The Ontological Tyranny

You have no way of knowing what is there without knowledge. We invent a ‘reality’ and imposed that on the next generation and so on.

Have you ever heard the term "reality?’ I’m sure you have and have questions about it. if you had never heard of the term, then there would be no knowledge of it and questions about it would never arise.

Could you have invented a ‘reality?’ Perhaps … and if you told me your version of it and claimed that is what it is where would that put me if I believed you? But that is not reality. If one cannot discover reality, then that puts him in a state of not knowing continually. From then on If you are really interested in finding reality, what has to dawn on you is that your very questioning mechanism is born out of the answers that you already have. Otherwise there can’t be any question.

I think it is odd that this sentence is contructed in the second person plural. How can someone who believes this talk about ‘we’ since everyone else is outside him or her and thus interpretations. They are a part of we which is ding an sich for that person making the assertion.

Not only are you referring to them as if they exist, but you are making assertions about their epistemology, the limits of what they can know.

Model Dependent Realism admits there is no theory-independent concept of reality. Our brains interpret the input from our sensory organs by making a model of the world. When one scientist corroborates the findings another, and those findings support of a tested model, then it strengthens confidence that the model more closely corresponds to reality. We can never know with 100 percent certainty the true nature of that reality. But, even when two models appear to be equally supported by observations, over time we may be able to make more precise observations that show which model more closely matches reality. As Hawking and Mlodinow point out in “The Grand Design”, a model is good if it meets four criteria:

It’s elegant;
It contains few arbitrary or adjustable elements;
It agrees with and explains all existing observations;
and it makes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out.

We select the best models based on their validity, reliability, predictability, and perceived match to reality. Even though there is no POV outside of our brains, we are justified in believing in reality, and that we can come closer to knowing it through science even though our models aren’t perfect.

Dramatic leaps of faith here… there is a reality to correspond to, this reality has a nature, this nature is “true”… and at the same time, it is hidden to us, who are supposed to be experiencing it! It would be absurd if it wasn’t science.

All we can know is that a working scientific model creates a reality.

Subjective valuation, negation of objectivity, of “reality”

Because we must be certain that we understand everything about something before we can accept that it exists

Clause: since this never actually happens, existing observations that do not agree with it must be swept under the rug, interpreted as not actually existing because, they aren’t fitting…

Pertaining strictly to observations of occurrences of which the favored model allows interpretation

But it has to be the reality that we want to be real, the reality over which we can exert the maximum control. Our measure of control over reality determines what is its “true nature”.

No matter of couse that this reality perishes under our attempts to understand it. Reality is just not significant to reality.

I think the idea that we are going to come up with a perfect system or intellectual construct that makes everything hum along like a fine-tuned machine is a form of Sartrean Bad Faith. Given the volitility of of what we choose to do as individuals within a system, there is no way we could possibly hope to control all this with the same precision of mathematics. There are just too many variables involved.

So you’re probably right in suggesting that our best bet would be to accept things as is (to find peace with ourselves) as compared to thinking “things would be better if”.

At the same time, isn’t our trying part of it all? Would it really be better if we just quit trying?

Approaching 50, I come up against this question a lot. You get tired and wonder:

Why am I even doing this? Why is it that important?

Apologies for the lack of responses: I’m on a short vacation and won’t be able to dedicate any significant kind of time to this forum until I return in a week. Until then, I’ll try to make the odd post. I’d also like to state here, definitively, that I am far from dogmatic regarding any of the views I express: I am still in my undergraduate years, and my posts here reflect my experimental development of a positive philosophy. That said, I’d like to take this post to briefly revise the view I expressed regarding interpretation and reality. This is addressed, then, primarily to Only_Humean: I appreciate your counters to my sloppy points.

