He wants me to smoke

Ice is a chick? Shit eh. Cool. :sunglasses:

I suggest you only smoke on special occasions. A few cigarettes now and then won’t hurt you. Don’t take up smoking full time, even if you’re in love with him. If he’s in love with you, it shouldn’t bother him too much.

Congrats, Magsj. You’ve instilled within my gagging heart of pessimism and contempt for all human abomination a slightly less gagging heart of pessimism and contempt for all human abomination . . .

…just ‘slightly less’ Gaia? Surely my words have had more impact than that on you? will they have more: if I say that I also instill those values in all around me…?

We are not here to be used and abused by anybody, but adored and admired by everybody - who the hell wants to come into the world for anything less: let alone to let the former be true for them…

Ice just smoke. If you don’t learn to obey your man, then you’ll never be able to keep one that loves you.

I only like my girls smoking one thing. And well… yea…

Tell him to eat your ass with a spoon and then you might start smoking…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Smears.

Smoke what?

why would he want you to smoke cigarettes?( the guy sounds kinda gay)
ganja on the other hand is another issue, you should definitely smoke that

Actually,research has shown smoking in moderation can be good for you . Tobacco smoke has Iron,Vitamin C & E in it . Read the article here published by the U.S national instinute for health. I would say have a few,he does want you to . You say you love him,so It cant harm the relationship by trying,and certainly wont harm your body,as long as you are sensible with the amount you smoke. You dont want to look back and regret anything either,those precious moments you might have shared ,the laughing and joking as you smoke packs of cigarettes together into the early hours getting to know one another,you,being swept of your feet as you learn how wonderful he is,before long,he carries you over the aisle,his breath & clothes reeking of tobacco,the thing which brought you both happiness in the first place,because you were willing to look inside,and be there for him. Follow your heart. If you really love him,you will go along with this .

Eloquently put disciple.

Ice, can’t you find someone a bit more normal(like a guy that gets turned on from girls pissing on him). Smoking among females used to be associated with whores(especially the long french whore cigarette things)

I don’t know if smoking tobacco is really good for you, if you look at it that way doing a line of coke here and there is also good for you as it stimulates brain activity :laughing: if you do smoke, don’t smoke cigarettes smoke weed. if you dont want to smoke weed, then smoke rolling or pipe tobacco, cigarettes have those shitty filters that contain the worst crap(rat poison, fossil fuels etc)


Oh sure its just women that do that. :unamused: ](*,)

…how did you know what my secret fantasy was, Stoned-K #-o


:laughing: Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS(movie):lol:

i dunno the words “turn on” make my mind flick to these type of scenes, you know stilletos, whipping, defecation and piss :laughing: not smoking cigarettes or wearing glasses :laughing:

strange how people are so refined in what their perverse tastes are…I wonder how many genres of porn there were originally, and now…

Scat snuff is where it’s at. There’s no greater turn-on than watching someone choke on a piece of shit.

What do you mean, Impious? You like the fact that I paid attention to Bush’s 8-year term?

…you guys do know I was only joking, right?

Funny, my girlfriend got tired of being ragged on by me due to her smoking so she promised she’d quit if we’d quit together. It only required that I start smoking for 3 months. Well, we both smoke now because I got to really like it. Surprisingly it worked out better since I’m not bothered by her smoking now. :slight_smile:
I know it’s bad for our health and we’ll quit eventually but, for now, it works out fine.
If your boyfriend is OK in other ways, it may be a good thing…at least from my limited experience. Maybe this way you’ll both quit together some time also.

…or start vaping instead… the couple that vapes together stays together? :confusion-shrug:
