no possibility of an object.


I mentioned him here because, I think his pragmatic test of truth was conceived in response to the scepticism of Kant and Hume about the possibility of metaphysical knowledge. To James a grand narrative that was therapeutic met the pragmatic test of truth even if the real object, be it a world or a god, was in a positive sense unknowable.

Right. Subjectivity is defined in terms of its opposite, even if the opposite is only an inference. This, by itself leave open the possibility of conceiving of our existential situation as an I-It or I-Thou relationship as did Martin Buber.

I don’t think so. One spontaneously takes sensation to be about something. Sensations are held to be about something…they include intentionality. Those that are recognized to be “objectless” are identified as hallucinations.



I agree with this in so far as “object” refers to what we create spontaneously in the process of cognitively structuring sensations. But, I still believe in a world that is independent of our minds.

Important point. Global producer/consumer Capitalism (as a grand narrative) passes the pragmatic truth test to those that benefit from it to the extent that it seems to work -that is even though the full effects are unknowable to any one subjective individual at any subjective point in space and time.

I mean I’m quite sure that the Calvinistic perspective is quite therapeutic to anyone who, by Calvin’s tenants, is favored in God’s eyes by virtue of their prosperity, that is while they equally suffer from a great deal of anxiety about their ability to sustain that prosperity.

But then I’m working from the sense that global producer/consumer Capitalism( or I should say the invisible hand of the market is being presented to us as metaphysical.

The point is, felix, you’ve given me reason to take pause as far as the pragmatic truth test is concerned.


At the same time, felix, wouldn’t it be reasonable to argue that since the argument failed to convince everyone (Failed to work for everyone

(it failed the pragmatic truth test

Not to cockblock you, bud

I’m only offering a counter-argument to a path both of us wandered down.

If true beliefs are defined only as those that prove useful to the believer, the argument is successful if it only convinces one person. That seems perfectly acceptable some of the time. But, without some common understanding of the truth, communication would be impossible. Rational communication involves some degree of consensus about what constitutes validity, don’t you think?

That’s how groups come into being.
What fits the interests of the group is called rational, reasonable, true, sensible.
Those who can experience it as such can join the group.

If “rational communication” is replaced with “communication”, I’d say this goes for species-forming in general.

I agree with you on this. But my main point is that we may be pointing to an abuse of the Pragmatic truth test rather than a reason to completely dismiss it.

It just seems to me that the pragmatic truth test should be looked at as a tool, much like that of correspondence and coherence (despite their gaps) -that is as compared to rules. I think they all 3 have their pittfalls. Nevertheless, I think they all 3 can be useful as long as we don’t entertain the bad faith of thinking we’ll find some kind of intellectual construct that will make everything work like some well oiled machine.

But you’re right about communication. Language, and everything rooted in it, is an agreement. If we all made our own rules about what that agreement was, we would be screwed. I seriously doubt civilization would have survived as long as it has if such were the case.

Ironically, that is exactly what this thread has produced.

And herein is the common agreement; we are at struggle, but all for the same thing. We do bot struggle against each other or to overcome each other but this often is a consequence of our need to fulfill our being, which takes much other being into it.

Life is mortal because it consumes.
Capitalism is a consequence of life — life turned to feed on itself in another convolution of natures consuming rift --the star of humanity collapses into capitalism, and a barren neutron star remains. That is the ultimate fate of unbridled capitalism.

But it is a matter of stepping back. Our collapsing star of Earth is simply the collapse of the hydrogen cloud in the mind of man, which will soon burn in fusion with its brothers. The internet has made us even more of a single organism than the word already had one. Ironically, our warring for independence asserted so much our commonalities (will to independence) that we formed a giant bubble of ‘interdependent independence’, which is a contradiction in terms and yet also the grand ideal of most humans on Earth. All want to be free – free to do what?
What if freedom would entail –

No, total freedom is out of the question. Paganism is personal, and the demand for freedom produces unfreedom. It’s as simple as that, the bureaucracy is the testament to the evil of trying to prevent evil.

I posted an excerpt of this thread on jokers forum. … al-tyranny