I believe, at bottom (which is, to be sure, only as far as we can see; for we suppose the limits of our vision to be the island’s shore), the world is a fluid, constant play of appearances, a theater of change. To locate “things” behind the appearances is to take them as signs for something more basic – to read these signs, to induce from them. This is the task of metaphysics: it is a reading of the apparent as if it were sign. But no two signs are the same; no two snowflakes, no two grains of sand can ever be identical, and so the metaphysical concept “being/thing” is but one more appeal to Platonism. To suppose that the infinity of different snowflakes are but different appearances for the “thing”, snowflake, is to locate a uniform essence behind all appearances to the contrary. Indeed, logic itself depends upon such suppositions. In Human, All Too Human 11, Nietzsche declares that “logic… .rests on assumptions that do not correspond
to anything in the real world, e.g., on the assumption of the equality of things, the identity of the same thing at different points in time.” Reality, then (and again, supposing that the boundaries of our “sight” are more than just human limitations) is a thingless, formless chaotic flux, a ceaseless play of appearances. To such chaos, truth is nothing, logic unintelligible, language senseless. All truth, all logic, then, can apply only to the world we’ve invented for ourselves: the world of unified “things” and fixed “beings”. Such a world, however, is nothing if not false. But since to such chaos, truth is meaningless, any attempt to characterize the flux is but interpretation – indeed, to speak of it at all is to interpret. And so: what does it mean to say that his Dionysian monster of formlessness, of ceaseless change and becoming is real, is reality? What can it mean?

To begin: logical axioms like the law of non-contradiction and self-identity cannot be said to apply, nor can conceptual thinking even begin to. Thus: is it any-thing at all? No. Then it cannot be real.

In short: if we cannot speak of this flux of becoming in terms of true and false, if any attempt to speak of it at all is necessarily to interpret, then my position that there is no reality behind interpretation should be slightly clearer.

In that process we will find that there is no problem with our present life. For thought there seems to be one because it makes comparisons. But for the comparisons that thought makes there is no problem with our life as it is; and there is no other life. It is precisely our thought of a better state that prevents us from coming to terms with our life as it is.

After all, there is nothing that can be done. But we can’t accept that, because the instrument that we use for that trying is the thinking, and the thinking can’t accept that because it has always gotten results for us.

An individual is what he is because of all the things that thinking has produced for him, and that have cost much time and effort. Therefore, there’s also the assumption that every result achieved by means of thinking necessarily requires time. And it is this principle that shifts the whole business away from him and says: ‘this situation is hopeless, I need time’, because time has helped to reach results in all the previous situations.

To be yourself requires extraordinary intelligence. You are blessed with that intelligence; nobody need give it to you; nobody can take it away from you. To be an individual and to be yourself you don’t have to do a thing. But to be something other than yourself you have to do a lot.

Whatever pursuit is being indulged in, somewhere along the line it has to be realized that it is not leading anywhere. As long as there is a want of something, whatever it takes to achieve it will be done. That want has to be clear. What is wanted? Is to be at peace wanted? That is an impossible goal because everything being done to be at peace is what is destroying the peace that is already there. The movement of thought has been set in motion which is destroying the peace that is there. It’s difficult to understand that all that is being done is the impediment, is the one thing that is disturbing the harmony, the peace that is already there in you.


We are not yet in a position to admit that there is absolutely nothing we can do to experience being still and ‘see’ the movements of life. We seem to rely on the movement of thought to achieve stillness and so called clarity. How the heck can being still be achieved through the efforts of thought?

And if there is the expectation that something marvelous will happen from what is then called ‘clarity of thinking’, or ‘meditation’ or something similar, then this is an impediment and not clarity.

On what basis shall we accept your arguments against logic? Surely not the basis of logic. Without the law of non-contradiction, your contradictions cannot be challenged, but then, neither is there any justification for accepting them.

Felix, I think I’ve refuted much of what you’ve proposed… I can see you dont want to address that but to prevent this thread from becoming a home for statements without justification, let me repost some of it:

When one scientist corroborates the findings another, and those findings support of a tested model, then it strengthens confidence that the model more closely corresponds to reality.

All we can know is that a working scientific model creates a reality.

[i]As Hawking and Mlodinow point out in “The Grand Design”, a model is good if it meets four criteria:

It’s elegant;[/i]

Subjective valuation, negation of objectivity, of “reality”

It contains few arbitrary or adjustable elements;

Because we must be certain that we understand everything about something before we can accept that it exists

It agrees with and explains all existing observations;

This has never been the case for any scientific law, so this is an empty point

and it makes detailed predictions about future observations that can disprove or falsify the model if they are not borne out.

Pertaining strictly to observations of occurrences of which the favored model allows interpretation

We select the best models based on their validity, reliability, predictability, and perceived match to reality.

But it has to be the reality that we want to be real, the reality over which we can exert the maximum control. Our measure of control over reality determines what is its “true nature”.

Even though there is no POV outside of our brains, we are justified in believing in reality, and that we can come closer to knowing it through science even though our models aren’t perfect.

