Haiku Tag

Universe at play
Punctual exclamations
Dancing bananas!!!


universe at play
cosmos gains agility
beings work hardly

crap… splivage

dancing bananas
potassium enriched legs
fruitful exercise

Dancing bananas!!!
Dragon’s neurons firing…
She skims the waves…weeeee!!!

splivage :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, my bad :blush: Didn’t see you in there Oughtist :laughing:

fruitful exercise
climbing up that cherry tree
I got it - Yummy!!

Fruitful exercise
Mammalian sea creature
She skims the waves…weeeee!!!

Splivage all over the place!

I got it - Yummy
splivage all over the place
juicy bitten fruit

She skims the waves…weeeee!!!
Ahoy - seagull nose diving!
It’s dinner time!

It is dinner time!
Munch, munch, chomp, chomp, “I’m eating;
I’ve no time to talk.”

I’ve no time to talk
To busy surfing the net
To get caught in it.

To get caught in it,
Is to let the self go to,
Too much a degree.

Too much a degree
My first Haiku was marred by
Prosaic error

Hey Pav…you are good! You noticed my contraction (minus 1 :blush: )

I’ve no time to talk…
Tis better - the listening!
Silence is golden!

:blush: did it again

Prosaic error!!
From mundane to the sublime…
If we but see it!

If we but see it
is not there in any sense
at all times unclear

at all times unclear
through pyroclastic night we
fly by instruments

fly by instruments
swatted due to sensitive
nature of machines

nature of machines:
mechanical garden blooms
vibrant transistors

vibrant transistors,
round neon forests of wire;
nuclear explosives.

nucl’ar explosives
scary shit for live people
making dead grateful