What Is Your Understanding Of A Feminist? Are You One?

Be that as it may, the White plantation owners who were well aware that the Black slaves were not “less than equal in worth” still happily lived the good life off this inequality. “All life is precious;” but this doesn’t stop most people from eating non-veg. Matters of morality are easily overlooked when personal profit and welfare are at stake.

No doubt they are tired of lying there and getting fucked with no concern for their “needs.”

The Western Empire has already fallen, but a masculinist Byzantium will hold out for a very long time --and men will still have their clothes washed, floors swept and cocks sucked in the East long after there is a woman in the White House.

As usual, I get my highest truths from George Carlin. He sketches out the positives and negatives of feminists.


Here’s the video:


Here’s the text:

tremolocowboys.com/Lyrics_G/ … yrics.html

Here’s an excerpt:

(begin excerpt)
"As I said, I got nothing against the feminists.
In fact, I happen to agree with most of the feminist philosophy I have read.
I agree for instance, that for the most part, men are vain, ignorant, greedy, brutal assholes who’ve just about ruined this planet
who’ve just about ruined this planet because they’re afraid someone might have a bigger dick out there somewhere.
Men are basically insecure about the size of their dicks and so they go to war over it. "
(end excerpt)

Damn, I knew I should have stayed on the plane just a couple more stops…

And all those men getting their cocks sucked in the East were brought up by women to be misogynistic self-centred bastards.

I am a sexist chauvinistic male who is not afraid to mention it.

Haha no doubt.

Women have it easy and there is no doubt about that.

[b]( They piss me off too.)

( It really is a love hate relationship.)[/b]

Bleh, women are emotional deviants and emotionally irrational.

Femanin men kind of piss off a little too.

ROTFLMFAO. That is a good joke!

Yıkes! Are all phılösöphers chauvınıst pıgs? Thıs ıs as ‘bad’ as the threads about Black people. Is no one gonna stand up for the ladıes?

I was wondering along those lines myself. I would have thought a philosophy forum would attract progressive-minded types. I thought this thread would draw some elaborations on the various avenues feminism has taken, some critiques of the radical varieties, but not knee jerk opposition to the modest demands of equity feminism. BTW, are there any women in this forum? Sorry if you’re one, ariellowen. If you are, rally your sisters

I’m a sexual egalitarian. I would call myself a feminist, but these days that means being pro-female, rather than egalitarian. I believe that equality, as they say, goes both ways. On the other hand, biologically there are a few pretty fundamental differences between them that, short of some pretty radical evolution in human physicality, remain problematic to any program or ideal of equality.

It doesn’t help calling anyone who either makes a joke or doesn’t come out explicitly firing ‘for the ladies’ a ‘chauvinist pig’. Just a suggestion.

I could take up the side of the ladies if that’d make for a better thread. How about this,
You guys are all sexist! Your arguments are illogical and unfounded in anything observable. I’ve yet to see any substantial evidence for a single claim here of any relevant difference between the sexes! You’re all a bunch of man-ists!

Well, feminism is an ill defined concept. There aren’t just two types of feminism there are multiple feminisms. If one then assumes a single, unitary framework, it becomes sophomorically easy to ridicule.

To a large extent, liberal feminism has won the war but is still waging many battles.

Part of the problem, perhaps, is identity politics as a whole. Like any society, ideology, government, or movement that claims collectivism as a goal, it immediately confuses individual reactions with collectivist reactions. I can’t think of an example where this doesn’t happen.

The problem then is not feminism as such, but the inability to differentiate between one’s own needs and the needs of the whole.

And that brings us back to Classical Liberalism.

Well, I put up 8 minutes of video that shows a balanced look at feminism. But If I have to post more, here more is:

“But, when it comes to changing the language, I think they make some good points, because we do think in language and so the quality of our thoughts and ideas could only be as good as the quality of our language.
So maybe some of this patriarchal shit ought to go away.
I think spokesman ought to be spokesperson.
I think chairman ought to be chairperson.
I think mankind ought to be human kind, but they take it too far, they take themselves too seriously, they exaggerate.
They want me to call that thing in the street a personhole cover.
I think that’s taking it a little bit too far.
What would you call a lady’s man, a person’s person?
That would make a He-man an It-person.
Little kids would be afraid of the boogieperson.
They’d look up in the sky and see the person in the moon.
Guys would say come back here and fight like a person.
And we’d all sing “for it’s a jolly good person.”
That’s the kind of thing you would hear on late-night with David Letterperson.
You know what I mean? So…so I think it’s an exaggeration and I like to piss off any group that take’s itself a little bit too seriously.
An it does not take a lot of imagination to piss off a feminist.”

Funny and true.

I’ve heard that most hardcore feminists tend to have small nipples and a very large clitoris.

Well, as sirEbrum has so aptly demonstrated to us, one reason is that this forum, while it is dedicated to philosophy, is also over-populated by college-aged boys (and perhaps a few older men who never quite grew beyond that stage…) whose immaturity and lack of life experience makes their opinions about feminism pretty much useless. They’re still figuring out how you get girls for sex, you see. The problem is that even the bright ones don’t realize this – the immaturity factor – and so a thread that could go somewhere worthwhile continues to suffer from their verbal flatulence.

Just watch and see, it never fails.

Actually it was factual.

I am going to get a thread of individual pissed off men so that we may create a manism against women bitching about how evil men are. :laughing:

It is going to be cool.

( It is only fair if manism is recognized with feminism for that would be true equality.)