And we refuse to draw conclusions from the fact that this reality we think we are gaining understanding of seems to suffer, change and even perish under our attempts to understand it. Apparently, reality is just not significant to itself for us - only our control is.

I myself don’t know Reality. But here’s a thought on the above:

To me, the human organism is extraordinary in the way the trillions of cells have a closed sytem of cooperation, predictability and (physical) problem solving. These are some fine ingredients of a type of reality. A reality that operates despite our intellectual understanding and without our intervention. It does not work at our will and pleasure. It acts spontaneously to respond to a challenge. It is innovative and it operates in a clearly defined fashion.

Now, perhaps it is a natural neuronal activity in the brain to form groupings of cooperation from sensory input in an effort to create ‘reality phenomena’ that brings together the body with its surrounding environment in order to ‘live’ in harmony with what the senses detect. This, of course, is not the Reality we are talking about though.

The problem with man is that he has been subjugated by the thought culture which has an immense hold on him and which has created the notion of the self in him. This precludes the living organism’s interacting with nature. That is to say that the self has separated man from nature and the natural scheme of things. Thus man with his self-centeredness leads a duplicate life as a hypocrite, leading himself eventually to diminish in quality.

Jacob—Sorry i missed you.

Does your statement correspond to something in the real world or merely to a reality of your own creating? If it is the latter than it is self refuting.

Yes there is a subjective element to that. But, the simplicity prescribed by the ever popular Occam’s razor is part of that criteria. It is the quality that evokes the response, "I should have thought of that! Why would you prefer inelegant theories?

This appears to be an unjustified assertion. We don’t necessarily know everything about anything. We can subject our observation to other tests of validity, reliability, predictability, and perceived match with other observations.

It has been enough the case to make predictions upon which the internet functions via which we are communicating to name but one example.

Favored models do change based on empirical support viz,. Newton’s=>Einstein’s for example. Thomas Kuhn has denied the more radical subjectivist interpretations of his theory of scientific paradigm shifts. He admitted that scientific development is a “unidirectional and irreversible process,” which means that later scientific theories do make improvements on previous ones.

Has science never uncovered what we don’t want? Model dependent realism doesn’t claim that any model perfectly capture the true nature of an object. It admits our understanding of object is no better than the model or models that produce the most valid reliable results. “True nature” is an ultimate goal toward which observations approach via mutliple measures and refinement and/or replacement of the model.

I agree science may be described as controlling knowledge. As such, it has had postive and negative consequences according to my POV. However, science is a self-critical process that can lead to course corrections.

Some dispute the scientific idea that the ability of a theory to predict and control nature proves its truth. It merely proves that we can turn this crank and get the right answers in a certain area. If you restrict yourself to these areas, your theory naturally appears unassailable.

So, science looks at the idea of Reality, then seeks a … what? … unity with it? Understanding of it? Okay, lets say we attain that, then what? All the build up and excitement is over. We’re back to square one … now what do we do to satisfy this endless thinking that there has to be something more purposefull and meaningful with our lives than what there is?

It’s as if we want change (reasons for which may include something to happen to consciousness to bring about high levels of enlightenment), but the traditional approach of scientific investigation says, ‘We have to capture within the analyzation process constituent parts and examine methodically.’ The scientific approach puts a hold on the flow of energy that is also part of the life of the human functioning.

It’s not all thought, knowledge, intellect, … abstractions that have no element of life energy in them. That energy is something that cannot be captured or understood. It defies methodical examination. All we can do is link certain independent events that we can sense, group and test and call this a theory, a philosophy, or a story of some imposed significance.

I mean that scientific testing and verifying includes bringing into existence of occurrences, not just active interpretation of […] as occurrences.

Because science, as all systematic thought, is based on a strict sense of aesthetics, of observable value. The judgment is purely human, nothing to do with a hypothesized “world-in-itself”. If such a world exists at all, then science draws us further away from it by our deepening projection of our aesthetic sense into it.

It is putting it a bit strong, but in general, observed phenomena are rejected as illusions when there is no scientific ground to explain them. This tells us only that we trust our aesthetic sense to reveal to us what can exist.

I don’t think that the science behind the internet agrees with all existing observations.
It is an establishment of relations of certain types of observations isolated in a created context.

This is what I meant when I said that all that can be said with certainty about science is that it creates reality. The existence of the internet is not a proof of any postulated nature of the universe, it is just a proof that establishment of certain isolated contexts allow for certain manipulations of to bring about new realities.
What we may learn from this only pertains to the nature of our own observation - that it allows us to change things when we concentrate it on artificially isolated contexts.

But that is only logical, since what we call science is always based on what has before been called science. Einstein used Newton to arrive at his own theories.

There are plenty of knowledge-systems that do not corroborate, or are not corroborated by what we call science, and to these, the above does not apply. They are dismissed as quackery even if overwhelming empirical evidence supports them - they cannot be considered true because they do not rely on the favored premises.

It has never explained something over which it did not subsequently have control.
That is it’s way of uncovering - isolating a context in which it can predict and bring about predictable results.

I personally do not think that “true nature” has a connection with power to predict very specific events in a hermetically isolated context. If there would be such a thing as true nature it would be found by not isolating contexts, but keeping the context for interpretation as wide as possible.

I don’t think that it knows how to be self critical, because for that it would have to understand that it is not observing and describing objectively, but is projecting and manipulating.

It is corrective of itself in terms of content, but not of perspective. It has never included its perspective in its findings. It is impossible to scientifically theorize like that. Which seems to be why it has been in a deadlock for a hundred years now - on a certain level, nature simply doesn’t corroborate this perspective anymore.

Based on its powerful belief in its own objectivity, science assumes that the contradictions it runs into are embedded in reality, instead of allowing the simple and quite feasible thought that the assumptions on which scientific method is based may at one point conflict with what we actually observe.

The demand for repetition of the same thing over and over again is the demand for permanence. Such permanence is foreign to nature and its unique creations. Thought’s demand for permanence is choking life and distorting perception. That kind of thinking sees itself as not just the protector of its own continuity, but also the continuity of how the life interacts with nature. Both are utterly false.

Scientific thought is an interloper, which thrusts itself into the affairs of nature. It has a profit motive, directing the activity of nature’s creations to get something.

It seems that some sort of radical change must take place, but without the interference of will.

If the realization (that we are disturbing nature) occurs through no volition of yours, then that’s the end of it. You will have no need of stopping it, of changing the situation at all. You don’t want to. You just go through it and what comes of it is the natural expression of life and reality. It does no good to question reality. Question, rather, your goals, your beliefs, and assumptions. It is from them, not reality, that you must be freed. These pointless questions you are asking will disappear with the automatic abandonment of your goals.

I’d say with a greater conception of will.
A wider, less lineair/singular type
a net of will spanning the globe, providing coordinates for balanced all round growth of humanities self-conception.

I see this web as the spirit of music. In the spirit of Nietzsche’s earliest work, which was pointing into a different direction than his latest, I would not hesitate long to identify this Form as the ultimate, the only objective science I believe in.

All arts are related in lesser ways to the same kind of objectivity - aesthetics without the aim of usefulness. A science far purer - because more honest as to what it is - than what we normally call science.

It is a different use that follows unintended from an aesthetics that is established for the sake of it being aesthetic, than what is aimed at by aesthetics for knowledges sake.
Music can be interpreted as useful, but it will be useful to a different purpose than knowledge of the workings of matter.

No science has proven to be as powerful an inducer of both exalting and uniting drives as music. Most exalting drives are isolating, most uniting drives are abasing, but music is able to exalt beyond this dichotomy. This comes with a price - introspection. Listening to it, we have to recognize our experience as a reality. Science allows us to ignore this up to a certain point. (A point at which we invented string-theory…)

What beautifully simple creatures we are. There is hope for us.

What about rhetoric? Is rhetoric not aesthetic? Isn’t rhetoric tonal and fluid? Doesn’t it have direction? Or is it not an art with usefulness? Or is rhetoric an art at all?

What about poetry? Literature? Theatre? Are these art or are they aesthetics “without the aim of usefulness?”

It is an art, in as far as it is aesthetic.
But it is not of the same order as music - to begin with it needs language, which is not only selective to culture but more importantly conceptual, therefore indirect, misleading. Music can not mislead - it is what it is, it does not signify something else than the experience of hearing it.

I think that Aristotle approached rhetoric as certain producers approach music as a product, making it so that it works on the absent minded listener. It is a low artform.

Actually I said that music is aesthetic without the aim of usefulness, aesthetics for aesthetics sake. Art. Art can be useful to a purpose, but if the purpose is prior to the sense of aesthetics, it doesn’t work.